Avhianwu Clan

Avhianwu Traditional, Culture and Titles

AVIANWU Clan has been split into Fugar and Anwu Clans with Ogbona and Iraokhor now in Anwu Clan

AVIANWU Clan has been split into Fugar and Anwu Clans with Ogbona and Iraokhor now in Anwu Clan still headed by the Ogieavianwu of Anwu while Emmanuel Ogah the Okphe Ukpi of Ivhiunone is now the Okugbe of Fugar Clan. Fugar has been split into 4 Villages EXCO BRIEF: ACTUALIZATION OF THE FUGAR CITY RESTRUCTURING The above subject matter refers. EXCO wishes to congratulate all Fugarians on the successful actualization of the Fugar City restructuring plan, for the creation of the Fugar Clan and an additional Sub Clan in Fugar City (Ebadi Sub Clan). For your information, the official journey of FPU towards the restructuring commenced during the Chief Sylvanus Inaughe-led EXCO, when the FPU BOT at a meeting in 2018, which included the FPU Patrons (traditional rulers), and representatives of Ebadi communities, constituted the Sir Peter Aliu and Mr. Martins Agabi led Fugar Restructuring and Resolution of Ebadi Issues Committee, to put an end to the over one decade old demand for restructuring. The Fugar Restructuring and Resolution of Ebadi Issues Committee submitted its report to the FPU BOT in 2019, and the FPU BOT at a meeting in 2019 approved the proposal of the committee for the creation of the Fugar Clan with six sub-clans. The FPU BOT at the same meeting also set up another committee led by Sir. Peter Aliu to sensitize Fugarians on the proposed creation of the Fugar Clan with six sub-clans. After the work of the FPU BOT committees, the FPU EXCO at a meeting in 2019, adopted the proposal received from the FPU BOT for the creation of the Fugar Clan with six sub-clans, and set up the Mr. James Akhigbe Esq led FPU Implementation Committee on Restructuring, to solicit the support of the traditional institutions and all relevant stakeholders in Avhianwu for the restructuring, ensure the implementation of the restructuring, and suggest and device means of getting the government approval. The FPU Implementation Committee on Restructuring after consultations across Fugar City, Ogbona, and Iraokhor, with all the elders, and traditional rulers including the Oghie Avhianwu of Avhianwu, elders and relevant stakeholders, submitted its interim and final reports to the EXCO in 2020, and the EXCO in 2020 approved the reports on the implementation. Before the presentation of the official request for the restructuring to the Edo state government, further meetings/consultations were held by the leadership of the FPU BOT, Fugar Restructuring Implementation Committee, and other stakeholders, and the request were fine-tuned to the creation of the Fugar Clan and an additional Sub Clan in Fugar City (Ebadi Sub Clan), in addition to the existing Ivhinone and Ivhiarua Sub Clans, to enhance the success rate of the restructuring request with the Edo State Government. It was also resolved that Chief Mike Oghiadomhe led the Fugar Charter of Demands Actualization Committee to present the request for restructuring to the Governor of Edo state, alongside the Fugar Charter of Demands, to enable a detailed and effective presentation. Thereafter, a letter was written to the Executive Governor of Edo State on 6/11/20, for the creation of the Fugar Clan from the Avhianwu Clan and the creation of the Ebadi Sub Clan, in addition to the already existing Ivhinone Sub Clan and Ivhiarua Sub Clan, and a letter of reminder was also written on 7/11/22. On 20/12/22, the FPU BOT, EXCO and other stakeholders paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Governor of Edo State, mainly as it concerns the request for the restructuring. After the courtesy visit, a meeting of the FPU BOT with the traditional rulers was held on 25/1/23, and reviewed the courtesy visit, and resolved to again write another letter dated 25/1/23 to the Executive Governor of Edo State, with further details on the restructuring. Thankfully, on 21/2/24, the Edo state government approved the Fugar City Restructuring plan, for the creation of the Fugar Clan and an additional Sub Clan in Fugar City (Ebadi Sub Clan), and the appointment of HRH, Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah as the Clan Head (Okugbe) of Fugar Clan, with effect from 21/2/24. EXCO wish to thank the Edo state government for the approval. A special appreciation to Chief Mike Oghiadomhe led FPU BOT, the FPU Patrons (Okphe Ukpi of Ivhinone, Okphe Ukpi of Ivhiarua and Executive Chairman of Etsako Central LGA), Sir Peter Aliu and Mr. Martins Agabi led Fugar Restructuring and Resolution of Ebadi Issues Committee, the Sir. Peter Aliu led the Fugar Restructuring Sensitisation Committee, Mr. James Akhigbe Esq led the FPU Implementation Committee on Restructuring, Chief Mike Oghiadomhe led the Fugar Charter of Demands Actualization Committee, Chief Sylvanus Inaughe led EXCO, the immediate past and present EXCO, our elders, chiefs, community leaders, religious leaders, and other stakeholders. Finally, the EXCO wishes to congratulate His Royal Highness Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah, the Okugbe of the Fugar Clan, who will be receiving his letter of appointment from the government today Friday 1/3/24. Thank you. Emma Okhimamhe WO/Ag PRO 01/03/24   FUGAR GETS FIRST CLAN HEAD, HRM OGAH RECEIVES APPOINTMENT LETTER WWW.etsakocentrallga.com 1st March 2024 Today, HRM (Engr) Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah, formerly known as the Okphe Ukpi of Ivhinone, received a significant letter at the Local Government Area office from the Executive Chairman of Etsako Central LGA, Hon. Solomon Obomighie. The letter, issued under the authority of the Commissioner of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, officially pronounces HRM (Engr) Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah as the Okugbe of the Fugar Clan. This prestigious pronouncement was witnessed by esteemed traditional rulers, including HRH (Alhaji) D Y E Kanoba, the Eghiegba of Ekperi, and HRM (Alhaji) Jackson Etokhana, the Oghie Avhianwu of Avhianwu. HRH (Alhaji) D Y E kanoba, the Eghiegba of Ekperi kingdom admonish all and sundry at the presentation of the official letter at the LGA, saying that, it is with gladness we the elders in council at the LGA welcome a friend and a jolly good fellow to the traditional circle, adding that, if you don’t welcome good news you’re a specimen of bad thought, as such the creation

