Ogbona Elites Forum organized a 3-day medical outreach to Ogbona Community and environ from September 01 to 03, 2018. Over 3,000 people from Ogbona and surrounding villages were at the MCK Orbih Comprehensive Health Centre daily for the free medical programs. Below is a summarized list of cases completed during the medical outreach.

  1. Dental treatment 113
  2. Eye surgeries 42
  3. General and Gynecological surgeries 80
  4. ECG done on Patients 25
  5. Eye drugs given 575
  6. Eye glasses given 700
  7. Dental drugs given 409


EdoSACA organized two Counseling and Testing Tents to provide privacy and shelter to all that came for the HIV Testing Services (HTS). A total of 119 persons were counseled and tested using the full complement of M&E tools. All the people were made to go through both the Pre-test and Post-test counseling routines.

Dako Foundation for Rural Health Care & Education

Total number of children given vitamin A who are less than 1 year = 51,

Total number of children given Vitamin A who are 1 year and above =628,

Total number of people 1 year and above who were dewormed =1945,

Total number of pregnant and lactating mothers who were given multivitamin = 108


Ogbona Medical Outreach Training

1: CPR TRAINING: 33 persons trained.

2: BLS TRAINING: 6 Nurses participated. The training session was not comprehensive due to In and Out of participants from the class because of their involvement in the theater and the wards. Will have a comprehensive session at a later date.

3: ACLS: This could not hold. No time.



The idea of a free medical outreach in Ogbona originated from Moses Itsuokor in April 2017 when he suggested that a letter be written to JC International to include Ogbona in their Medical Outreach plan. At the end, Moses Itsuokor and Peter Aigba were designated to follow up with JC international. As this was taking time to materialize, Dr. Benedict Itsuokor came up with his own idea of a medical mission to Ogbona that eventually gave rise to the one held in September 2018.

Dr Ben Itsuokor deserves all the encomiums for translating our dream of a medical outreach into reality. Providence, no doubt, will ever be kind to him for the kind gesture.

As soon as Dr. Ben Itsuokor fixed the date for program, members of the health committee made up of Philip Ogedegbe (lead), Dr. Paulinus Abu, Catherine Asapokhai, Christopher Asapokhai, Peter Aigba, John Anaweokhai, Stella Mode, Augustine Mode, Bernard Ikhane, Gilbert Odior, Dr. Felix Orbih, Vital Ilega, Moses Kadeer Itsuokor, Pastor Mrs. Julie Inu Umoru and Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode went to work.

Activities for the program were compartmentalized into two different but integrated fronts. While one was being coordinated from Europe, the other was locally coordinated. As expected, it was not easy getting everything to jell. As fate, would have it, the idea to have a plan B to mitigate the possible effects of any eventuality was muted and the committee bought into it, crystallized it into fund generation, and at the end, over three million (3,000,000.00) naira was realized from both OEF members and non-members.


A day before the commencement of the event, a meeting was held in the OEF President’s house, to review our readiness for the outreach. In attendance were Gilbert Odior, Dr. Felix Orbih, John Anaweokhai, Dr Paulinus Abu, Philip Ogedegbe, Bernard Ikhane, Stella Mode, Augustine Mode and His Royal Highness, Chief Willy Idode. The event was previewed, new roles were assigned and loose ends were tied up. We collectively went to the health centre to see things for ourselves. It was discovered that a lot of awareness and sensitization about the event had been created with everyone waiting for us to deliver. Luckily enough, The Okphe Ukpi had organized and mobilized the youth of Ogbona to tidy up and fumigate the entire hospital buildings and the surroundings. Of course, available offices were designated and properly labeled in readiness for the medical outreach program kickoff. The Local Government Chairman, Mr. John Osi Akhigbe also visited to see for himself the extent of preparation.


As expected, things were a bit lethargic on the first day of the event but straightened out shortly. Makurdi team had arrived the previous day. They soon swung into action at about 9:30 am. Drugs were a major concern as Peter Aigba had to practically stayed awake all night to monitor the movement of the vehicle that conveyed them from Lagos. Though a bit late, the drugs arrived safely and were taken to the pharmacy department.


At about 1pm, the Europe team led by Dr. Benedict Itsuokor arrived. As appropriate, Dr. Ben’s arrival ushered in our planned one-hour opening ceremony. In attendance were The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Idode who also doubled as the chairman of the occasion, The Okphe Ukpi of Iraokhor Chief Ilogho and other palace Chiefs from Ogbona. Also, in attendance was the Chairman Etsako Local Govt Council; Mr. John Osi Akhigbe, who was accompanied by his leadership team. Men and women of the news media as well as the cream of the society.


