Town Planning and Works Committee Ogbona Advisory Committee
Town Planning and Works Committee Ogbona Advisory Committee First Committee Meeting June 05, 2010 The Chairman’s Residence, Omole Phase 1 Estate, Lagos Minutes of Meeting Attendance Register: S/N Name Email address Contact Numbers 1 Gilbert Odior 08022903457 2 Paulinus Ifaorumhe 08077757781 3 Pascal Osigbemhe 07035848784 4 Thomas Ikhaghu 08066630028 5 Peter Odior 07068831077 Date: June 05, 2010 Place: The chairman’s Residence Omole Phase 1, Lagos Minutes of meeting Introductions and Meeting Objectives The meeting started at 1:20pm with an opening prayer by Thomas Ikhaghu. The chairman presented a welcome address outlining the different areas he believes the committee has been asked to address. He explained the task ahead the committee and implores the members to work towards realizing the objectives set out by the Advisory Council on behalf of the Ukpe-Ukpi and the community. A copy of his address is attached. Terms of reference and agenda from the chairman’s address were; Town Planning includes: Layout Street naming Boundaries with neighboring communities. Works includes: Infrastructure Installation of Transformer Another Transformer from Jacob Orbih Relocation of the market Electricity Communication Market structures. Haphazard Development Extension Land Lock Lack of Planning Scattered development Land fragmentation. Among the issues discussed were: Town Planning New Roads and Layout The chairman briefed on the observed haphazrd development of the new areas in the Ogbona Community without provision for access roads, electricity network etc. Thomas Ikhaghu was requested to prepare a sketch of all the existing road network and possible new roads in the community. Also, the need for a proper layout of the developing areas was discussed with a proposed road every 200m to link existing roads. The Town Planning and Works Committee will look at the road network sketch in their next meeting and workout modality to create the new road network. Peter Odior reported that the road linking from Iraokhor road to Atsegwasi’s house has been awarded to be tarred by the Local Government. He was however, asked to speak to the Council Chairman over the road leading from Atsegwasi’s house to the Auchi-Agenebode road (Old road) and also to speak with Ukpe-Ukpi on how to get a bulldozer to open the new roads. Street Naming A proper street naming was discussed and was generally agreed to develop a geneology of the village through history, meet with the elders and Ukpe-Ukpi to trace the history and its prominent citizens. The major streets will be named to reflect our history. Also the smaller street can be named after individual who will pay a stipulated amount to the community apart from the Local Government fee. Bounderies with other Communities. After a brief discussion on the issues and challenges sorrounding our boundaries with our neighbouring communities, it was recommended that a new committee should be set up to work in hands with the Judiciary committee. Works Ogbona Market. The Committee was briefed on the proposed location for the new Community market along the Auchi-Agenebode road. Thomas Ikhaghu and Peter Odior were asked to visit the proposed site for the new market. Their report should include the size of market, existing structures or houses that will be affected now and in future expansion. Also propose how to relocate them and possible areas of relocation. Thomas Ikhaghu and Peter Odior were also requested look at the parcel of land between the Comprehensive Health Centre road and Ogbona Community Grammar School. However, some disadvantages of this location were identified: too close to the Grammar school, not far from Iraokhor Market and too far from Okotor quarters. The New Transformers There is a new transformer donated by Government to the community. Mr. Peter Odior was asked to see the Local Govt. for the installation of the transformer. It should be installed in the southern part of Ogbona where there are lots of development and low voltage anytime there is light. The transformer installed near the Orbih’s compound is currently not been used due issues sorrounding the installation. Paulinus was asked to discuss the Transformer issue with Dan Orbih and the contractor Jacob Orbih. This additional transformer will help to provide power in the new growing areas. Communication The current MTN network at Ogbona is found to be inadequate and there is need for other networks like Glo, Zain, Visa etc. The Committee would approach people that talkk with these networks to bring their present to Ogbona. Mr. Pascal Osigbemhe agreed to visit Glo Zonal office in Benin as soon as possible. Infrastructure The need to complete existing town hall was expressed and details on way forward for this project will be discussed in a future Advisory Council meetings and recommendation made to the Ukpe-Ukpi. In re-planning the community, there is need to reserve land for community cemetery, parks, playground, motor parks etc. It was also observed that the community does not have its own land but a system has to be put in place to acquire land for common use. There are 2 water boreholes in Ogbona, one at Ivhido Quarters and the other on Imiava road. The 2 boreholes are not currently connected to the Public power supply. The transformer from the Local Government for the Imiava road borehole was taken away by the Chairman and is yet to be replaced with an appropriate one. The one located by Dan Orbih in Ivhido currently operate on Diesel generator only and fueling is an issue. A new borehole needs to be sunk in another location to serve the new development and piping of the Imiava road borehole to distribute water to the town should be done in stages. Next meeting will take place at Ogbona before the next Advisory Council meeting scheduled for August 28, 2010. Closing Remarks The Chairman thanked members for attendance and participation in the meeting. He enjoins the members to work in their various ways for the general interest of the Ogbona community and work towards having some results by the next meeting.ent some light entertainment. Closing
Town Planning and Works Committee Ogbona Advisory Committee Read More »