Place of Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona


THE OGBONA THAT FLOWS IN MY VEINS (14) STEPS TO BECOMING THE OKPHE UKPI OF OGBONA Dr. John Odior Anaweokhai. Chief Patrick Ajayi Oboarekpe who later became the Oghieavianwu of Avianwu in 1986 was occupying the highest seat in the land while growing up but was embroiled in a fierce legal battle with Chief Ikhanoba Ikpeto from Ivhiorevhor over the throne. The ensuing litigation divided Ogbona into two stiff oppositions with tents pitched on both sides, of course, with attendant polarizing consequences. The effects of the dispute transcended the confines of the immediate and extended families of the two parties involved in the imbroglio. It affected every facet of the life of the community. Hitherto friendship bonds which had taken years to build were slaughtered on the altar of of power tussle. Men put their lives on the line and did things unimaginable all because of the Throne. I remember one particular incident where Eramhas Ikielu Omiawa, Okpokpo Itsani and Izagidi went to Ivhiorevhor in broad daylight to purloin Chief Ikhanoba’s Ukpi, his symbol of authority. How a heinous act of that magnitude was plotted and executed with such success remains a mystery to this day though some people have attributed the success to the deployment of the traditional power of invisibility otherwise known as Ebiko. It was a suicidal mission that no man in his right frame of mind would ever contemplate. After a while, Chief Ikhanoba passed on. The legal fireworks that were ensured between Chief Ikhanoba and Chief Oboarekpe pales into insignificance compared to what transpired between Chief Vincent Omadimhe and Chief P.A. Oboarekpe over the same throne. It was a war of sorts that divided the four quarters in Ogbona into two factions. Ivhiorevhor was in solidarity with Okotor while Ivhiochie and Ivhido were on the same page over the issue. This is not to disparage the pocket of opposition that existed within each side too. Chief Oborekpe was a tobacco farmer while Chief Omadimhe was a saw miller and a transporter. By all standards, Chief Omadimhe was a successful local businessman who made a fortune for himself while his peers were still struggling to meet their daily expenses in the village. I remember his rice mill factory, the two lorries, Obayaye and Ozoghor of blessed memory. In the end, both Chief Oboarekpe who was a teacher before he became the Okphe Ukpi in 1955 and Chief Omadimhe extended a considerable amount of their fortunes in court cases over the throne. Though the community was evenly divided along those lines, issues that bothered the well-being of the community were jointly handled. I remember when Ogbona had an issue with Ekperi over a gravel minefield. In unison, Ogbona went there in broad daylight, chased out Ekperi people with little or no resistance, took over the land, sold off the gravel and returned home with all their mining tools. The war between Ogbona and Imiava was succinctly dealt with in the 12th episode of this series. all the same, every Ogbonan was involved and affected directly or otherwise by the impacts of the war. the most unifying incident I can remember without straining my memory walls was the construction of Ogbona Secondary School’s premier classroom and staff room buildings between 1979 and 1980. It was a project that brought out the best in Ogbona. It put to rest permanently in my mind the question of the existence of a contrary power against the potency of unity inherent in a community when brought to the fore. It proved to me as a young lad that there is no limit to what the power of togetherness can achieve when plainly explained and properly harnessed for the common good of the people one was left out. Even as a primary four pupil, one boy and I were made to carry 2*2 sawed wood from Imhakhena Primary School along the main road to the school under construction. All the artisans in Ogbona were involved. even non-artisans were involved as labourers. The women were not left out as they also helped out with the concrete work. Ogbona people levied themselves heavily to ensure the school was completed in time. It was gratifying to note that regardless of which side one was over the throne legal fireworks, there were always red tapes. It is appalling and disappointing that despite the potential danger posed to the well-being of the community by the dispute over the Throne, we never bothered to find out about the procedures or steps to the Royal Stool of Ogbona kingdom. Steps to The throne are well spelt fact, there should be no shadow of doubt or disagreement on who should be the legitimate Opkhe Ukpi of Ogbona. But before we proceed further, who is qualified to be The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona? Every male child of Ogbona is qualified to aspire for the highest seat in the land because, like The Other Four Villages of Ivhiarua, Ivhinone, Uralo and Ogbona that make up Avhianwu clan, kingship is not by primogenitures. In other words, kingship is not monopolized by one family and there is no perpetual heir to the throne from a particular family or quarter. It is rotated among the quarters that make Ogbona. It must be posited herein that The taking of the OKHEI title is sine qua non to one’s eligibility to contest for the Royal Stool. It must also be clarified that there is no illegitimate son in Ogbona. Ogbona is divided into two ruling houses. As such, The Ukpi rotates between the two ruling houses of Ivhiokhua and Ivhiomierele. Those two names should bring to our minds how age group rites are performed among the male folks. I heard of Ivhiokhua for the first time during my age group initiation. All positions are shared between the two houses. Ivhiokhua is made up of Ivhiorevhor, Ivhitse, Ivhiobore, Ivhiosano, Ivhiobiri and Ivhetso while Ivhiomierele -Okotor is made up of Ivhiozima, Ivhioroke, Ivhiovhaghua and Ivhioverah The other subordinate


CongratulatION TO HRH Chief Vincent A Otsoi on His one year on throne as the okpe – Ukpi of Ogbona

Ogbona Elites Forum wishes to congratulate HRH Chief Vincent A. Otsoi on his one year on the throne as the Okphe-Ukpi of Ogbona. May your reign continue to bring sustainable peace and more development to Ogbona. God Almighty will continue to bless and grant you more years of fruitful and peaceful reign on the throne. Amen

CongratulatION TO HRH Chief Vincent A Otsoi on His one year on throne as the okpe – Ukpi of Ogbona Read More »

Farewell to A Great King, Late Chief Willy Idode, Okphe Ukpi and Head Ogbona Sub Clan (1959- 2022)