AVIANWU Clan has been split into Fugar and Anwu Clans with Ogbona and Iraokhor now in Anwu Clan Read More »

2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities

2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities. March 13, 2021 By Elias Inaede, The need for unity, forgiveness and love among the various communities in Avhianwu has again be stressed. This was the submission of the Okpeukpi of Ogbona sub clan head, HRH Chief Willy Idode in his message to felicitate with his subjects on the ocassion of this year’s Aduikwu kwa festival in an interview with ELIAS INAEDE MEDIA GROUP on Saturday in his residence in Ogbona. He emphasized the need to forgive one another in order to receive the blessings of God and that no emni ty should exceed beyond Aduikwu kwa day. While wishing the people of Ogbona and Avhianwu Clan a peaceful Aduikwu kwa day festival, the traditional Ruler, maintained that, the only way the cultural heritage of Avhianwu can be preserved was to carry everyone along in the scheme of things and that those who are responsible in preserving the cultural heritage of Avhianwu should always give a sense of belonging to every community and not when decisions are already made that a message will be passed across. According him, that would guarantee peaceful co existence in Avhianwu. He urged all and sundry to unite and imbibe the spirit of forgiveness by engaging in acts that can bring unity and progress to the community rather than indulging in acts that separate Avhianwu as a community. Aduikwu kwa day is the traditional new year in Avhianwu clan.

2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities Read More »