The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Idode, The OEF President, Mr. Gilbert Odior, Dr. Benedict Itsuokor and Mr. John Osi Akhigbe all gave their welcome addresses and short speech respectively. Phillip Ogedegbe gave the vote of thanks and John Anaweokhai was the master of the ceremony. After all the speeches, guests were given a taste of the reach culture and tradition of Ogbona in its raw and undiluted form as they were entertained by the unified Agbi dance band and Amhi troupe. It was a colorful display that left all asking for more. The Europe team set up their equipment with the help of Dr Dako Foundation team.



  1. Ben Itsuokor and European team
  2. Dako Foundation
  3. Amazing Grace Medical Outreach
  4. Edo-SACA
  5. Prezens For Charities USA
  6. Emergency Response International Nigeria
  7. Etsako Central Local Govt, Nursing Services
  8. MCK Orbih Comprehensive Health Center


  1. The Ben Itsuokor and European team of four medical consultants of varying specialties treated different illnesses through detection using the ECG machines. During the program, the team examined several patients, diagnosed and successfully completed 25 ECG Cases. Following the substantial number of hypertension/stroke cases examined, the team concluded that hypertension is the most common illness in the community. The team also identified a young girl with a whole in the heart and her case has been referred to Rotary Club international through Amazing Grace Clinic led by Dr. Princewill Oyakhilome. The Itsuokor foundation also presented to the MCK Health Centre a couple of medical equipment including;
    1. 2# ECG machines
    2. 1# Patients monitoring device
    3. 5# Medicated eye glasses and 10# Pulse Oximeter
    4. Laboratory test materials, i.e. Glucometer, psa/urinalysis/malarial test kits, swabs, diagnostics sets, otoscope, pen touch, gloves etc.
    5. Others medical devices including stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers
    6. Generator that will be delivered later


  1. Dako Foundation for Rural Health Care & Education made up of 11 staff carried out the following medical services:
  2. Total number of children given vitamin A who are less than 1 year = 51
  3. Total number of children given Vitamin A who are 1 year and above =628
  4. Total number of people 1 year and above who were dewormed =1945
  5. Total number of pregnant and lactating mothers who were given multivitamin = 108

Drugs used (doses).

  1. Vitamin A 100000IU for children 6months -11 months =51
  2. Vitamin A 200000IU for children 1 year and above = 628
  3. Chewable Albendazole (deworming drugs) = 1945
  4. Multivitamins for Pregnant and Lactating women = 3240


  1. Amazing Grace Medical Outreach was organized by one of our diaspora members, Catherine Asapokhai to compliment the effort of other medical personnel on ground. The team was made up of 5 consulting doctors and 2 nurses


  1. Edo State Action for the control of AIDS (Edo-SACA) was another corporate body that partnered with OEF to create awareness about AIDS, its management and controls. The group of 7 carried out free HIV tests throughout the program and handed out several condoms. EdoSACA organized two Counseling and Testing Tents to provide privacy and shelter to all that came for the HIV Testing Services (HTS). A total of 119 persons were counseled and tested using the full complement of M&E tools. All the people were made to go through both the Pre-test and Post-test counseling routines


  1. Prezens For Charities USA and Emergency Response International Nigeria team of 4 led by Christopher Asapokhai. The team conducted the following training;
  2. CPR TRAINING: 33 persons trained.
  3. BLS TRAINING: 6 Nurses participated. The training session was not comprehensive due to In and Out of participants from the class because of their involvement in the theater and the wards. Will have a comprehensive session at a later date.
  4. ACLS: This could not hold. No time.


  1. Etsako Central Local Govt, Nursing Services were also at hand with their staff to support other nurses for the various medical programs.


  1. MCK Orbih Comprehensive Health Center played host to the medical outreach and supported the events with 46 staff made up of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, technicians and others in all aspects of the programs.

However, despite the somewhat smooth takeoff of this program on the first day, our feeling of drugs adequacy was short-lived as we ran out of some common prescription drugs and infusions sooner which OEF had to make provisions for. These purchases which occurred daily from start to end of the entire programme was made possible because of our last-minute anticipation to have a plan B that will cater for possible shortfalls that could emanate in the cause of this medical outreach. To this end, OEF spent well over N1,000,000.00 for additional drugs during the period, whereas some other drugs were in excess. The second and third days of the event started on a smooth note and saw the Europe team as well as partnering teams well settled down for work.


Although the cost of the program will be tabulated, it is unfortunate that we cannot get that of Europe team. On the whole, over six million one hundred thousand naira, N6,100,000 was expended on the program by the home front.