Farewell to A Great King, Late Chief Willy Idode, Okphe Ukpi and Head Ogbona Sub Clan (1959- 2022) By Elias Inaede It was a life so beautifully lived to promote unity rooted in deep love, humanity, growth and development for his people. The Memories of the Late King, Chief William Uloko Idode, the immediate past Okphe Ukpi and Sub Clan Head of Ogbona will remain an indelible footprint for generation yet unborn judging from the quality leadership which he provided for his people during his reign. The Final burial ceremony of Late Chief Willy Idode indeed, showcased the success story of a selfless king whose reign attracted peace, unity and progress to the indigenous people of Ogbona Community. Late Chief Willy Idode was a strong pillar of the arts, Culture and tradition of the people of Ogbona Community. Indeed, the Black Race has lost a Titan in the person of HRH William Idode. Born on 4th April, 1959 to the Family of Mr. Momodu Ojakpa Idode and Mrs Lametu Amiunomhene Idogho both of Ivhiobore Quarter of Ogbona. He was a Peace Loving King, a Unifier and a Beacon of hope to those who came around him as His contributions to humanity were highly acclaimed. He died at a time His Royal advice and guidance was most needed by the People of Ogbona Community. There is no doubt about the fact that the final burial ceremony was remarkable in the memories of the people of the community who came out enmasse in honour of a King whose positive footprint in the community would stand the test of time. Expectedly, the Final burial Ceremony of Late Chief Willy Idode was an opportunity for reunion by Family members, Friends, Well Wishers and Schoolmates of the Late King who came to pay the last respect to the King in view of the tremendous achievements and growth under the rulership. He was able to restore orderliness and peace in the community as a result of his exemplary leadership qualities that has endeared him to the heart of the people of the community. Guests at the ceremony that took place on 23rd December, 2022 at the Ogbona Secondary School Field, Ogbona, were treated to a lavish reception with a reknowned Music Legend, King Benji Igbadumhe trilling the Visitors with sole touching melodious numbers. Late Chief Willy Idode was an exceptional traditional Ruler of inestimable value and a God-fearing Man whose death till date has created a huge vacuum in the community and whose role in uniting and strengthening the community would be greatly missed. This was the testimony given by the Oghianviawu of Avianwu HRM Chief Jackson Etokhana in his speech. He also admonished the Ogbona Community of the due process to install a new King which must not be undermined. In like manner, “the Egboise” Second in Command of the Community Chief Vincent Otsoi also enumerated the virtues of the late king as a Unifier, kind, selfless and truthful. Extolling the rare qualities of his father, the Son of the Deceased Mr. Aloaye Idode in his tribute, described his father as an exceptional man, a great father, a role model and a true symbol of a man who contributed his quota selflessness to the growth of the family, community and humanity. According to Aloaye, the Deceased was a hardworking man, a Disciplinarian, a God-fearing man, an Exemplar and a resourceful man whose valuable services would be greatly missed. His World rolled along like a song. The deceased was an effective and compassionate Ruler and a pragmatic Christian who would be remembered for his legacies and contributions to mankind. Chief Idode stood on the truth to administer justice to all irrespective of age, political, economic, social and academic status without fear or favour. He was never afraid to speak the truth regardless the parties involved. His love for Ogbona community was without rival. His influence was in every aspect of the community, primary and secondary education, scholarships for the indigents and proper running of the schools including recruiting teachers. He touched the medical institutions, Markets, Security, governance and peace in the community. This was remarked by the Funeral Organizing Committee Chairman Mr. John Odior Anaweokhai in his welcome address. His reign brought about the abrogation of some cultural practices of gender discrimination against women especially on matters of inheritance and the transformation of the annual New Yam Festival into an occasion of sharing with the needy and community annual day of thanksgiving. HRH, Late Willy Uloko Idode took ill sometimes 2021. This he was able to manage until early 2022 when the required cost of treatment became so huge for him to bear alone. As a king loved by everyone, the community at large through the following various development groups, Ogbona Federated Union, Ogbona Elite Forum, Ogbona Youth Forum, Age Groups and other notable persons from in and outside the Ogbona community made the needed contributions of funds for his treatment. This treatment took place in various specialist hospitals within Nigeria. UBTH Benin City, Lagos, Irua Specialist Hospital Irua, Edo State and several hospitals in Abuja. He finally passed on at home and was immediately buried according to Avianwu Royal Tradition on the 5th October, 2022. After the burial, the Palace set up a committee of eminent sons and daughters of Ogbona to plan for a befitting funeral for the late Opke- Ukpi. Membership of this committee which was chaired by John Odior Anaweokhai cut across the late king’s immediate family, the Ogbona Palace Chiefs, Ogbona Elite Forum and Ogbona Youth Forum. This committee was further de-centralized into sub-committees for proper coordination. The committee raised fund once more from both within and outside the community for the funeral which finally took place on the 23rd December, 2022. The well-coordinated occasion was also well attended by college of dignitaries that cut across traditional leaders, politicians, business magnates, age groups, Okada Ride Ogbona association, various churches etc. Late Chief Willy Idode died at the age of 63

Farewell to A Great King, Late Chief Willy Idode, Okphe Ukpi and Head Ogbona Sub Clan (1959- 2022) Read More »