AVHIANWU CLAN IN ETSAKO CENTRAL LGA, EDO STATE CELEBRATES NEW YEAR FESTIVAL. BRIEF HISTORY….. Adui iku kwa in Avhianwu clan Etsako Central LGA Edo State is celebrated yearly across the four (4) clans in AVIANWU namely 1. IVHIUNONE (FUGAR) 2. IVHIARUA (FUGAR) 3. IMHAKHENA (OGBONA) and 4. URALOKHOR (IRAOKHOR) between the month of March and April as the situation may warrant in each year to mark the dawn of a new Year traditionally. The literary meaning of “adui iku kwa” is waste disposal. Waste disposal is the process of getting rid of all unwanted products in our homes,society and environment. A day of adui iku kwa is a day that is compulsory for everyone to reconcile whatever differences they have with their neighbours. No one is expected to cross this day harboring hurts, grudges, grief, pains, offences, in their hearts. You may call it a day of reconciliation, forgiveness,settlement, revival, renewal. Adui iku kwa makes all things new again. Relationships rekindle, victims of broken marriages take advantage of this day to seek reunion. This day is known for a day where sons in-laws pay tribute to their fathers and mothers in-laws. One visits his in-laws with gift, sometimes a bottle of hot drink or a keg of specially reserved palm wine and some cash (optional), and in company of his respected and responsible friends and peers. The Peculiar soup for all family today is ogbolor (omhi akphe) and pounded yam. Parents call all their children both at home and abroad to release the yearly blessings to them, sincerely from their heart. The content of this prayer is “goodness,mercy, favour and blessings on our way, we have disposed the evil waste,…… It is a day of joy and Celebration for all elderly men and traditional rulers for they have seen yet another year. This is why the sound of gun shot opened the day early this morning. This feast ushers the people into a new planting season. The people believe that though rain has not resumed in the region for planting, it may likely shower today to celebrate with the people and open the season for them. There is no particular rituals associated with this feast. All sons in laws of Avianwu do surely pays tribute to them on this feast. On this day, all family used to pack all dirty clothes to the river to wash. All corners of the homes are properly swept. Just like the Bible says, old things must be passed away and new things must begin from this day. It used to be a day for tireless swimming, hide and seek funplay in the river for the teenagers, etc in the respective villages. The song they normally sing today when going and coming back from the river is ” Emor si vha gwe nor leh khu kpeh nor lamhi vha lor o, Agbado nukpe, gia kege gia” The fruit that normally opted for today after visiting the river for the festival is VELVET TAMALIN (UGIEH). All the young people will pluck Velvet tamalin and take them home to share for loved ones. Its really a festival of love for all sons and daughters of Avianwu. Some communities today go for swimming competition to wrap the day’s event. The greetings that is predominant in Avianwu today is “Onortse onortse lor Ewie wia lor Mha du iku ebe lakwa”. Happy new year to all avianwus. Today is always peculiar day for the people of Avhianwu.



NEW YEAR FESTIVAL (ADUI IKU KWA) IN AVHIANWU – BARRI INAEDE Adui iku kwa in Avhianwu clan Etsako Central Edo State is celebrated yearly across the four (4) clans in AVHIANWU namely IVHIUNONE, IVHIARUA, OGBONA (IMHAKHENA) AND URALOKHOR between March and April as the situation may warrant in each year to mark the dawn of a new Year traditionally. The literary meaning of “adui iku kwa” is waste disposal or cleansing of all past things and deeds. Waste disposal is the process of getting rid of all unwanted products in our homes, society and environment. A day of adui iku kwa is a day that is compulsory for everyone to reconcile whatever differences they have with their neighbours. No one is expected to cross this day harboring hurts, grief, pains, offences, in their hearts. You may call it a Day of Reconciliation, settlement, revival, renewal. Adui iku kwa makes all things new again. Relationships rekindle, victims of broken marriages take advantage of this day to seek reunion. This day is known for a day where sons in laws pay tribute to their fathers and mothers in laws. One visits his in-laws with gift, sometimes a bottle of hot drink or a keg