Dr. Paulinus Abu alone, according to his record spent two million five hundred thousand naira, N2,500,000 on personnel, transportation and drugs while OEF spent three million five hundred and sixty thousand naira, N3,626,230.00. This consists of the total N3,005,000.00 (30.5% of it was donated by non-OEF members; essentially friends of our president and chairperson of the BOT) contributions made to support any potential shortfalls. The rest of the funds was sourced from the OEF dues account.

1 Outreach drugs 1 NGN 1,055,190 NGN 1,055,190 Dr. Abu and Gilbert Odior
2 Feeding and Water, serviette, tissue papers etc. 1 NGN 668,640 NGN 668,640 Pst Julie Inu Umoru
3 NAFDAC and transport of  Drugs from Lagos to Ogbona 1 NGN 130,000 NGN 130,000 Peter Aigba
4 Security- Military, vigilante, civil defence, and Police 1 NGN 496,000 NGN 496,000 John Odior and Pst Julie Inu Umoru
5 Appreciation of Amazing Grace, Dr Abu’s team, Dr Dako Foundation, Edo-SACA, LGA and others 1 NGN 476,000 NGN 476,000 John and Gilbert
6 Diesel and fuelling for Generator and cars/buses, and repairs 1 NGN 149,000 NGN 149,000 John and Phillip
7 News agencies, NTA, Edo State News and TV and Afemai News 1 NGN 120,000 NGN 120,000 John and Gilbert
8 Printing of forms, posters and certificates 1 NGN 266,000 NGN 266,000 Gilbert Odior
9 Photography/Video 1 NGN 70,000 NGN 70,000 Gilbert Odior
10 Fumigation of compound and buildings 1 NGN 160,000 NGN 160,000 Paid to Okphe Ukpi
11 Miscellanous Expenditure 1 NGN 58,400 NGN 98,400
TOTAL NGN 3,689,230



Feeding arrangements for the outreach was significantly increased during the outreach because of the number of medical and support personnel to feed. Breakfast meals were increased from planned 80+ to about 150 while lunch went from about 80+ to about 230 plates and dinner averaged about 100 plates. The catering and feeding were very well organized. The caterer delivered on time every day of the program.

40 plates of food were served on that 31st both for Dr Abu’s team and Dr Dako’s team. 1st Sept -3rd Sept a total of 1203plates of food were served in take away packs that was agreed on for all the medical personnel that took part in the outreach Programme. This no included the Medical team that came with Dr Ben Itsuokor. The caterer who was based in Auchi passed through Polaris hotel where the team from UK were based and dropped food and bottled water for them 3 times daily. The total number of plates that were served all through the period was far above our estimate which was before then about 860plates.

The total cost of food was 601500nr less 6500nr discount.

50 crates of bottled water at 750 = N37,500, A pack of toilet rolls at N9,000, Serviette N1,800, Liquid hand washing soap 10 at N1,500, Hand towels 10 at N1,500 and 15 bags of pure water at N1,800

Total is N 654,600 less N6,500 = N648,100.

The balance of 3 pkts of toilet rolls of 6 in a pk each, 10 pkts of serviette, 10 Hand washing liquids. 10 Hand towels were all left with the matron in charge of the Health Centre Mrs. Kate Izuagie for the hospital’s use.


Ogbona Medical Outreach Feeding Plan Summary
S/N Description of Item Qty B/F Unit Cost Breakfast Qty Lunch Lunch Qty Dinner Dinner
1 August 31st 2018 40 NGN 500 40 40 NGN 20,000
2 September 01 2018 83 NGN 500 NGN 41,500 140 NGN 70,000 83 NGN 41,500
3 September 02 2018 140 NGN 500 NGN 70,000 230 NGN 115,000 87 NGN 43,500
4 September 03 2018 100 NGN 500 NGN 50,000 180 NGN 90,000 120 NGN 60,000
5 September 04 2018 0 NGN 500 NGN 0 50 50
6 Total NGN 161,500 NGN 275,000 NGN 165,000 NGN 601,500


Peter Aigba succinctly captured our findings in his recommendations to the health committee. Hear him:

LESSONS LEARNT – Input from Peter Aigba

  • “Firstly, I want to thank our president for putting pressure on my committee (fundraising) at the last minute towards this outreach to source funds. I think it was proactive. If we hadn’t sourced funds, we would have failed because we started buying drugs from the very first day. As someone that was very prominent in the dispensing of drugs during the outreach, I now know that any medical outreach in Ogbona in future should be overwhelmingly equipped with antimalarial, antifungal, antibiotics, multivitamin and pain-killing drugs like Paracetamol. These drugs were repeatedly bought yet were all exhausted by midday of the last day of each of the outreach. Again, this was possible because we had last minute collection
  • Secondly, we must consciously commence next year outreach planning and budget processes early enough once the board agrees there would be one.

