Adams Trueman Ogbona Soccer Academy

Meet The man, Apostle Adams Abdulmuhamin Trueman

Apostle Adams Abdulmuhamin Trueman, formerly; Suleiman Oshioke Adamu Yusuf, was born November 27, 1974 at the Military Barracks Kano.

Parents: Mr. Abdul Adamu Yusuf, from the Oba Yusuf Royal family Agbede and Mrs. Baiketu Musa, also from Agbede Etsako West L. G. A. His late father lived in Ogbona in the mid/ late forties. Came into Ogbona with the first head master and was a good childhood friend of late chief M. C. K. Orbih and the former commissioner of police, Chief J. Oshiomhogho. Mr. Abdul Adamu Yusuf nick name was Barbarossa. He served in the Nigerian Army from 1957 and retired in 1979.

Schools attended: Army Children School New Cantonments C. Kaduna. Rimi college Ungwarimi Kaduna. Government College Kaduna. College of Applied Business studies Kaduna Polytechnic Kaduna. Diploma in Theology. Northern Nigerian Bible School, Saminaka Kaduna. Certificate. From Project Philip Missions U.S.A. Diploma. Clinical Pastoral counselling. Radio School of the Bible. Via- Correspondence. Certificate. Advance Leadership Training course. Haggai Institute. U. S. A. Ex-professional footballer, with Azecole Division 3, Federal Republic du Benin, Fc. Lyon’s France.

He is an Oriented Engineer. Social worker, Author, Entrepreneur, Preacher, Missionary and Teacher. Married to Evangelist, Joyce Itsoya Trueman. The daughter of Hajiah Muniretu Anetekhai of Okotor quarters Ogbona. The marriage took place on June 26. 2010 at The Gospel Ministries International Ogbona. They are blessed with Three wonderful kids. Annabelle Onotse Trueman. Aaron Oghie Trueman and Adriel Oshiokhayemene Trueman.

He is the second non-indigenous resident minister at Ogbona after serving 16 years and counting, but have enjoyed the sweet privilege of being member of this great land by marriage. The Ogbona of my late father’s tales was of a people geographical and strategically positioned by heaven in Avhianwu clan and Etsako land to provide exemplary leadership, and traditional guidance.

Adams is also serving exco in the Ogbona chapter of Etsako Central and Edo North CAN {Christian Association of Nigeria}. And also, an executive member of NAPS {Nigeria Association of Private School Owner’s) and now arson. All private school owners of Nigeria Edo North Etsako central chapter.

Contributions to Ogbona community

Have been privileged to single handedly champion the course of building descent place of worship for God’s people. And have also served as vice principal Monica group of schools. Iraokhor. Heritage Standard school, Ogbona and Blessed Sylatral group schools Fugar. He is the proprietor of the Gospel mission academy Okotor quarters, Ogbona. The only private school college left. Director at A/T Ogbona soccer academy and have via my defunct foundation aided young people to realised their academic dreams and also supported them financially to achieve their various trade establishments. He participates fully in the annual Ogbona Liberation program. Being among the very first group of ministers of the Gospel to anchor the first program. After 16 years I don’t see myself or children having any other home than Ogbona and I have a lot of great plans for the community which I am working on. I intend to open an orphanage soon and also a clinic. And the legacy I wish to be remembered for is youth empowerment and catalyst for community development. Well my football nick name was Dino. And I speak more of Hausa, English and French, just really began to catch up with my Etsako tongue.

I got converted to Christianity on the 6th Of April 1999 at Pillar of Truth Church Rukuba road Jos, Plateau state.

Adams Trueman Ogbona Soccer Academy

A/T Ogbona soccer academy was inaugurated on the 27th of June, 2015 by Apostle Adams Abdulmuhamin Trueman, the resident, presiding pastor of The Gospel Ministries International Ogbona branch.  Apostle Adams Trueman is a Muslim pro stylite and an ex professional. The main aim of A/T, is to harness young talents, curb criminality and engage the youths in a global business that requires them putting off violence and to become; disciplined, dedicated and determined to succeed. We are the current defending champions in Etsako land, haven won the prestigious Akpogu cup. Hosted by Hon. John Akhigbe. Also, we have participated in the annual Mike Okhai Akhigbe cup, Edo state, non-division league one competition, Ambrose Ali annual memorial cup competition, Pastor Azeme Azena cup competition, Fan’s competition and we hosted our own competition in Ogbona and won. 3 of our boys have successfully obtained the international passport and would have traveled out last December but for financial reasons. We train Monday’s to Friday’s then attend class on Saturdays. For now, we sponsor ourselves by tasking and other means and we must not forget to announce our gratitude to his Royal Majesty High Chief Jackson Etokhana for supporting us with his bus throughout our journeys for the State league. And his Royal Highness Chief Williams Uloko Idode for his continual support. The academy is divided into four. A team. Our first eleven best players and substitutes. B. Alternative players. Feda team. Under 13-16. Female team. Made up of just girls from Ogbona and Iraokhor. Most of all team’s members are from Ogbona.

We were also able to secure the Ogbona community Senior Secondary School field for our training ground with the help of chief Akpaibor and Mr. Julius Amhanesi. After obtaining a letter from the Edo state football Association which we are affiliated and also to the Edo state coaches’ association Edo north Auchi chapter.


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