The History of Isunevino Odogbo Down to Gracious Suleman Odogbo This family history highlights the lives and achievements of four generations of the Odogbo family, from Isunevino Odogbo to Gracious Suleman Odogbo. Generation 1: Isunevino Odogbo The Odogbo family history began with the late Pa Isunevino, a renowned farmer from Ogbona, Etsako Local Government Area. He was a respected community member, known for his generosity, kindness, and contributions to traditional and spiritual matters. Pa Isunevino and his wife, Madam Victoria Isunevho, had six children. Generation 2: Robert Odogbo The late Pa Robert Odogbo, the first son of Pa Isunevino, was also a successful farmer. He married Madam Avana Odogbo and had six children. Pa Robert Odogbo was the first person to introduce Christianity to the Avianwu clan, including Ogbona, Fugar, and Iraokhor. He built a church, now known as Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Ogbona. Generation 3: John Anasaki Odogbo The late Mr. John Anasaki Odogbo, the first son of Pa Robert Odogbo, was a farmer and the first carpenter in Ogbona. He trained many men and was a devoted Christian. Mr. John Anasaki had eight children, including Gracious Odogbo. Generation 4: Gracious Suleman Odogbo Gracious Suleman Odogbo, the first son of Mr. John Anasaki Odogbo, is a successful Muslim and devoted family man. He has 21 surviving children and has achieved significant milestones, including visiting the holy land of Mecca, earning the title of Alhaji, and retiring as a security guard. The History of Isunevino Odogbo Down to Gracious Suleman Odogbo In Four Great Generations The family history begins with the late Pa Isunevino, who hailed from the Ivhitse Quarter in Ivhioche, Ogbona, part of the former Etsako Local Government Area in Bendel State. Mr. Isunevino was a successful farmer and is remembered as one of the greatest farmers in Ogbona’s history. He was well-regarded for his contributions both in traditional and spiritual matters within the community. He was happily married to the late Madam Victoria Isunevho, and they were blessed with six children: three sons and three daughters, all of whom survived. The family of the late Pa Isunevho dedicated their lives to farming and achieved significant success in this endeavor. Mr. Isunevino was known for his boldness, energy, and ability to tackle various tasks, which earned him the love and respect of the Ogbona community for his generosity and kindness. The family lineage then progressed to the late Pa Robert Odogbo, the first son of the late Pa Isunevho. Late Mr. Robert Odogbo was also a successful farmer, even more so than his father. He was happily married to Madam Avana Odogbo, who was a small local market trader in the Ogbona community, trading with nearby villages. They, too, were blessed with six children: Philip, Elizabeth, Francis, Anasaki, Orojo, and Madeline, comprising three sons and three daughters. Mr. Robert Odogbo enjoyed great success in farming, receiving assistance from his wife and children. After some years, a group of American visitors came to a neighboring village. Upon learning of their presence, Mr. Robert was eager to meet them. For some reason, they were able to connect, and Mr. Robert traveled to Lagos, then the capital of Nigeria with them. It was there that he converted to Christianity, becoming the first converted Christian in the Avianwu clan, which includes Ogbona, Fugar, and Iraokhor. After he was converted, Mr. Robert Odogbo returned to Ogbona, his community, to convey the word of God to his people. Many were against him, but he built a small hut where he, along with his wife and children, gathered daily for prayers. Soon after, his family members joined him, and he became the first person to bring Christianity to his village as a whole. Following a visit from missionaries who came to see his efforts, he migrated to build a larger hut, and they named the church Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Ogbona. This church marked the first church in the history of the Avianwu clan. As time passed, more members joined the church. However, he later traveled back to Lagos, where he fell ill and passed away. He was buried in Lagos by the missionaries. The late Pa Robert Odogbo was a devoted Christian and is remembered as a great man. His church is one of the largest Catholic churches in the Etsako Central Local Government Area. His interactions with the missionaries were pivotal to his success, and to this day, people still speak of him and his contributions. The legacy continued with his first son, the late Mr. John Anasaki Odogbo. Mr. John Anasaki also pursued the family vocation of farming and became the first carpenter in the history of the Ogbona community. He was a good father, brother, and community member, actively participating in various community activities. He trained many noblemen, with about eight men reportedly learning under his guidance. He was blessed with eight children—five males and three females: Gracious Odogbo, Pius Odogbo, Mary Odogbo, Margaret Odogbo, Philip Odogbo, Helena Odogbo, Anthony Odogbo, and Peter Odogbo. He diligently raised his children in the ways of God, earning a reputation as a jovial, kind, and generous mentor. May God continue to have mercy upon him and his forefathers. Amen. After his death, his first son, Gracious Suleman Odogbo took over the family responsibilities and continued his father’s work. He was born in Ogbona in 1948 and attended primary school but had to stop in Primary 2. As he grew older, he traveled to Jattu in his youth to learn a trade. There, he learned to repair bicycles and motorcycles in 1963. Before then, he had always helped his parents with farming, taking on many responsibilities as the first son. He gained his freedom from work after completing his training in 1969. During his time in Jattu, he converted to Islam and was given the name Suleman Odogbo. He remains a successful Muslim to this day. In 1970, he married his first wife, who blessed him with nine children. In