There was no hard-lined planning for this outreach. If we failed to plan then, we plan to fail. The process we went about this outreach was tantamount to making mistakes, and of course mistakes were very obvious. The extreme danger of mistakes or last-minute rush could be a costly incident. In future we shall aim to have drugs delivered at Ogbona at least a week before the Programme starts. This will give room for quantity of drugs reassessment and enough window to buy more as well as averting scenarios where we had to stay awake in communication with the drugs delivery vehicle. And got the drugs delivered when the outreach already starts in the morning

  • All our letters for participating partners must go out early, so we can also review their terms of engagement to avoid making excuses when the teams needed to be properly demobilized. Otherwise, it could become an integrity issues on our part. As we plan for Doctors and Nurses take homes, we should also plan for Pharmacists and technicians as well as lab and numerous helpers that supported the outreach”
  • I like to look at what we would have done differently to control crowd surge. This was endemic. For three days we didn’t have a solution. Everyone and everywhere was overwhelmed with crowd. We might set up a crowd control committee of mixed discipline that would be trained at the outreach site, a couple of days before the outreach begun to enable them carry out practical simulations and create possible entry and exit points in the hospital. We were lucky that no stampede happened. It would have been costly had any stampede happened. On the other hand, we must put in place a mechanism to separate very ill people, children and the aged from the rest of the crowd. This is where lies any potential vulnerability in a stampede case.


  • Apart from the problem of drugs, there was communication gap between the Europe team and the home front that provided the breeding ground for animosity, distrust and suspicions to fester.
  • Outside the male patient that tested positive to HIV, as reported by SACA, two more people also tested positive in the main lab. This is a wakeup call that the dreaded AIDS epidemic is right at our door step. More awareness needs to be created. Though it is not possible to disclose the identity of the patients, a means should be devised to ensure they get the necessary anti retrovirus drugs to build up their immune systems.
  • Facilities at the MCK Orbih Health Centre look obsolete. Granted that one part of the building was recently renovated by UBTH, the parent body, the other part needs a facelift. There is enough evidence to show that the place is underutilized. There is also enough evidence to back up the claim that the hospital management in Benin needs to bring in new hands as there is visible displayed sense of non-committal attitude from the head of the health centre.
  • Again, all efforts seem to be concentrated on the health centre. Little or no mention is made of the health Centre/maternity opposite the Catholic Church. The health centre deserves attention too.
  • Efforts should be geared however costly, to ensure this medical outreach is made an annual event even if it has to be streamlined to cater for eyes and other minor surgeries. The health challenges of our people are enormous. The joy of seeing someone whose eyes have gone blind for over 6 having his eye sight restored is overwhelming but the feeling of knowing that more can be given the right resources, can be very disappointing and self-guilt inducing too.

From BOT Chairperson:

  • It was an awesome experience. The Ogbona medical outreach has come to stay. If not, yearly it will be every other year. Thanks to all who in one way or the other helped to make it a huge success.


For initiating the idea of medical outreach to OEF, Dr. Benedict Itsuokor must be appreciated. Thank you, brother. The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko gave all His support and counsel to ensure the outreach was a success. We appreciate our Royal Highness. Long May He a Reign. The Board of Trustees, The Executive Board and The Health Committee of Ogbona Elites Forum worked tirelessly to translate the concept of medical outreach to its material equivalence. May the good Lord reward you all.

We also wish to appreciate all our partners, Edo SACA, The Dako Foundation, The Amazing Grace Medical Outreach team, Staff and nurses of MCK Orbih Health Centre, The Local Government Health Authority, the youth of Ogbona, Military men, The Police, Vigilante, Civil Defense, Fugar Vigilante, The Okphe Ukpi of Iraokhor, Chief Ilogho, Drivers of Etsako Central Local Government Area and many others who worked selflessly to ensure the success of the program. The good Lord will reward you all in million folds.

If Dr. Benedict Itsuokor initiated the program, it was given life by Dr. Paulinus Abu. As a matter of fact, but for him and his team, it remains to be seen if the outreach would have succeeded. We appreciate you immensely. Special thanks to Dr. Abu and his team who were still operating at night on the 3rd September when everyone of us had gone and still remained in Ogbona for an extra 3 days to ensure every one of the patients was discharged and in very stable condition before travelling back to his base. God bless you all.

Our worthy in-law Mr. Augustine Mode deserves all our appreciation. He gave his wise counsel, helped to control the crowd and personally designed and paid for the banners we used for the program. You are one of a kind. Thank You very much. Unfortunately, we cannot give you a second wife.