of specially reserved palm wine and some cash (optional), and in company of his respected and responsible friends. The Peculiar soup for all family today is ogbolor (omhi akphe) and pounded yam. Parents call all their children at home and abroad to release the yearly blessings to them, sincerely from their heart. The content of this prayer is “goodness, mercy, favour and blessings on our way, we have disposed the evil waste, …… It is a day of joy and celebration for all elderly men and traditional rulers for they have seen yet another year. This is why the sound of gunshot opened the day early this morning. This feast ushers the people into a new planting season. The people believe that though rain has not resumed in the region for planting, it may likely shower today to celebrate with the people and open the season for them. There are no particular rituals associated with this feast. All sons in laws of Avhianwu do surely pays tribute to them on this feast. On this day, all family used to pack all dirty clothes to the river to wash. All corners of the homes are properly swept. Just like the Bible says, old things must be passed away and new things must begin from this day. It used to be a day for tireless swimming, hide and seek fun play in the river for the teenagers, etc. The song that is normally sing today when going and coming back from the river is ” Emor si vha gwe nor leh khu kpeh nor lamhi vha lor o, Agbado nukpe, gia kege gia” The fruit that normally opted for today after visiting the river for the festival is VELVET TAMALIN (UGIEH). All the young people will pluck Velvet tamalin and take them home to share for loved ones. It’s really a festival of love for all sons and daughters of Avhianwu. The greetings that is predominant in Avhianwu today is Onortse onortse lor Ewie wia lor Mha du iku ebe lakwa. Happy new year to all Avhianwu people ————————————————————————— NEW YEAR FESTIVAL (ADUI IKU KWA) IN AVHIANWU – BEN IKHANE The day of Aduiku’kwa starts with a night vigil by the Ivhiomu’kpes from Ebadi kindred in Ivhiunone. The eldest man in the kindred informs the extended family in Ebadi and the Ikhane family (the only branch of the Ebadi kindred in Ogbona) on the date of the vigil prior to the declaration of the new year. By midnight of that period all the Ivhiomu’kpes (makers of the new year) after keeping watch around the Ukpe shrine will invoke the gods to fashion a new year for the people of Avhianwu. They will make the necessary sacrifices and make series of invocations and supplications till the wee hours of the morning. Shortly before cock crow the Ivhiomu’kpes with a loaded dane gun match round (while sweeping off the old year and all its attendant negativities and evils) the old market square chatting some incantations. At the sound of the first cock crow the Dane gun is fired and the new year is pronounced. There upon all citizens take up the chant of Aduikwebe lakwa. Onotse onotse lo… This how the new year starts in Avhianwu clan. Presently, John Ikhane is the present eldest man of the Ivhiomu’kpes at the demise of the last one (Robert) whose funeral has not been done. Mattias Ikhane goes to Fugar yearly for this ceremony on behalf of the Ikhane family. Ben Ikhane attended the vigil as far back as 1992. There are many hidden things that are not meant for the public ear. —————————————————————————- NEW YEAR FESTIVAL (ADUI IKU KWA) IN AVHIANWU – JOHN ANAWEOKHAI THE OGBONA THAT FLOWS IN MY VENS (PART XVII) Christmas and New Years were not only the seasons we celebrated with pump and pageantry. We celebrated new yam, Esi festival and new year too. Yes, New Year that is very distinct from that of the first of January. It is known as Aduikwu Kwa. It is celebrated about the month of February to April in the height of the harmattan season. One striking thing about this festival is the level of prayers. Everybody prays on this very day. The greetings centre on prayers and pronouncement of blessings. It is generally believed that enmity must not exceed this day as those who hadn’t been in good terms all through the year are enjoyed to meld fences. There must be no carry over of anything untoward. It is a moment elders pronounce blessings on the younger ones. In fact, as you wake up, the first thing you hear in the morning is ONOTSE ONOTSE LO which translates, it is blessing upon blessing. ADUIKWE ‘BE LA KWA. Meaning, we clean ourselves of


