Thaddeus (Gagasco) Anabor becomes Principal, Ogbona Secondary School, Ogbona

Thaddeus (Gagasco) Anabor becomes Principal, Ogbona Secondary School, Ogbona

Ogbona Secondary School was one of the projects solely conceived, funded and established by Ogbona Imhakhena Federated Union. The School started out with the name; Ogbona Community Secondary School, but later, the word, community, was dropped. The School is now referred to as Ogbona Secondary School, Ogbona, Etsako Central Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria.

The School was opened on 10th October,1980 with Mr. C. O Aikeremiokhai as its Pioneer Principal, and   E.M. Aleobua as the Vice Principal. Forty (40) years later, Ogbona Secondary School, Ogbona is having its first Ogbona indigene as the School Principal:  Thaddeus Gagasco Anabor, Alias Gagasco.

He resumed on February 17, 2020 after the retirement of Mr. Tony Abu as principal.

Ogbona Elites Forum wishes Thaddeus Anabor a successful and progressive tenure in the school. We will being praying for him as we continue to support the school and the community.

Profile of Thaddeus Anabor Principal, Ogbona Secondary School, Ogbona

Name: Thaddeus Maurice Osikemekhai Anabor (Aka Gagasco)

Family: Chief John Ikuku Anabor

Mother: Mrs. Fatima Juliana Anabor (Nee orbih)

DoB: 4 January, 1962

Schools Attended

Imhakhena Primary School, Ogbona 1968 -1975

Our Lady of Fatima College, Auchi 1975 – 1981

Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi 1984- 1987

University of Nigeria Nsukka 1990 – 1995

Qualifications: NCE 1987 and B. ED (Business Education) 1995

Work experience

Weppa Secondary School, Weppa 1988 – 1996

Apana Mixed Secondary School, Apana, Vice principal, 1996 – 2009

South Ibie Secondary School, Iyakpi, 2009 – 2010

Evhotubu Senior Secondary School, Benin City 2010 – 2011

Ughiole Senior Secondary School, Ayuele 2011 – 2012

Uralo Senior Secondary School, Iraokhor, Vice Principal, 2012 – 2017

Iviukwe Junior Secondary School, Iviukwe, Principal, 2017 – 2019

Iviukwe Senior Secondary School, Iviukwe, Principal, 2019 – 2020

Ogbona Senior Secondary School, Ogbona, Principal, Feb 17, 2020

Thaddeus is married to Mrs Veronica Anabor since 1992 and they are blessed with 4 children

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