The Chairman of Etsako Central Local Government, Mr. John Osi Akhigbe was not only personally present during the program, he gave us the Fugar vigilante group, 3 buses and 25 rooms at McWilliams hotel at Fugar to house our guests. We appreciate you sir.

We also want to specially recognize and thank Abu Inu Umoru for being the first among others to support this program by paying our military security bill.

The Chairman Board of Trustees, Pastor Mrs. Julie Inu Umoru and President of Ogbona Elites Forum, Mr. Gilbert Odior, must be appreciated and honored here for their exemplary leadership. They mobilized their friends and family members to ease our financial burdens. The president made name tags and T-shirts for all the members of the healthcare committee. The good Lord will reward you both. The Chairman of the Health Committee, Philip Ogedegbe deserves all the accolades too for putting round pegs in round holes.


Three worthy Ogbona sons, Peter Ivhaluogue, Eddy Umole and Mike Idode put their vehicles and drivers at the disposal of the Europe team throughout the program. God bless you all.


Ogbona people were very wonderful and orderly throughput the program. We say thank you to you all. We also wish to appreciate the good work of the security men from the Military, Nigeria Police, Civil defense, Fugar and Ogbona Vigilante, and Ogbona Youths for making the outreach hitch free program. Thank you all for your dedicated service




John Odior Anaweokhai, Secretary Ogbona Elites Forum









  1. Dr Benedict Itsuokor – LEAD
  2. Dr Hannah Nasir
  3. Adams Hancock
  4. Mark Hashemi


  2. Paulinus Abu – LEAD
  3. Sunday Tokula
  4. Aizebeokhai James
  5. Ojeikere Ernest Igboin
  6. Osariemen Mike Nosakhare
  7. Abu Alexander
  8. Emoekpere Hilary
  9. Morah Chinedu
  10. Akpoghor Aondongu Emmanuel
  11. Agulebe Chiahemba Joseph
  12. Tyo Terhile Ephraim
  13. Unongwu Sunday Otsai
  14. Agena Terungwu James
  15. Ayaka Solomon Se-sugh
  16. Sesugh Denen
  17. Manasseh Ipawima Tor
  18. Joseph Ikimba
  19. Keetar Teghtegh
  20. Austine James
  21. Ameh B. Agada
  22. Anongo Philip
  23. Paul Eche
  24. Kuma Hembafan Lucy
  25. Clara Elire Abu
  26. Ezemhebu Ernest John –
  27. medical LAB scientists
  28. Jescinta Lember Agbo
  29. Precious Chinonso Nweaze



  1. Dr Princewill Ighodalo Oyakhilome
  2. Dr Onochie Emeka.
  3. Dr Ogbodu Oghenekaro.
  4. Dr Omeke Jude Chidubem.
  5. Dr Udi Tega Moses.
  6. Nurse Ann Usman.
  7. Nurse Adizat Akpeokhai.



  1. Dr Dako Mamudu – LEAD
  2. Onyakachi Perpetual
  3. Akpan Glory
  4. Orobosa Enadeghe
  5. Sunny Omo Alasa.
  6. Clara Aliu
  7. Rekiya Idris.
  8. Sanamu Momodu.
  9. Yekini Sado.
  10. Abubakar Ganiyu.
  11. Lazarus Adorolo.



  1. Flora I. Oyakhilome – LEAD
  2. Amidu I. OGUTA
  3. Prince EDAFE A.
  4. Mary Akodu
  1. Ahmed Bello
  2. Juliet Igiode
  3. Nosa Egharebha



  1. Asapokhai’s Christopher Umayor – LEAD
  2. Nwokolo Sophia Iyemelor
  3. Deborah Aideyan
  4. Igbode Elizabeth Olohigbe



  1. Dr Iyamu J Efosa – LEAD
  2. Dr Egogo M. Rowland
  3. Anselm-Izuagie Catherine
  4. Jimmah-Yusuf Memunetu
  5. Omokhudu Clementina
  6. Omodiale Wilson
  7. Jamani P. Temidayo
  8. Ukah Doris
  9. Owuda Suleman Sumaila
  10. Yakubu Abu Suleman
  11. Akhugie Martina
  12. Amhanesi Patience
  13. Ekhasemomhe Lovet
  14. Aliu Aminat
  15. Momoh Oscar Izuagbe
  16. Edogamhe Christopher
  17. Oviosu Bose Pat
  18. Itebalumhe Lucky
  19. Iyevhobu Lawrence
  20. Anatokhai Braimah
  21. Aikabeli Christopher
  22. Imhogiemhe Agboire
  23. Esibor Joseph
  24. Anabor Maria
  25. Aikabeli Vero
  26. Oshiomah Edith
  27. Ekhasemomhe Justina
  28. Omoregie Vivian
  29. Ileh Esther
  30. Ifaorumhe Edith
  31. Ako Festus
  32. Ekhavhomhe Felicia
  33. Edogamhe Samuel
  34. Odior Dickson
  35. Iyeobe Grace
  36. Aliu Talatu
  37. Amedu Omhorelu
  38. Enelamah Ezekiel
  39. Omege Juliet
  40. James Elizabeth
  41. Omoake
  42. Itsabemho Catherine
  43. Ikhiagwa Victoria
  44. Inaboya Alenoghena
  45. Eshiesimua Felix
  46. Igietemho Adamson



