An address at the Installation of Chief Jacob Orbih as Akpagi of Ivhido Village

AN ADDRESS DELIVERED BY CHIEF HON JOS AKHIGBE ALEMOH (JP) THE OGHIEANOR OF AVIANWU DURING THE INSTALLATION OF CHIEF JACOB ORBIH BY HRH WILLIAM IDODE AS THE SUB CLAN HEAD OF OGBONA AS THE UTOKHO UKPI NAPE OF OGBONA REPRESENTING THE IVHIDO VILLAGE OF IVHIOKHUA RULLING HOUSE OF OGBONA COMMUNITY. The Edo State Chairman PDP My Clan Head of Avianwu The Sub Clan Heads of Avianwu Clan The members of the political parties here present My Lords spiritual and temporal The galaxy of gentlemen of the press The good people of Ogbona Community. Ladies and gentlemen. 1 feel humbled to be called upon to chairman this epoch making ceremony in the life of the people of Ivhido in particular and the Ogbona Community in general. It may be difficult for the none-Avianwu who do not know much of our history to understand and comprehend the history that is being made today. I therefore ask for your indulgence to take a little of your time to go back and intimate you of the reasons why we are here. Anwu the father and founder of the Avianwu, migrated from Benin about the 16th century when Oba Ozolua ruled Benin Kingdom. The people of Avianwu had not settled down fully in their newly located settlement at IKPE (Okutegba) when the new king, ruling them then KING OMOAZEKPE began to give them worse treatment than the ones they received from the them Oba of Benin. Because of this unbearable treatment, Anwu and his four children Viz: UNONE, ARUA, URALO and Imhakhena (Ogbona) left IKPE (Jattu) in the company of Okpisai, Owai, Onotseakhale and other members of Weppa and Wano. The Ivhianwu settled in Ugbiogwa then to Ulumhogie in IVHINONE-FUGAR while Weppa/Wano continued the movement until they got to Agenebode. You may later know the meaning of Ulumhoghie and Agenebode. While at Fugar the children began to move out in search of good land for farming. This is the cause of the third and last movement. When IVHIARUA moved to her present location, Iraokhor and Imhakhena also moved to their respective places of habitation. Being the last son and the pet of ALOKOKO their mother, Aloukoko decided to stay with Imhakhena (Ogbona) leaving Unone and Arua behind at Fugar where Unone and Arua resides. Aloukoko stayed with Imhakhena (Ogbona) until her death and was buried therein. This is the reason why Ogbona has the authority to announce to the other three brothers when girls fit to be initiated into womanhood would start the process. Again, Avianwu by tradition do not eat python which represents Aloukoko our mother but, if by a mistake you eat it, you have to go to the shrine located at Ogbona built for our mother to appease her and appeal for pardon. Now, coming to the reason we are here gathered today, our people have their traditional way of ascending to the UKPISHIP, (the traditional symbol of the Avhianwu rulership.) To be an Okphe Ukpi – (SUB CLAN HEAD) in any of the four ruling villages in Avianwu, you must first be (1)      UTOKHO UKPI NAPE  (2)         UTOKHO UKPI NAE BHO (3)          EGBOI IKPISE (4)          EGBOISE (5)          OKPHE UKPI – This is the last stage which cannot be transferred or held in trust for the family. Stage 1 to 4 are held in trust for the ruling house /family. The hierarchy must come from ruling houses and the ruling houses as they were, were not, evenly distributed to the villages for some reasons which we do not know and so cannot explain. Some villages in the four sub clans of Avianwu were forgotten or omitted from the list of these privileged to have these ruling houses. Because of the present enlightenment and changes in the world, some families decided to enquire into what happened. While some caused enquiries to be made in their cases. Some went to court but the Ivhido, a village of intelligential in all fields of endeavor approached the matter quite intelligently and with the sense of responsibility. With this genuine and unprovoked manner the chiefs, elders, and youth of the ruling house met and unequivocally approved the community of Ivhido as a ruling house within IVHIOKWA. This creation should not have been possible if not for the understanding, gentility, and unassuming character of the willingness of His Royal Highness William Idode (Sub Clan Head of Ogbona Community). Finally, I want to appeal and advise our Highnesses, their Chiefs, and the parents of our children to as much as possible stop the youths in their respective communities to avoid criminality or abetting criminals for any reason whatsoever. I want us to obey the biblical statement in Proverbs Chapter 29 verse 1-2 “He who is often rebuked and hardened his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. (2) When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” We should be righteous and give good example if we should expect our children to do like wise Thank you for listening and May the Good Lord lead you safely back to your destinations. God bless the people of Ivhido, God bless the people of Ogbona and God bless the people of Avianwu   Chief. Dr. Jos. Akhigbe Alemoh (JP) Ogieanor of Avianwu Land   A WELCOME ADDRESS PRESENTED BY DONALD OGH1ELU ORBIH ON THE OCCATION OF THE PRESENTATION OF STAFF OF OFFICE -‘AKPAGI OF IVHIDO’ AND THE ‘UTOKHO-UKPINAPE’ OF OGBONA TO CHIEF JACOB UTU ORBIH ON THIS DAY 25th MARCH, 2017. The Chairman, Chief Joseph Akhigbe Your Royal Majesty, the Oghie Avianwu of Avianwu Kingdom. Alhaji Dauda Jackson Etokhana Your Highness, the Okpo-Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy “Uloko Idode All other members of Oghie Avianwu in-council Present. All other traditional rulers present here My Lords spiritual and temporal, esteemed guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a thing of joy for us the ‘Ivhidolites’ and the people of Ogbona to welcome you all to this historic occasion. We are most

An address at the Installation of Chief Jacob Orbih as Akpagi of Ivhido Village Read More »