HRH Chief Williams Uloko Idode 1959-2022

  HRH Chief Williams Uloko Idode 1959-2022 When beggars die, there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of prince. Shakespeare There is a time to be born and a time to die, so says the good. HRH, Chief Williams Uloko Idode, born 4th April 1959 to Mr. Momodu Ojakpai Idode and Mrs. Lametu Amiunomhene Idogho, both of Ivhiobore quarters, Ogbona, has played his part and took his exit but at a time his ingenuity, sagacity and pragmatics approach to life are most needed. We give God the glory for a life well spent. Much as one is not old enough to do a comprehensive comparative analysis of all the Okphe Ukpis that have ruled our community before now, it goes without saying that his reign helped to unify the community and brought quantum of developments hitherto unseen in the history of our community, chief among which were renovation of schools, provision of furniture, renovation and construction of health center, drilling of boreholes, extension of electricity to some parts of the community, provision of new and maintenance of old transformers . He had this unquantifiable passion for human capital development for the community which manifested in the number of people he helped to gain employment and admissions to schools of their choices. His rich knowledge and exposure to the outside were well leveraged in the areas of security and the engendering of peaceful atmosphere for development to thrive. It is on record that no sooner was he enthroned than His Royal Highness set up Ogbona reconciliation committee, purposely to insulate chieftaincy affairs from partisan politics, thus setting the tone for healing that helped the community to see common issues that united it than the ones that divided it. Chief Idode was a just arbiter who never feared to speak the truth regardless the parties involved. He saw the cup as half full than half empty. His love for Ogbona community was without rival. I remember in January 2018 when I got a call from him, inviting me to join him to see the Chief Medical Director of UBTH in Benin City. Chief Idode came prepared and with all the composure, mental alertness and seriousness the occasion demanded, he reeled out the challenges faced by Chief M.C.K Orbih Comprehensive Health Centre at home. The high point of the visit for me was when he made a case and personally submitted application letters from Ogbona people to be employed as medical personnel. His leaving home to live with his uncle, Dr. J.B.Idode in Benin City in 1970 where he attended Arinze Primary School and Western Boys High School Benin City 1972 -1977; his stint with Nigerian Defense Industry in Kaduna and as teacher at home in 1979 prepared him for the task ahead. It was not surprising that he was invited In 2007 by elders of his Ivhiobore kindred, with pressure from the then Clan Head, The Ogieavianwu of Avhianwu, Chief Patrick A. Oboarekpe to accept and hold in trust, Egboise for them which is second position to Ukpi title. He accepted albeit, reluctantly because he was doing very well in business and politics. The Egboise graduated to Ukpi drummer in 2008 when HRH T.A. Osigbemhe died and he remained The Okphe-Ukpi of Ogbona until his demise. He was particularly thankful to God that collectively, we were able to move the community forward, better than where it was when he took over. Good night Your Highness John Odior Anaweokhai Peter Aigba Adieu…. My dear King! O death! Where is thy sting, ……. Today is a sad day for us all. The death of our King is monumental loss by all sense of the word after a protracted illness. I woke up this morning and I was shocked to learn about this tragic loss, and I know we are all shocked, scared and perhaps angry at the unfairness that took him from us in such an untimely manner. We are probably all seeking answers to why this happened, but undoubtedly, this is part of God’s plan. We all knew the exemplary fashion with which Chief Willy loved us, loved our community, saw strength in our unity and advocated radical emancipation from our old ways that were emmeshed in trado-political imbroglio and rancor in our community. He was a bridge-builder, a scores-settler, and a peace-making king, such of which is rare to find in our generation of kings. His demise has thrown our community both at home and in diaspora into mourning. We cry to God and ask why once more, but we are assured that he has done well and for that, he may as well be in a better place now. As we now accept that our king is in a better place, we must now as a community, as family, as friends, acknowledge our loss and contemplate the great importance of Chief Willy Idode’s life even as we grief and wallow in sadness. We now owe it to the Okphe-Ukpi and ourselves to focus on the big picture of what Chief Willy Idode life meant to us (as Ogbona community) and what it stood for. The Okphe-Ukpi’s transition to the great beyond will definitely have a lasting effect on us and therefore his legacy must never be undermined. From his youth days through school, he worked so hard to maintain financial independence despite his humble background. Amongst the many opportunities within his reach, he sought a teaching career until he succeeded thrown in 2007, this is quite an impressive journey and perhaps a journey that was full of difficulties yet surmounted. Chief Willy Idode had an active but a progressive mindset, never say never attitude, an elaborate thought process, excellent memory, exceptional taste for knowledge, unwavering and well thought through opinion, and was a listening king. Our Okphe-Ukpi, was hard-working from the day he wore the crown till death, even on his sick bed he pondered about our people and about our unity. Above all of

HRH Chief Williams Uloko Idode 1959-2022 Read More »

2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities

2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities. March 13, 2021 By Elias Inaede, The need for unity, forgiveness and love among the various communities in Avhianwu has again be stressed. This was the submission of the Okpeukpi of Ogbona sub clan head, HRH Chief Willy Idode in his message to felicitate with his subjects on the ocassion of this year’s Aduikwu kwa festival in an interview with ELIAS INAEDE MEDIA GROUP on Saturday in his residence in Ogbona. He emphasized the need to forgive one another in order to receive the blessings of God and that no emni ty should exceed beyond Aduikwu kwa day. While wishing the people of Ogbona and Avhianwu Clan a peaceful Aduikwu kwa day festival, the traditional Ruler, maintained that, the only way the cultural heritage of Avhianwu can be preserved was to carry everyone along in the scheme of things and that those who are responsible in preserving the cultural heritage of Avhianwu should always give a sense of belonging to every community and not when decisions are already made that a message will be passed across. According him, that would guarantee peaceful co existence in Avhianwu. He urged all and sundry to unite and imbibe the spirit of forgiveness by engaging in acts that can bring unity and progress to the community rather than indulging in acts that separate Avhianwu as a community. Aduikwu kwa day is the traditional new year in Avhianwu clan.