  1. Elizabeth O. Amos-Arowoshegbe – LEAD
  2. Patience Akhanoba
  3. Florence Igbuan
  4. Evenly Etu
  5. Florence Lamai
  6. Christiana Ikpea
  7. Felicia Umogbai
  8. Christiana Iyewele
  9. Esther Adomabua


  1. Pastor (Mrs.) Julie Inu Umoru – Chairperson
  2. Gilbert Odior (FNAPE, CPG)
  3. Felix Osimerha
  4. Stella Mode,
  5. Bernard Ikhane
  6. John Anaweokhai



  1. Gilbert Odior (FNAPE, CPG) – LEAD
  2. Ben Kasim Ikhane
  3. John Anaweokhai
  4. Peter Aigba
  5. Philip Ogedegbe
  6. Moses Kadeer Itsuokor
  7. Peter Ivhaluogue
  8. Edward Umole
  9. Donald Orbih




  1. CPR TRAINING: The 33 persons trained who are awaiting certificates of participation:
  2. Oshiobughie Idode
  3. Samuel Asapokhai
  4. Oshiogwe Musa
  5. Victoria Anugioba
  6. Lawrence Amiekhamhe
  7. Stella Aliu
  8. Joan Akpaibor
  9. Mercy Aguttu
  10. Princess Tankwo
  11. Friday Ilega
  12. Richard Sule
  13. Bello Ahmed
  14. Medinat Omoaka
  15. Blessing Igbadumhe
  16. Alex Mochi
  17. Peter Abake
  18. Christiana Oputeh
  19. Philip Ekpe Amiekhamhe
  20. Peter Solomon Eghieye
  21. Emily Aruokhai
  22. Esther Itsuokor
  23. Monica Edogamhe
  24. Deborah Aideyan
  25. Regina Ikhanoba
  26. Olohigbe Elizabeth Igbode
  27. Anita Edogamhe
  28. Agnes Anabor
  29. Pathmus Omomoh
  30. Faith Omiawa
  31. Mercy Akheghemhe
  32. Samson Ikhane
  33. Victory Ikhanoba


2: BLS TRAINING: 7 Nurses participated. The training session was not comprehensive due to In and Out of participants from the class because of their involvement in the theater and the wards. The Matron and Christopher Asapokhai discussed and agreed to have a comprehensive session at a later date.


  1. Anselm-Izuagie Catherine
  2. Jimmah-Yusuf Memunetu
  3. Omokhudu Clementina
  4. Oviosu Bose
  5. Omoregie Vivian
  6. Uka Doris
  7. Germani Patience


3: ACLS: This could not hold. No time.




  • Members of Ogbona Elite Forum
  • Medical Experts from home and Abroad
  • Media Team, Government House
  • Prezense For Charities
  • Osikhue Empowerment & Dev. Initiative
  • Ogbona Youth Association
  • Pressure Groups, Market women and Men
  • Inhabitants of Ogbona communities and environs
  • Security Personnel-Police, Vigilante and the Military
  • Dako Foundation
  • EdoSACA, Represented by:
    1. Flora Oyakhilome (MNIM) -​Executive Director
    2. Oguta I. Amidu – ​M&E Officer
    3. Akpoboseha Edafe​ – ​Counselor Tester
    4. Juliet Akodu​ -​ Counselor Tester
    5. Ahmed Bello – ​Mobilizer
    6. Elizabeth Igbode U.​ –​ Mobilizer
    7. Nosa Osagiede​ – Logistics/Driver


Executive Summary

One of the core mandates of EdoSACA is prevention programming through HIV/AIDS Testing Services (HTS). A major platform EdoSACA has been leveraging on is the use of organized outreaches, because of its potential to “reach the unreached”, the poor and those who had not and could not access services in health facilities due to the factors of proximity and poverty amongst others.

The Ogbona Elite Forum Medical Outreach was one of such veritable platforms and as such EdoSACA decided to collaborate with the forum in order to provide comprehensive health care to our teeming people.