The Creation of Kukuruku Division – Aha Idokpesi Okhaishe N’ Avhianwu

The Creation of Kukuruku Division – Aha Idokpesi Okhaishe N’ Avhianwu (a) Fugar is made the Headquarters of Kukuruku Division Until 1904, when, in order to bring the judicial arm of the British colonial government closer to the people under the Northern Provinces, a Native Court was established at Fugar, the Avhianwu Clan Area was administered from Idah, the then Avhianwu Clan Heads, who, prior to 1904 and up to 1914, had to go to Idah or send representatives for political, judicial and administrative matters, were successively Aduku Gbagba, Aduku Keku and Agabi. The Avhianwu Clan leaders and many other Clan rulers had to go to Idah to have a taste of and to demonstrate their loyalty to the British Rule. Further developments soon followed. In 1914, following the amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria by Lord Frederick Lugard, Idah was transferred to the Northern Provinces; and the southern portion of the Etsako (including Avhianwu Clan) was administered from Ubiaja. Kukuruku at that time was an area comprising Okpe, Ibilo, Otuo, Igarra, Usomorika, Imeri, Sabongida-Ora, Warrake, Sebe, Agbede, Ughiagbede, Alegbette, Ewa, Weppa-Wano, all Ekperis, all Ibies, all Inemes, Auchi, Uzairue, Ukpilla, Avhianwu and so on. No doubt, for purpose of effective administration and to bring the government closer to the people, the British Government, in 1918, created the Kukuruku Division with its Headquarters at Fugar. The Divisional Headquarters was thus transferred from Ubiaja (Ishan) to Fugar. Also transferred to Fugar, consequent upon the new development, was the administrative and military headquarters at Iddo (Ukpilla). Thus, the Etsakos and the rest became united in a division with J. C. Walker, Esq. as the first District Officer for the Division. The creation of Kukuruku Division in 1918 had coincided with the end of (lie First World War. The celebrations marking the end of the war were held at Fugar by the whole Kukuruku Division. The people of Kukuruku fought on the side of the British in that war so they celebrated the end of the war with them. In 1919 Avhianwu was placed under the control of the District Head at Auchi who with six other District heads formed a Council, gazetted, the Native Authority for the Kukuruku Division. At the inception of the Headquarters at Fugar, all the associated establishments and infrastructure were located at Ukphabobe. There were the Police Station, Court House, Medical Units, the Prisons and so on. A Government Rest House had been previously built on a landscape overlooking the dale bordering the village stream, Obe, and in the same vicinity with the government quarters then springing up. Monumental to the establishment of the Kukuruku divisional Headquarters at Fugar was the name given to the age-group of 1917, the age-group that immediately preceded and saw the preparations for the takeoff of the autonomous Administrative Area operated from Fugar. The age-group which was fathered by Itsede who hailed from Ulumhoghie in Ivhiunone was called Umoraboghimhe meaning ‘The whole world has come to me’; a strong indication that the Avhianwu community had rejoiced at what was on the way to Avhianwu. (b) Fugar is unmade the Headquarters of Kukuruku Division The joy that greeted the arrival of the headquarters at Fugar soon turned sour. It was short-lived. For the Avhianwu community, the demise of the Headquarters at Fugar was premature. Its short span of life had made it look as it had existed merely in the imagination; it had been a fantasy, an illusion. Though, all along, the mood of the people had been that of euphoria in unhappiness, yet they had not wished its removal. But it was removed. For no apparent reason. At the inception of the Headquarters of Kukuruku division at Fugar, the number of strangers in the midst of the people of Avhianwu had risen.  The influx of strangers led to the multiplication of social ills and actions incompatible with the local tradition. All along and following the establishment of a Native Court at Fugar, the natives – mostly the market women – would not accept the British coins as they appeared to them as pieces of broken earthenware. They preferred and wanted cowries (ikpeghotso – real money) which they had known from the beginning. The government personnel would not see with their illiterate hosts but rather forced them against their desires. They would drop on the ground before the poor market women whatever they fell like paying for goods and not what the women had asked for. In most cases they would not pay at all. And Avhianwu, at the time, being a community not given to sexual promiscuity, was not the right place for strangers inclined to amorous pursuits. There were neither free women in Avhianwu nor were the girls ready to marry strangers. To nullify the ban thus placed on indiscreet sex and marriage, the government personnel not only forced sex out of the girls but also abducted them. The Avhianwu traditional rulers could not talk the   District Officers into preventing their men from committing acts of aggression, extortion, sexual abuses, and abductions against the people of Avhianwu. After genuine consultations and consolidations have failed, the people of Avhianwu accepted their plight with resignation thus shunning confrontations. Let it be known here that the people of Avhianwu liked the Divisional Headquarters at Fugar but never the very government personnel who caused them physical, mental, emotional and psychological pains. Although there were such internal frictions between the government and the governed, there was no threat however to the administration in any form. Both parties had lived and learnt to accommodate each other. Born detractors and armchair critics of Avhianwu, who probably have been what they are from ignorance of the facts, had attributed the removal of the Headquarters from Fugar to Auchi in 1920 to the intransigence of the Avhianwu community. This cannot be true. How could that have happened when no major clash, if any at all, that could have culminated in dissensions between the two parties, the government and the

The Creation of Kukuruku Division – Aha Idokpesi Okhaishe N’ Avhianwu Read More »