2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities Read More »

Ogbona Community plans musical extravaganza — HRH Chief Willy Uloko Idode

Ogbona Community plans musical extravaganza — HRH Chief Wily Uloko Idode By Gabriel Omonhinmin 14 April 2019   |   2:59 am   On April 4, His Royal Highness, Chief Willy Uloko Idode, Okphe-Ukpi of Ogbona, celebrated his 60th birthday and nine years on the throne. He called Palace Watch to discuss his people’s plans to mark their bi-annual festival known as the Ogbona Day later this month. He said: “it is going to be a massive musical extravaganza that will re-awaken our people’s cultural consciousness, especially in the area of music and dance drama. We have long realised that the area we have comparative advantage other than the farming is music. “In Etsako in particular and Edo State in general, we are known as the music makers. So, we want to take advantage of it. Indeed, it was my resolve that, at 60 and nine years on my ancestral throne, I must provide required leadership to boost my people’s economy. “Although it is innate in us to make good music, which we use as a weapon to correct the ills in our society, and redirect men’s affairs. But this we have done for several decades purely for personal entertainment during festivities. Now, we have decided to take this a step further, by organising this musical extravaganza that will attract many guests within and outside Edo State to Ogbona. “During the period the extravaganza will last, our guests will be entertained in a manner they won’t forget in a hurry. We are expecting Edo State government and Federal Government to send representatives and partner with us, in our desire to make Ogbona one of the cultural hubs of Edo State. “We are taking this step at this particular time in our historical life, because a lot of researchers from within and outside Nigeria have been coming lately to Ogbona to research into our cultural background, especially in the area of Etsako music. These researchers appreciate the unique melody we make in Ogbona, thereby putting the community on the world map. “Although, we have a lot of musical and dance festivals in Ogbona, the ones we are focusing on during this bi-annual festival include Aigbe Dancing group, which is for both men and women, though women are dominant. There is also Igberemuen Dancing Group, which literary means ‘I am doing my dance.’ This dancing group is also called “Armi.” “We shall be showcasing the Ilo Group, which is a masquerade group. Then there is Ibana, the Night Spirit Group, which is mostly performed at night. It is used for entertainment and for enforcement of discipline, law and order in our communities. During the performance, they produce melodious and touching music that pricks the souls of listeners and warn them against all manner of social infraction. “Izie is another dance we shall be featuring. There is Izie for men and for women. The Izie for men, also known as “Izie Nokhu,” is the dance drama we use when a lady is to be escorted to her husband’s house for marriage. Izie for women is purely for entertainment. There is another very interesting dance we shall showcase at the event called Ishokpo, which is known as the hunter’s dance. There are other dances we would have loved to showcase, but because of education and modern-day civilization, some families no longer allow their daughters to participate in them. “So, we are inviting Edo State Ministry of Culture and Tourism alongside Federal Ministries. Many foreigners will be gracing the occasion. “During the forthcoming Easter Festival, we will be holding a conference to finalise plans for the day and immediately after, we shall announce the date for the festival proper.

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Official Handover of Our Market to the LG, April 12th, 2019

AKHIGBE COMMISSIONS MARKET, PROMISE TO EXPAND IT The Executive Chairman Etsako Central Local Government Area, Comrade John Osi Akhigbe today commended the Ogbona community for their communal efforts in the development of their community. The chairman made the commendation during the commissioning and taking over 80 open market stores built by the community through self-help effort as a way of modernizing their market. He said it was the primary responsibility of any government to provide social amenities such as market for the people and also taking over the running and maintenance of such a market. While congratulating the Ukpe-Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willie Idode for the numerous communal developments, said it is the only community that has not been waiting for government before they start any project in their community. The chairman said that government will do everything possible to see how the market can be expanded to accommodate both local and foreign traders. He however appealed to the palace chiefs for adequate cooperation with the council staff in the area of revenue collection so that the council can do more for the people. Welcoming the chairman and his entourage to the official handing over of the market to the local government, the Village head and the Okphe-Ukpi of Ogbona Sub-clan, HRH Chief Willie Idode said the project was a dream come true. He said that the construction of the market started in 2009 with the assistant of the then local government chairman which today has been a fulfilment of purpose. He however appealed to the chairman to as a matter urgency construct speed breaker along the highway to help control speed of vehicles around the market. The Vice chairman, Rtn. Ambrose Kelvin Akhigbe, SLG Robert Elamah, DAS, Mrs. Momoh, supervisory councilors for Agriculture, Health and others were present at the event. Highpoint was the cutting of the tape by the chairman for the commissioning. THE EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN ETSAKO CENTRAL LGA THE CHIEFS THE ELDERS THE MARKET MEN & WOMEN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. ADDRESS PRESENTED BY HRH WILLY IDODE (THE OKPHE UKPI OF OGBONA) ON OFFICIAL HANDOVER OF OUR MARKET TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, APRIL 12TH, 2019 It is with joy mixed with a little sadness that I welcome you all to this occasion which marks the official handover of our market project to the Etsako Central Local Government Council. Ordinarily, our joy today should be boundless. We appear to be the last community on this highway to establish a market close to it. Let me give a historical background. This Auchi Agenebode road was constructed and made motorable about 1976. We had expected that it would go through Ogbona town but unfortunately, as it seemed at the time, it bypassed the town. As it is with roads everywhere, our people soon started experiencing disadvantages. Vehicular traffic through the town was greatly reduced so much so that our people were dropped on the road to trek to their houses. Our only market was also affected as commercial vehicle drivers would no longer ply the dilapidated township roads. It was at this point that there was an attempt to move the market close to the highway or building a new one. Disagreement, mainly associated with the politics of traditional hierarchy, set in. The attendant delay caused by this disagreement is regrettable. But as we usually say, it is better late than never. It was, however, in 2009 that our community commenced work on the construction of this market with the active and generous assistance of the Local Government Administration of Hon. Joseph Ugheoke. We are grateful to him for coming to our assistance. As we hand this market with ………open market stalls over to the Local Government Council today, we declare it as work in progress. We expect and appeal to the Local Government Council to expand it. As with other communities which suffered same fate with the construction of this highway, we appeal to the council chairman, as a matter of urgency to put speed breakers along the high way to help to control the speed of vehicles around the market Our Comrade Chairman, destiny, fate and perhaps our ancestors may have conspired to ensure that it is during your administration that this Ogbona main market is being handed over to the council. We urge the council to take full control of it, manage it to the mutual benefit of the government, the indigenes and all those who buy and sell here. We congratulate you and wish you a very successful tenure.   Thank you all.   CHIEF WILLIAM IDODE OKPHE-UKPI (SUB-CLAN HEAD) OF OGBONA  