The opening ceremony to formally open the 3-Day outreach was held Saturday 1st September, 2018 with a sort of array of carnivals organized to add colour to the Occasion. Present at the opening ceremony were executives of Ogbona Elites Forum, Traditional rulers, Expatriate Medical experts from home and Abroad, EdoSACA, Dako foundation and members of the organized press.


Provision of Medical Services

The Outreach activities commenced at about 9:15 am with various canopies set to seat people of different medical attentions. Thereafter there was health talk and mobilization of the people where they told informed of what the outreach was all about and the various medical services available to take care of their medical needs. Thereafter, the people were organized to collect their cards for onward consultations with the team of medical experts on ground.

Various ailments and conditions such as: Dental, Eye, Nervous/strokes, ECG Testing, arthritis, Blood Pressure and diverse other forms of medical conditions requiring surgeries/operations were managed professional. At the end of each procedure, post-medical ancillary services were also provided.  The group also engaged the services of experts to provide CPR training for interested participants during the 3-day exercise.

HIV Counselling and Testing Services and other Ancillary services by EdoSACA

EdoSACA established Edo state government presence during the exercise with an interview granted by the Executive Director to the press to further sensitize the public about the laudable collaboration by the Agency and services the people could access during this outreach. Banners carrying vital information on HIV/AIDS were also displaced at strategic positions at the various locations within the venue.

Thereafter, EdoSACA organized two Counseling and Testing Tents to provide privacy and shelter to all that came for the HIV Testing Services (HTS). A total of 119 persons were counseled and tested, with one positive case (1 Male) using the full complement of M&E tools. All the people were made to go through both the Pre-test and Post-test counseling routines.

After a confirmation screening for the positive case, he was thereafter appropriately counseled and referred to Central Hospital, Auchi for Care, support and treatment using the referral form.

Provision of other Services During the Outreach

To encourage people to come for the screening, hand bills and flyers were distributed, and persons who had gone through the test were given free (Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets) LLINs. In addition, 2 Cartoons of Hand Sanitizers, 2 Cartons of Condoms and 20 pieces of Hand towels were also distributed in the outreach.

The Outreach was a huge success by all standards both in organization, security and in the arrays of consultants and experts in the various medical fields.


Report by: EdoSACA


Edo SACA, Ogbona Elites Forum take medical outreach to rural communities

Edo State Agency for the Control of Aids (EDOSACA), in collaboration with Ogbona Elites Forum and other partners have concluded a 3-day medical outreach Programme in Ogbona, Fugar in Etsako Central Local Government Area of Edo State.

Speaking in Ogbona, Chairman, Etsako Local Government Area, John Osi Akhigbe, commended EDOSACA, Ogbona Elites Forum and other partners for the medical outreach which complements the Governor Godwin Obaseki led-administration’s effort at repositioning the health sector in the state.

He said the council’s focus on primary healthcare is to improve the wellbeing of people in the council area, noting that his administration is doing everything to reduce maternal mortality.

“We are bringing development to the people at the grassroots and I will support any Programme that will bring development to the people.”

Executive Director, EDOSACA, Flora Oyakhilome said that the agency worked to ensure the success of the outreach Programme and provided support on HIV/AIDS testing.

“We are here to sensitize and counsel the people to know their HIV/AIDS status and anyone who tests positive will be directed to the nearest facility. They will be counselled and enrolled for free Anti-Retroviral Drugs (ARV) treatment”

President, Ogbona Elites Forum, Mr. Gilbert Erelumhe, expressed appreciation to the partners for bringing medical care to the people and putting a smile on their faces.

“We have embarked on several programmes to improve the lives of our people but this is the first time we are embarking on medical outreach to identify challenges facing the people’s health and doing everything possible to address it. This provides them with treatment and surgery is performed on critical cases as we have experts on ground”.

A beneficiary, Chief Lamai Aloysius, thanked the organisers for the Programme, noting “I had issues with my eyes and I came here and I was given glasses, after series of checks.”



Report for Ogbona Medical Outreach

– Total staff of Dako Foundation who participated in the outreach= 10

Population reached.

– Total number of children given vitamin A who are less than 1 year = 51

– Total number of children given Vitamin A who are 1 year and above =628

– Total number of people 1 year and above who were dewormed =1945

– Total number of pregnant and lactating mothers who were given

multivitamin = 108

Drugs used (doses).

– Vitamin A 100000IU for children 6months -11 months =51

– Vitamin A 200000IU for children 1 year and above = 628

– Chewable Albendazole (deworming drugs) = 1945

– Multivitamins for Pregnant and Lactating women = 3240






The Chairman (Etsako Central Local Government Council),

The Chief Medical Director, (UBTH),

The Traditional Chiefs,

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Ogbona Elites Forum, Officials and members,

All Medical Doctors and Nurses here present,

Members of the Press,

Ladies and gentlemen.