Okhei Traditional Title in Avianwu Clan By Evangelist Godwin Eshiekhai Asekomhe

Okhei Traditional Title in Avianwu Clan By Evangelist Godwin Eshiekhai Asekomhe  PART ONE Avianwu Clan is made up of four communities namely: Ivhiarua, Ivhinone, Iraokhor and Ogbona. These four male children are the direct biological children of the same parents (i.e. Anwu the father and Aleokoko the mother). The four communities uphold and practice the same cultures/traditions that binds them together as one indivisible entity. An entity with One Clan – One destiny. One of the cultures that binds them together is Okhei Traditional Title. Okhei Tradition is one of the most exclusive enduring social institution in Avianwu culture. Initiation into Okhei Title is the exclusive preserve of male (male children, youths and adults) only. Initiation into Okhei Traditional Title is a traditional priestly ordination into priestly cult in traditional society, hence every Okhei Title holder is called and addressed as OBOH. Okhei Traditional Title is so important to the culture of Avianwu Clan such that initiation into the cult is the most necessary and important qualification to the conferment of any of the traditional titles in the Clan that culminate in being enthroned an Okphe – Ukpi ( Ukpi Drummer i.e. Community Head), which is the apex chieftaincy title in Avianwu Clan culture. This connotes that no one can be a traditional ruler if one is not an OBOH – that is Chief Priest. A male member of the traditional society who is not initiated into Okhei Title is considered as a mere and mean man and of no value in the Land. Hence such man is called OGBARI. Any OGBARI cannot aspire to attain any social status and position such as Oghiebo, Utokho – Ukpi, Ogbor – Okpise, Priest nor Chief Priest to offer sacrifice to the gods, nor any other traditional political position in the Clan. PART TWO Is Okhei traditional Title in Avianwu Clan our inheritance bequeathed to us by our forefathers? What is the origin of Okhei Traditional Title in Avianwu Clan? ORIGIN OF OKHEI TRADITIONAL TITLE IN AVIANWU CLAN. Okhei traditional Title in Avianwu Clan is not originally Avianwu Clan Cultural heritage bequeathed to us by the founding fathers of the Clan. From Avianwu Clan historical antiquity Okhei Title tradition was borrowed from “Ebu” which means “IGBO”. It is a (cross – culture) borrowed from Igbo land by some of our elders in the past. (Descent of Anwu by Ekpeshie). In Igbo Land, it is called “Ozoh traditional Title” without which no man can wear the traditional Red Cap, nor conferment of traditional chieftaincy title, nor be elected into traditional political offices nor regarded or respected in the committee of elders just as it is done in Avianwu Clan. THE PRACTICES AND THE ISSUES INVOLVED IN INITIATION INTO OKHEI TRADITIONAL TITLE. I will like to begin this section of our discourse by saying: (1). I am an Okhei Traditional Title Holder. (2). I have studied extensively on the subject of Okhei traditional culture in Avianwu clan. (3). As a deliverance minister, I have travelled far and wide in Igbo Land uprooting and destroying evil idols, deities altars etc. So I have knowledge of these issues. From historical and demonological and deliverance studies, practical life experiences and testimonies of one delivered from the demon of Okhei, it is observed initiation into Okhei traditional title involves a high level of paganism and occultism rituals and sacrifices to gods and spirits.   PART THREE OKHEI TRADITIONAL TITLE IN AVIANWU CLAN: RITUALS AND PRACTICISES Okhei Traditional Title in Avianwu Clan is the official traditional initiation and ordination into traditional Priesthood without which no male member of the traditional society can aspire to any social status, position or perform rituals and sacrifices to the gods of the land. Okhei traditional title is the most controversial cultural heritage in that it involves a very high level of pagan rituals and sacrifices. Initiates from between early 30s and 90s will affirm to these assertions. Some of such rituals and practices are: Iluobo-Okhei (Initial Okhei planning sacrifice). Decoration of traditional Olibo Stick. Decoration of initiate with traditional white chalk in preparation to going to Ogwa- Nikeke and Ogwa – Nokhua (small & big forest). Leading the initiate to both forests for rituals, sacrifices, dedication and taking oath of initiation accompanied with heavy drumming. On the way to the forests the initiate make sacrifices with “Asa” yam flour mixed with palm oil with roasted house rat and a fish on top of a small earth ware clay pot placed in the left hand of the initiate. Planting of a hen feather and pouring of palm wine on the way to both forest for rituals and sacrifices. Carrying of a long square basket called “Itsakpa” covered with a piece of white cloth and decorated with palm front and two hens by a boy considered and called servant of the new Oboh (To be continued). PART FOUR OKHEI TRADITIONAL TITLE IN AVIANWU CLAN: RITUALS AND PRACTICISES  (Continuation) Bowing down and worship any Iroko and Olibo trees on their way to and in the big forest. At the forest the chief priest order the initiate to run round an Iroko tree seven times. The chief priest strangles a life chicken to death and uses it to hit the chest of the initiate and also wave it around his head seven times. The initiate places his right leg on the stem of Iroko tree with citation of incantations by the chief priest (Ogiebo). Invocation of an evil spirit on the initiate which makes him stagger like a drunkard. Oath taking and vow of dedication at the big forest (Ogwa Nokhua). The oath and vow of dedication goes thus: ULOKO NA OGWA EEE, IREGBEMHE NE MHO- meaning “IROKO TREE OF THE FOREST I DEDICATE MY SELF TO YOU. After certain pronouncements by the chief priest (Ogiebo), the initiate makes a final pledge to the shrine in the forest and promise to keep the oath of secrecy of the testimony. PART FIVE OKHEI TRADITIONAL TITLI IN AVIANWU CLAN. TABOOS,

Okhei Traditional Title in Avianwu Clan By Evangelist Godwin Eshiekhai Asekomhe Read More »