Official Handover of Our Market to the LG, April 12th, 2019 Read More »

HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS Chief Willy Uloko Idode on page 32 of Today 7/1/2018, Sunday Guardian Newspaper

The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS Chief Willy Uloko Idode on page 32 of Today 7/1/2018, Sunday Guardian Newspaper Though we are mainly farmers, we love making music and melody in Ogbona Chief Willy Uloko Idode, The Okphe Ukpi Of Ogbonaland ­­­- HRH Chief Willy Uloko Idode, The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbonaland Ogbona is a busy and rusty town founded about 1892 in Etsako Central Local Government Area of Edo State. The town is one of the agro-based communities in Edo State, where yam, groundnut, maize, cassava and cashew nuts are farmed in commercial quantity. However, despite being one of the state’s food baskets, Ogbona is mostly known for constantly producing top-rate musicians in and around Edo. These musicians, known for their rich melody, philosophical composition, rhythms and emotional music, are yet to be matched in that area. For instance, from the early 1960s to the late 1970s, an Ogbona son with the stage name, General Bolivia Osigbemhe, now of blessed memory, ruled the airwaves in Etsako and the former Bendel State, the present-day Edo and Delta States. Fifty-eight years after General Bolivia produced his first album, his music still evokes lots of emotions and nostalgia among Edo people, especially those from Etsakoland and its environs. Almost 30 years after Osigbemhe’s demise, such music giants as King Benjamin Igbadumhe, one of the late musician’s backup singers and lead guitarist, through hard work and consistency, has effectively stepped into the big shoes the music general left behind. King Benji, aka “Okeke” has effectively assumed the musical mantle from his former boss. Also contending for the musical crown in Etsakoland is one of the sons of General Osigbemhe known as “Young Bolivia Osigbemhe.” Over the years, he has also made his mark on Etsako and Edo musical scene. Recently, Palace Watch met the soft-spoken Okphe Ukpi of Ogbonaland, His Royal Majesty Chief Willy Uloko Idode, and the following interview took place: How come Ogbona people, who are mostly farmers, are better known today for their exploits on the Nigerian music scene? This should not be strange to anybody familiar with our history as a people. We are all musicians and music composers in and around my area. But before I go into details of why we produce great musicians in Ogbona, I would want to give you a brief history of Ogbona people. Ogbona was founded by Imhakhena, one of the four large communities that make up the Avhianwu clan. The town is one of the clans in Avhianwu in Etsako land in Edo State. Our people are mainly farmers. We farm such crops as cassava, groundnut, maize, yam, cashew nuts and palm oil in a very large commercial quantity. But as a loving people, who are generally hospitable and live peacefully with all their neighbours, we use our spare time or leisure time, to entertain guests. Ogbona people are generally actively involved in melody making in the evening, when we return home from our farms. Whenever we have feasts to celebrate after farm work has been done, we gather together to make music. Our grandparents were much involved in the act of entertainment so much so that, while growing up, music became part and parcel of our daily lifestyle. Today, we have days and special ceremonies, when music is the main focus of how we entertain ourselves. In such events as age grades, music, singing and dancing are the dominant factors. Our people are so much involved in melody and music making during such events that it is now a great thing of pride for every home and quarter in and around Ogbona to produce quality music composers and music makers. For example, we have such groups as ‘Erue’ and ‘Ijuege’ comprising men and women. ‘Aigbi’ is a group made up of old men and women. ‘Uke’ is another group made up of mostly women, but with the men playing drums and other instruments there. In all these groups, men and women make music with which they entertain our people. When masquerades make appearances in public, music and dance is one of the ways with which they entertain guests. So, in everything we do, music plays a dominant role. Therefore, it is a thing of great challenge and pride to our people to make music and compositions depicting events as they happen in and around our society. From this picture, it becomes clear that most of our people grew up with music, love and play music. But despite the tremendous progress or impact our children have made in that industry, the majority of the people are not living on music. It is from agriculture that we get our livelihood. We are, therefore, one of the leading food producing communities in Etsakoland in particular, and Edo State in general. The reason we became known for music and melody-making is that, as we were growing up, one must belong to a musical group. So, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of my people, I have, therefore, continued to encourage them to come out with the best in then. Since 1965, I thank the Lord that I am the first king to be generally accepted by the entire people of Ogbona kingdom. In view of this, there is a strong bond of unity among all the quarters in Ogbonaland. And for easy administration during my reign, we have decided to divide Ogbona kingdom into eight manageable quarters. So, today, the following villages make up the kingdom: Ivhiobore, Ivhiosano, Ivhitse, Ivhiobere (Ivhiatso), Ivhiorevho, Ivhioroke, Ivhianaga (Ivhioverah & Ivhiulaghua), Ivhiozima villages So, what steps are you taking to ensure that your people move from subsistence farming to mechanised agriculture, especially now that the government’s policies favour modernised farming? Farming is not our main occupation; it is also a tradition here, because no matter what you are doing, you must also have a farm. I must confess that in spite of all past and present governments’ propaganda about farming, we have never got any form

HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS Chief Willy Uloko Idode on page 32 of Today 7/1/2018, Sunday Guardian Newspaper Read More »

Contacts for Ogbona Sub-Clan/Village Heads As At 1st May, 2017

OGBONA SUB-CLAN, VILLAGES AND VILLAGE HEADS AS AT 1st MAY, 2017 Akpagi Ivhiosano Chief Joseph Obeakemhe 3/7/2017 Ivhido Chief Jacob Orbih 3/25/2017 Ivhianaga Chief Bernard Ikhanoba 4/5/2017 Ivhioroke Chief Stephen Aloye Apakhade 8/4/2017 S/N OLD VILLAGES NEW VILLAGES NEW QUARTERS VILLAGE/QTRS HEADS INSTALLATION CONTACT NUMBER 1 Ivhiochie Ivhiobore Agiamhesor Chief Joseph Edogamhe 3-Jun-1986 08122953515, 07064937608 Atogwe Chief Lawrence Iyevhobu 6-Dec-2015 07038558508, ‘08059097487 Emhoepo Chief George Kadiri 2-Mar-2007 08052052203, 07030412997 Oghie Chief Azelake Akabeli 3-May-2010 09050157637, 07032967406 Imela Chief Sunday Oga 26-Jun-2007 07067047766 Ivhiosano Agba Chief Richard Otse 14-Mar-2007 08033327911 Ikhinaede Chief Joseph Obeakemhe 14-Feb-2007 08162393809 Okhakia Chief Vital Anaweokhai 9-Apr-1992 07031967458 Osimua Chief Mathias Akpaibor 19-Jun-2013 08033921962 Ivhitse Akpheokhai Chief Okpobisa Omiawa 10-Sep-1993 07066960311 Enamino Chief Noel Imhoedemhe 4-Jul-2007 08165496223 Innih Chief John Ogedegbe 17-Aug-2013 ,07038879021 Ototo Chief Moses Obadele Ogboalo 15-Sep-1985 S/N OLD VILLAGES NEW VILLAGES NEW QUARTERS VILLAGE/QTRS HEADS INSTALLATION CONTACT NUMBER 2 Ivhido Ivhiobere (Ivhiatso) Anyiora Chief Bernard Damaza 15-Aug-2015 07067443849 Ateghie Chief David Omoghie 08077336677 Anwukpe Chief Jacob Orbih 29-Jul-2006 07038228960 Imhomoh Chief Francis Umago 2-Mar-2007 08067638226 3 Ivhiorevho Ivhiorevho Anyia Chief Francis Irene 07069006832 Ikhane Chief Patrick Ikhane 10-Mar-2003 07035399945 Okhatie Chief Lawrence Ikhiagwa 14-Jun-2007 07069073442 4 Okotor Ivhioroke Aleghe Chief Cyril Okhakumhe 14-Feb-2007 08063445975 Imhonighie Chief Thomas Agbepue 12-Jan-2011 08069403446 Oyemheuno Chief Stephen Apakhade 28-Dec-2009 09036181081 Ivhianaga (Ivhioverai & Ivhiulaghua) Akpabeghie Chief Bernard Ikhanoba 22-Mar-2007 07039279261 Erhagbhe Chief Vincent Otsoi 12-Sep-2014 07068372908 Apekhore Chief Matthias Esue 25-May-2004 08137463687 Okozi Chief Joseph Okozi 14-Jun-2007 Ukhami Chief Daniel Oshiotse 9-Nov-2000 08066319594 Ivhiozima Irume Chief John Ikeku 1-Nov-1994 08073237730 Umogba Chief Matthias B. Isede 26-Mar-2007 07067626664 Uzobonwu Chief Musa Anetekhai 10-Sep-1993 07038436147 Akpagi Ivhiosano Chief Joseph Obeakemhe 3/7/2017 Ivhido Chief Jacob Orbih 3/25/2017 Ivhianaga Chief Bernard Ikhanoba 4/5/2017 S/N OLD VILLAGES NEW VILLAGES NEW QUARTERS VILLAGE/QTRS HEADS INSTALLATION CONTACT NUMBER 1 Ivhiochie Ivhiobore Agiamhesor Chief Joseph Edogamhe 3-Jun-1986 08122953515, 07064937608 Atogwe Chief Lawrence Iyevhobu 6-Dec-2015 07038558508, ‘08059097487 Emhoepo Chief George Kadiri 2-Mar-2007 08052052203, 07030412997 Oghie Chief Azelake Akabeli 3-May-2010 09050157637, 07032967406 Imela Chief Sunday Oga 26-Jun-2007 07067047766 Ivhiosano Agba Chief Richard Otse 14-Mar-2007 08033327911 Ikhinaede Chief Joseph Obeakemhe 14-Feb-2007 08162393809 Okhakia Chief Vital Anaweokhai 9-Apr-1992 07031967458 Osimua Chief Mathias Akpaibor 19-Jun-2013 08033921962 Ivhitse Akpheokhai Chief Okpobisa Omiawa 10-Sep-1993 07066960311 Enamino Chief Noel Imhoedemhe 4-Jul-2007 08165496223 Innih Chief John Ogedegbe 17-Aug-2013 ,07038879021 Ototo Chief Moses Obadele Ogboalo 15-Sep-1985 2 Ivhido Ivhiobere (Ivhiatso) Anyiora Chief Bernard Damaza 15-Aug-2015 07067443849 Ateghie Chief David Omoghie 08077336677 Anwukpe Chief Jacob Orbih 29-Jul-2006 07038228960 Imhomoh Chief Francis Umago 2-Mar-2007 08067638226 3 Ivhiorevho Ivhiorevho Anyia Chief Francis Irene 07069006832 Ikhane Chief Patrick Ikhane 10-Mar-2003 07035399945 Okhatie Chief Lawrence Ikhiagwa 14-Jun-2007 07069073442 4 Okotor Ivhioroke Aleghe Chief Cyril Okhakumhe 14-Feb-2007 08063445975 Imhonighie Chief Thomas Agbepue 12-Jan-2011 08069403446 Oyemheuno Chief Stephen Apakhade 28-Dec-2009 09036181081 Ivhianaga (Ivhioverai & Ivhiulaghua) Akpabeghie Chief Bernard Ikhanoba 22-Mar-2007 07039279261 Erhagbhe Chief Vincent Otsoi 12-Sep-2014 07068372908 Apekhore Chief Matthias Esue 25-May-2004 08137463687 Okozi Chief Joseph Okozi 14-Jun-2007 Ukhami Chief Daniel Oshiotse 9-Nov-2000 08066319594 Ivhiozima Irume Chief John Ikeku 1-Nov-1994 08073237730 Umogba Chief Matthias B. Isede 26-Mar-2007 07067626664 Uzobonwu Chief Musa Anetekhai 10-Sep-1993 07038436147

