Ogbona Elites Forum

The draft constitution of the Ogbona Elites Forum 2017. This constitution is still being worked

Happy 78th to Pastor Mrs. Julie Inu Umoru, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Ogbona Elites Forum

Happy 78th to Pastor Mrs. Julie Inu Umoru, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Ogbona Elites Forum!! May this special day be filled with joy, love, and celebration. May her life continue to be blessed with purpose, wisdom, and happiness. Thank you for your exceptional leadership and dedication. Wishing her a fantastic year ahead! Happy 78th birthday to an extraordinary woman, a loving mother figure, and a shining example of grace and strength, Pst. Mrs Julie O Inu Umoru. Your unwavering support and guidance have been a beacon of hope and inspiration in my life. I’m forever grateful for the love, wisdom, and encouragement you’ve shared with me over the years. May this milestone birthday be celebrated with joy, love, and cherished moments. You deserve all the happiness and blessings life has to offer. Thank you for being a constant source of comfort, wisdom, and love in my life. Many happy returns of the day, Cheers  

Happy 78th to Pastor Mrs. Julie Inu Umoru, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Ogbona Elites Forum Read More »


The attached report marks our logical stop to our efforts for the Ogbona Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) renovation and upgrade, except we have more funding to expand our scope. (The PHC is directly opposite the Saint Johns Catholic church/Oboarekpe Primary School) Below are some of the areas we were able to touch. Floor tiles for the new and old buildings Painting of the old/new buildings Electrical/plumbing repairs – underground water tank, soak away etc. Hospital bed Hospital beddings: – mattresses, pillows, bedsheets, pillow cases etc. Repairing of the community generator nearby PHC and connecting the generator to the PHC buildings Repair of doors/keys and new doors Portioning of delivery room to surgery & delivery room Provision of signboard, gate to PHC etc. Provision of wheel chair, stretcher etc. Provision of office tables, chairs, benches, plastic chairs and misc. items Equipping the surgery/setup We are using this opportunity to thank all the donors for this project. May the good Lord bless you and your families. Those who were unable to support us this time, may the Lord provide for you and your family abundantly.   RENOVATION AND UPGRADE OF OGBONA PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE (DISPENSARY) Ogbona is one of the four villages that make up Avhianwu Clan and is a busy and rusty town founded about 1892 in Etsako Central Local Government Area of Edo State. The town is one of the agro-based communities in Edo State, where yam, groundnut, maize, cassava and cashew nuts are farmed in commercial quantity. However, despite being one of the state’s food baskets, Ogbona is mostly known for constantly producing top-rate musicians in and around Edo. These musicians, known for their rich melody, philosophical composition, rhythms and emotional music, are yet to be matched in that area. The population of the community, based on school enrollment and past census is about 18,500 people. The community has 3 public primary schools, 6 private primary/secondary schools, one public secondary school.   