2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities

2021 Aduikwu kwa Day : Ogbona Sub Clan Head Calls for Unity, Love, forgiveness Among Communities.

March 13, 2021

By Elias Inaede,

The need for unity, forgiveness and love among the various communities in Avhianwu has again be stressed.

This was the submission of the Okpeukpi of Ogbona sub clan head, HRH Chief Willy Idode in his message to felicitate with his subjects on the ocassion of this year’s Aduikwu kwa festival in an interview with ELIAS INAEDE MEDIA GROUP on Saturday in his residence in Ogbona.

He emphasized the need to forgive one another in order to receive the blessings of God and that no emni ty should exceed beyond Aduikwu kwa day.

While wishing the people of Ogbona and Avhianwu Clan a peaceful Aduikwu kwa day festival, the traditional Ruler, maintained that, the only way the cultural heritage of Avhianwu can be preserved was to carry everyone along in the scheme of things and that those who are responsible in preserving the cultural heritage of Avhianwu should always give a sense of belonging to every community and not when decisions are already made that a message will be passed across.

According him, that would guarantee peaceful co existence in Avhianwu. He urged all and sundry to unite and imbibe the spirit of forgiveness by engaging in acts that can bring unity and progress to the community rather than indulging in acts that separate Avhianwu as a community.

Aduikwu kwa day is the traditional new year in Avhianwu clan.

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