Contacts for Ogbona Sub-Clan/Village Heads As At 1st May, 2017 Read More »

The Palace of the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona

  THE-OGIEAVHIANWU-OF-AVHIANWU-WITH-THE-SUB-CLAN-HEAD-OF-AVHIANWU OGBONA RULERS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FROM 1892 TO 2017 S/N OKPHE UKPI KINDRED DATES 1 Aikpabeghie (OKPHE UKPI) Ivhioverai 1892 – 1904 2 Anyai (OKPHE UKPI) Handed over to Ototo when he was imprisoned for his role during the Dogbonoba war Ivhiorevho 1904 – 1908 3 Ototo (OKPHE UKPI) Ivhitse 1908 – 1914 4 Enakhumhe (Warrant Chief) Appointed by the British Administration Ivhiobore 1914 – 1917 5 Ikhumhetse (Warrant Chief) son of Enakhumhe Ivhiobore 1917 – 1918 6 Okozi (Warrant Chief) Removed on restoration of Ukpi holding system in 1931 Ivhiulaghua 1920 – 1931 7 Aleghe (OKPHE UKPI) appointed at the restoration of Ukpi holding Ivhioroke 1931 – 1938 8 Atsegwasi (OKPHE UKPI) ruled for 3 months Ivhiosano 1941 – 1941 9 Okozi (OKPHE UKPI) same Okozi that Warrant Chief of Ogbona 1920-1931 Ivhiulaghua 1942 – 1954 10 Patrick Ajayi Oboarekpe (A primary school Teacher) became the OKPHE UKPI of Ogbona and vacated the Ukpi holding on becoming the Ogieavhianwu of Avhianwu in 1986 Ivhitse 1955 – 1994 11 Chief Thomas Ajayie Osigbemhe (JP) a retired civil servant-Permanent Secretary (8/10/1994 – 2008) Ivhiozima 8/10/1994 – 2008 Chief William Idode, Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona (Politician and Community Leader) Ivhiobore 2008 – DATE NEXT ORDER OF ROTATION ACCORDING TO KINDRED AS AT APRIL 2017 12 Akpabeghie Egboise Title  Chief Bernard Ikhanoba 13 Ivhiorevho Ogboikpise Title  Chief Patrick K. Ikhane 14 Ivhioroke Utokho Ukpi Na evho Title  Chief Stephen Apakhade 15 Ivhido Utokho Ukpi Na ape Title  Chief Jacob Utu Orbih     OGBONA SUB-CLAN, VILLAGES AND VILLAGE HEADS AS AT 1st MAY, 2017 Akpagi Ivhiosano Chief Joseph Obeakemhe 3/7/2017 Ivhido Chief Jacob Orbih 3/25/2017 Ivhianaga Chief Bernard Ikhanoba 4/5/2017 S/N OLD VILLAGES NEW VILLAGES NEW QUARTERS VILLAGE/QTRS HEADS INSTALLATION CONTACT NUMBER 1 Ivhiochie Ivhiobore Agiamhesor Chief Joseph Edogamhe 3-Jun-1986 08122953515, 07064937608 Atogwe Chief Lawrence Iyevhobu 6-Dec-2015 07038558508, ‘08059097487 Emhoepo Chief George Kadiri 2-Mar-2007 08052052203, 07030412997 Oghie Chief Azelake Akabeli 3-May-2010 09050157637, 07032967406 Imela Chief Sunday Oga 26-Jun-2007 07067047766 Ivhiosano Agba Chief Richard Otse 14-Mar-2007 08033327911 Ikhinaede Chief Joseph Obeakemhe 14-Feb-2007 08162393809 Okhakia Chief Vital Anaweokhai 9-Apr-1992 07031967458 Osimua Chief Mathias Akpaibor 19-Jun-2013 08033921962 Ivhitse Akpheokhai Chief Okpobisa Omiawa 10-Sep-1993 07066960311 Enamino Chief Noel Imhoedemhe 4-Jul-2007 08165496223 Innih Chief John Ogedegbe 17-Aug-2013 ,07038879021 Ototo Chief Moses Obadele Ogboalo 15-Sep-1985 2 Ivhido Ivhiobere (Ivhiatso) Anyiora Chief Bernard Damaza 15-Aug-2015 07067443849 Ateghie Chief David Omoghie 08077336677 Anwukpe Chief Jacob Orbih 29-Jul-2006 07038228960 Imhomoh Chief Francis Umago 2-Mar-2007 08067638226 3 Ivhiorevho Ivhiorevho Anyia Chief Francis Irene 07069006832 Ikhane Chief Patrick Ikhane 10-Mar-2003 07035399945 Okhatie Chief Lawrence Ikhiagwa 14-Jun-2007 07069073442 4 Okotor Ivhioroke Aleghe Chief Cyril Okhakumhe 14-Feb-2007 08063445975 Imhonighie Chief Thomas Agbepue 12-Jan-2011 08069403446 Oyemheuno Chief Stephen Apakhade 28-Dec-2009 09036181081 Ivhianaga (Ivhioverai & Ivhiulaghua) Akpabeghie Chief Bernard Ikhanoba 22-Mar-2007 07039279261 Erhagbhe Chief Vincent Otsoi 12-Sep-2014 07068372908 