RENOVATION & UPGRADE OF THE PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE (DISPENSARY/MATERNITY). The Ogbona Community Primary Health Centre, commonly referred to as Ogbona Maternity Hospital was approved alongside three others in March, 1959 and was commissioned in 1961 by the Local Council Authority when Chief M.C.K Orbih was the councilor representing Avianwu ward. The total cost of the project was One thousand Pounds (€1,000), which was twice the cost of that of Jagbe. The Primary Health Centre is currently in need of urgent repairs and possible upgrade. The structures which have been in place for many years and now in states of disrepair are in dire need of urgent repairs and re-furnishing. Currently, the PHC is the most readily available medical facility to the community.  After a thorough feasibility study was carried out by the community leadership, it was discovered that a little effort was required to repair and upgrade the facility in terms of infrastructure and basic clinical/surgical equipment. The renovation work was initiated by the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Idode. He personally supervised the renovation work and upgrade in order to maximize the available resources. We appealed to individuals and corporate organizations to sponsor certain items on the list or sponsor part or the entire renovation/upgrade work.  We could do more if we have the fund. Although much progress has been made in the areas of repairs of the infrastructure, the facility requires to be minimally equiped with upgraded clinical/surgical items. To this end, it has been suggested that we set up a surgical theatre as the place is now conducive for carrying out basic surgical operations.  It is expected that a surgeon/surgeons will be coming around from time to time to carry out surgeries as soon is the facility becomes functional instead of going to Fugar or Auchi for such medical services. The need to see to the realization of the refurbishing and upgrading of the Ogbona PHC prompted The Ogbona Elites Forum (OEF) to shelve its 2021 Annual Free Medical Outreach, which has held twice since 2018 and collaborate with the community to refurbish and upgradee the Ogbona Primary Healthcare Centre (Dispensary/Maternity). As at this moment, much work has been done and more requires to be done. Dispensary/Maternity, as it is fondly called has received a new lease of life to the glory of God and to the gratification and benefit of Ogbona Community and its environ.     STATE OF THE HEALTHCARE CENTRE BEFORE RENOVATION ONGOING RENOVATION AT THE OGBONA PRIMARY HEALTHCARE CENTRE ETSAKO CENTRAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT CHAIRMAN AND COUNCIL OFFICIALS ON INSPECTION OF THE RENOVATION WORK AT OGBONA PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE, MARCH 01, 2021. PRIMARY HEALTHCARE CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME To the glory of God and through the efforts of the good people of this forum, the Primary Healthcare Centre (Dispensary/Maternity) at home is receiving a new lease of life after decades of neglect. May the good Lord bless each and everyone of us, Amen. Having seen the community effort put in there, the HOS has approved that a surgery theatre be set up there to handle surgical operations. Honestly, we have tried without success to convince UBTH management in Benin to set up the theatre in their hospital at home to handle such cases. The number of our people who go to Jattu and Auchi all the time for minor operations is much. Having the theatre in the Healthcare Centre equipped to handle surgical operations would save our people money, mother & child at birth and the stress of going to Auchi all the time.   THE NEW SURGERY THEATRE List of items required to set up the theatre 1. Allis forcep x 4 2. Babcock forcep x 4 3. Ambo bag (Adult x 1, child x 1) 4. Set of dilators x1 5. Artery forcep – (straight and curve) a. Medium x 4 b. Mosquito x 4 c. large x 4 6. Kocher’s forceps x 4 7. Needle holder (big 3 and small 2) 8. Bard Parker scapel handle (size 4 x 3) 9. Surgical blade size 22 or 23



EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS BY (MRS.) OMOLADE F. O. AKPA Who is a teacher? A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.  A teacher’s role may vary among cultures. Teachers may provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the arts, religion, civics, community roles, or life skills. Formal teaching tasks include preparing lessons according to agreed curricula, giving lessons, and assessing pupil progress. A teacher’s professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. Outside of the classroom teachers may accompany students on field trips, supervise study halls, help with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline. Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world. To make a difference in a child’s life is a huge privilege. There are many key attributes to being an effective teacher but for me some of the key attributes are effective communication and establishing good relationships, guide children’s behaviour, setting up a good environment for learning and being well organized. Who is an effective teacher? Everyone knows that when it comes to making a difference in a child’s academics and life achievements, their teachers play a large role. A teacher’s ability to relate to their students, and teach them to achieve both socially and academically contributes to how effective they are, therefore, an effective teacher is one who strives to motivate and engage all their students in learning rather than simply accepting that some students cannot be engaged and are destined to do poorly. They believe every student is capable of achieving success at school and they do all they can to find ways of making each student successful.  Tips for Effective Teaching Be specific about what you are teaching Understand who you are teaching Make clear links to the broader course/program context Identify the best ways to teach this particular content Plan the teaching sessions in detail including the resources and support you will need Communicate clearly to students Determine how effective the teaching has been and make improvements Qualities of effective teachers The ability to develop relationships with their students Patient, caring, and kind personality Knowledge of learners Dedication to teaching Engaging students in learning What is Classroom Management? Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. When classroom-management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning. Generally speaking, effective teachers tend to display strong classroom-management skills, while the hallmark of the inexperienced or less effective teacher is a disorderly classroom filled with students who are not working or paying attention. Classroom management is crucial in classrooms because it supports the proper execution of curriculum development, developing best teaching practices, and putting them into action. Classroom management can be explained as the actions and directions that teachers use to create a successful learning environment; indeed, having a positive impact on students achieving given learning requirements and goals. In an effort to ensure all students receive the best education it would seem beneficial for educator programs to spend more time and effort in ensuring educators and instructors are well versed in classroom management. Effective classroom management: Establishes and sustains an orderly environment in the classroom. Increases meaningful academic learning and facilitates social and emotional growth. Decreases negative behaviors and increases time spent academically engaged. Factors to consider when choosing a classroom management system Effective classroom management can often be the difference between a classroom that’s focused and attentive and a classroom in which students struggle to achieve their educational objectives. Teachers face a variety of choices when it comes to classroom management. While some teachers take a direct approach to managing and directing their classrooms, others focus on building a friendly, collaborative relationship with their students. What are the advantages of classroom management? Effective classroom management is extremely important for ensuring students can learn in an environment that’s free of disruption. Good classroom management is a vital component of ensuring students reach their full academic potential. When teachers can effectively control the direction and behaviour of a classroom, students are likely to achieve improved academic results. This makes an effective classroom management system essential for teachers and students alike. High quality classroom management lets teachers control the direction that their classroom takes while preventing students from causing disruptions to their peers and setting back their potential to learn. What are the challenges of classroom management? Teachers face a variety of classroom management challenges. These can include disruptive students that slow or interrupt the pace of learning and ineffective or poorly thought out management techniques that worsen student behaviour. The most effective teachers typically understand a variety of effective classroom management techniques and use the most appropriate solution to keep their class free of disruption and focused on achieving its educational goals. What should you know about classroom management? Classroom management can often be the difference between a focused classroom that achieves its educational goals and a classroom that falls behind the average in its category. As a teacher, having an understanding of classroom management and the ability to apply classroom management techniques gives you the power to keep your entire classroom focused on achieving its objectives and academically productive. Classroom management in primary schools Classroom Management: Show No Fear Children can literally smell fear from a mile away. If they enter your classroom and know that you are scared, then they will take full advantage of that fear. If you are new to the job and are feeling anxious, then go by the motto of “Fake it until you make it.” Put on a fearless face and pretend that you are not scared of anything and that you are in complete