Apekhore Chief Matthias Esue 25-May-2004 08137463687 Okozi Chief Joseph Okozi 14-Jun-2007 Ukhami Chief Daniel Oshiotse 9-Nov-2000 08066319594 Ivhiozima Irume Chief John Ikeku 1-Nov-1994 08073237730 Umogba Chief Matthias B. Isede 26-Mar-2007 07067626664 Uzobonwu Chief Musa Anetekhai 10-Sep-1993 07038436147 PALACE OF OKPHE-UKPI OF OGBONA APPROVED VILLAGES (3RD EDITION) S/N OTADI VILLAGES VILLAGE HEAD 1 PA. JACOB ATEGHE OTOTO CHIEF MOSES OGBOALO 2 PA. MATHIAS OSHAWO AGBAI CHIEF RICHARD OTSE 3 PA. IMOAGENE APEBU ANYIA CHIEF FRANCIS IRENE 4 PA. JULIUS IGBADUMHE ATEGIE CHIEF DAVID OMOGHIE 5 PA. PIUS OKOZI OKOZI CHIEF JOSEPH OKOZI 6 PA. OSHIOKE AGBEPUE IMHONIGHIE CHIEF THOMAS AGBEPUE 7 PA. JOSEPH AMIEKHAMHE ANWUKPE CHIEF JACOB ORBIH 8 PA. ERUA ALUOGHOR OGIHE CHIEF AZELAKE AKABELI 9 PA. PAUL IKHUMHI ERAGBHE CHIEF VINCENT OTSOI 10 PA. ALASA OSIGBEMHE UZOBONWU CHIEF MUSA ANETEKHAI 11 PA. ANTHONY AIGBA AGIAMHESOR CHIEF JOSEPH EDOGAMHE 12 PA. EMITSE ILEGA AIKPABEGHIE CHIEF BERNARD IKHANOBA 13 PA. IKIELU OMIAWA AKPHIOKHAI CHIEF OKPOBISA OMIAWA 14 PA. UNOADE AKO ALEGHE CHIEF CYPRIL OKHAKUMHE 15 PA. PAUL S. ELETA ANYORIA CHIEF BERNARD DAMAZA 16 PA. ANTHONY OGHENA APEKHORE CHIEF MATTHIAS ESUE 17 PA. INNOCENT ITSUOKOR ATOGWE CHIEF LAWRENCE IYEVHOBU 18 PA. MOMOH OMAKHIA EMHOEPO CHIEF GEORGE I. KADIRI 19 PA. CHRISTOPHER EKHASEMOMHE ENAMINO CHIEF NOEL IMHODEMHE 20 PA. JOHN IKHANE IKHANE CHIEF PATRICK IKHANE 21 PA. OSIMEGA OGAH IMELA CHIEF SUNDAY OGAH 22 PA. BENSON KASIMI IMHOMOH CHIEF FRANCIS UMAGOR 23 PA. SALAMI OPIKHARA IKIHINAEDE CHIEF JOSEPH OBEAKEMHE 24 PA. SIMEON OKOMILO INNIH CHIEF  JOHN OGEDEGBE 25 PA. RUFUS BELLO IRUME CHIEF JOHN IKEKU 26 PA. MUSA ITAKU OKHAKIA CHIEF VITAL ANAVHEOKHAI 27 PA. ANDREW OKHAMERA OKHATIE CHIEF LAWRENCE IKHIAGWA 28 PA. MICHAEL KANO ABU OSIMUA CHIEF MATTHIAS AKPAIBOR 29 PA. KAYODE OKHOTOR OYEMHEUNO CHIEF STEPHEN APAKHADE 30 PA.  JOSPEH OSHITSE UKHAMI CHIEF DANIEL OSHIOTSE 31 PA. MATTHIAS ISEDE UMOGBA CHIEF MATTHIAS ISEDE 32 NON-INDIGINS REPRESENTATIVE CHIEF ABDULLAHI ESHEIEMOGHE 33 NON-INDIGINS REPRESENTATIVE CHIEF YAYA YUSUF   H.H. CHIEF WILLY IDODE                                            CHIEF GEORGE KADIRI THE OKPHE-UKPI OF OGBONA                                   SECRETARY, OKPHE-UKPI-IN COUNCIL AND SUB-CLAN HEAD OF AVHIANWU Profile of HRH, Chief William Idode, Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona Williams Uloko Idode was born 4th April 1959 to Mr. Momodu Ojakpai idode and Mrs. Lametu Amiunomhene Idogho both of Ivhiobore quarters Ogbona. He left home very early to live with his uncle Dr. J. B. Idode in Benin City in 1970. He completed his primary education in Benin City at Arinze Primary School in 1972. Attended Western Boys High School Benin City 1972 -1977. Willie then left for Kaduna to start life on his own where he gained employment with Nigeria Defense Industry. He returned home to take up an appointment as teacher in 1979 due to pressure from his parents. The struggles continued for some time to go back to school and meet with financial and family challenges. He has to stay close to his father when the father became very sick because others were not around home. The father died in 1986. His death free him to go into business both local and international business (buying and selling), contract jobs, mining of solid mineral and later, petroleum products business. In 1996 he went into politics, served as ward chairman for eight years and as party Local Government Chairman

The Palace of the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona Read More »