Report of the greater Ogbona through quality education

REPORT OF THE GREATER OGBONA THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION & HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS HELD FROM THE 24TH TO 26TH JULY, 2017 IN OGBONA. Ogbona village has a total resident population of about 15,162 as of 2011. Ogbona has 3 public primary schools with about 1,124 pupils and 6 private primary schools, one public secondary school and one private secondary school.  The public secondary school has a total enrollment of about 672 students made up of 358 Boys and 304 girls. The essence of this program was to meet and overcome the challenges posed to our community by student’s poor academic performance, truancy, indiscipline, poor school management and cultism. The responses to these challenges shall be three pronged, namely; Workshops and seminars for the teachers [training the trainers] Career talk and seminars on cultism and restiveness, human capital development and entrepreneurship. Repositioning Ogbona schools through proper management and good lesson delivery for moral and academic excellence. OBJECTIVES OF THESE PROGRAMS To guide the students on: Their career paths or choices The danger of cultism How to scan the environment for business opportunities How to be self-reliant through entrepreneurial programs How to be good ambassadors of your family, community and nation   STRUCTURES All the three primary school’s teachers (37 teachers) shall be combined for the training program just as both the JSS & SSS teacher be combined too All the secondary school students shall have a combined class for the keynote address and shall be divided thereafter into junior and senior secondary school. There will be vocational interest forms to be filled out by the SS 2 and SS3 and evaluated by a combined team of teachers and a counsellor TOPICS AND SPEAKERS Keynote Address: CULTISM & GOOD CITIZENSHIP by Prof. Johnson Egwaikhe & Dr. David Imhonopi Exciting World of Geology and Engineering (what it takes to be a scientist) by Mr. Gilbert Odior Career Profiling for Professional Disciplines by Mr. Emmanuel Anabor Education and the need for Entrepreneurship Skills by Mr. Abaye Igbadumhe Discovering Self Values and Potentials – Adeolu Aderoju Re-inventing the ideal teacher: Training the Trainers primary and secondary school teachers by Mr. Bernard Ikhane Vocational interest Inventory career forms     The Train the Trainers seminar which held on 24th of July, 2017 was titled: RE-INVENTING THE IDEAL TEACHER & TEACHING METHODOLOGIES, while the 2nd day, being 25th of July, 2017 was captioned RE-INVENTING THE IDEAL TEACHER: CLASS ROOM MANAGEMENT & CONTROL.  Both sessions held at Imhakhena Primary School and Ogbona Secondary School, separately. The Primary School training program was attended by teachers from Imhakhena, Oboarekpe and Asama primary schools. The program started at 11:03 a.m.  with an opening prayer by Chief Akpaibor. Soon after, the Secretary General of Ogbona Elites Forum, Mr. Anaweokhai John Odior was called upon to give a synopsis of the entire program which he did very quickly and made way for The Human Resources Personnel, The Vice President of Ogbona Elites Forum, Mr. Bernard Ikhane and he went straight into business. He started with a teaser on teacher’s instructional capability which all the teachers failed. The video clip on how a monkey could be taught to climb and plough coconut was the icy on the cake. After watching the clip, the instructor guided the teachers to do an analysis to determine how learning takes place in a classroom setting.  The Chairperson of Ogbona Elites Board of trustees, Pastor Mrs. Julie Inu Umoru, came on both days and used her space bus to convey some of the equipment. The Okphe-Ukpi came personally on the second day to see things for himself. At the end of the training program, all the teachers were elated and appreciated Ogbona Elites Forum for sharpening their teaching skills. We must commend the effort of our Vice President for his display of professional expertise in taking all the teachers on a-no- holds-bar educational tour of every aspect of the teaching profession. It was both theoretical and practical with the use of video clips. Teachers were given the opportunity to air their views and asked questions to clear some grey areas. The format at the secondary school was not different. The Palace was represented by Chief Akpaibor and Chief Ogah. Pastor Mrs. Julie In Umoru was also present. The two School Principals were in attendance on both days. On the whole, 33 out of a total of 37 primary school teachers attended the program. Among the attendees are: IMHAKHENA PRIMARY SCHOOL: Otsoi M.O Mrs. Omomoh M.O Mrs. Aronokhale Regina Akhamiemhona Patience Oleghe M.E Mrs. Ikhaghu Joy Mrs. Damissah I Marius Ikhanoba Magdalene Obemeata F.N Mrs. Idode S.A Mrs. OBOAREKPE PRIMARY SCHOOL: Enamhegbai E. I. Mrs. Idris C.M Mrs. Aigbina G.E Mrs. C. Mrs. Akhamie E. Mrs. Aliu B.Z Mrs. Orbih S.O Miss Enakpene P Miss Okhimamhe O.G Mrs. Asemoh Charles Mrs. Umole Juliana Mrs. Isunuevho Nanashiat Mrs. Azimheye Lucy Mrs. Aruokhai E.O Mrs. Azimhi J.E Mrs. ASAMA PRIMARY SCHOOL: Osigwe Angela Odion Patience Ikhane Henrietta Izibiri Eugenia Agunofua Odia Loveth Aishat Oshiotse Victoria Aseghiemhe A Thomas Ikem Betty  OGBONA SECONDARY SCHOOL: Aigbonoga Joshua Anamomhe Abdul Jabar Omodibo Idris Aliu Stella Itsuokor Omone Esther Edogamhe Georgia E Anugioba Victoria Akpaibor Joan Idikhumhi Caleb Ikhana Samson Omoaka Umar Farouk Ilega Emmanuel F Aliu Jennifer All the youth corps members.   26th July, 2017 was the grand finale of the program. Although we had to put the hall in order before the program could commence, the students were assembled at about 10 a.m. for a brief address by Mr. Ikhane. Some of the SS2 students were a bit unruling and one of them had to be suspended by the Mr. Ben Ikhane and the entire class was made to kneel down on the assembly ground and render unreserved apology to the school. This disciplinary measure restored calmness and helped in no small measure to ensure we had a hitch-free session with them as they cooperated maximally, thereafter. The keynote Address on CULTISM, YOUTH RESTIVENESS & GOOD CITIZENSHIP was delivered by Prof. Johnson

Report of the greater Ogbona through quality education Read More »