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this very unique occasion of the commencement of free medical treatment for our people. This is the first time an indigene, women and men of this community, has facilitated such a laudable and people focused project along with modern equipment donation. We, therefore, specially thank Dr. Benedict Itsuokor on behalf of Itsuokor Foundation and Ogbona Elites Forum for bringing quality health care delivery to the very door steps of our people. We also appreciate and welcome members of the medical teams (foreign and local) who have set aside other numerous highly rewarding engagements to visit our local community.

Let me specially thank Dr. Benedict Itsuokor and his friends for the donation of medical equipment to this Health Center, which we understand to be the newest in the market. This equipment will go a long way to help our people in their Health challenges.  We surrender you to the hands of Almighty God for blessings and protection.

I will also like to thank Dr. Paulinus Abu who led his team of doctors and other medical staff from the University of Makurdi Teaching Hospital and all our others sons and daughters from across the whole country, Nigeria. Finally thank you to all our friends who have supported this program financially.

Lastly, let me thank Catherine Asapokhai-Utsalo and Christopher Asapokhai for organizing Basic/Advance Cardiac Life Support for the Doctors and Nurses working in our hospital and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for 30 none Clinical Staff including those not working in the hospital.

Let me put it on record that in an era when Nigerians travel abroad for medical attention at prohibitive cost, our people have been afforded the opportunity of receiving the same quality of attention here in their home and at no cost whatsoever. We are indeed grateful to our Ogbona Elites Forum and the medical team for focusing attention on the treatment of the very serious ailments common in this area. These include Eye problems, Cataracts, Typhoid, Malaria, Hypertension, Diabetes, Pneumonia, women and children related illnesses.

On the part of our people, I urge them not to hide their illnesses, no matter how private they may consider them but to come out to be treated free of charge. The success of this exercise will be measured by the number of people this team is able to see and attend to. I also advise our people to conduct themselves in an orderly and peaceful manner throughout the duration of this exercise.

As a community with constituted traditional authority, we pledge, in collaboration with the local government council, a conducive atmosphere to enable the team enjoy their stay with us.

I cannot end this address without thanking the Council Chairman, Comrade John Osi Akhigbe for his wonderful interest and his support for the projects in Ogbona, the CMD of UBTH for always hacking to our requests, MCK Health Center Staff and all our other guests and supporters of this medical mission. God will always remember you. Thank you very much.

Let me conclude my remarks by saying that the very commendable philanthropic gesture of our people in facilitating this free medical mission is worthy of emulation by other sons and daughters of this community. The development of our community is as important as the health and wellbeing of the people. We are ready, as always, to appreciate any effort by our people to develop the community to the benefit of all of us.

On behalf of Ogbona people, at home and abroad, and indeed, all those who are set to benefit from the kindness extended to us by this medical team, I thank Ogbona Elites Forum and congratulations for a successful mission.





The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode

The Chairman (Etsako Central LG Council, Mr. Akpogu

The Chief Medical Director, (UBTH)

The Traditional Chiefs

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Ogbona Elites Forum, Officials and members

All Medical Doctors and Nurses here present

Members of the Press

Ladies and Gentlemen.


It is my honor and privilege to welcome you all to this milestone event, termed free medical outreach, in the history of our community. We thank God for the privilege to make history together. It is my earnest desire that this program will open up vista of opportunities hitherto undreamed of, for the development of our community.

A lot of people worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this program. I want to thank the Okphe Ukpi for His contributions and personal commitment to ensure this program came to fruition. He gave His wise counsel, provided logistics support and did everything within His power to ensure we are here today. Thank You Your Highness, long may You reign.

I want to appreciate those who conceived, nurtured and brought this to fruition, Dr. Ben Itsuokor, Dr. Paulinus Abu, Catherine Asapokhai Utsalo, Christopher Asapokhai and Healthcare Committee. We appreciate you. The good Lord will take you far beyond your wildest imagination in your chosen profession. We hope others will take a cue from your examples.

As I appreciate everyone who has contributed in one way or the other to the success of this outreach, permit me to tell in a brief summary of who we are, what we do and what we stand for.

Ogbona Elites Forum (OEF) an online based forum was formed on the 13th of October 2016 to unite all the elites of Ogbona extraction in any part of the world regardless of ideological and political differences, all for the purpose of developing our community. Check us out on the following platforms:

  • Facebook: I’m an indigene of Ogbona,
  • WhatsApp – Ogbona Elites Forum, Ogbona Political Forum, Ogbona Christian Association
  • Website: www. Ogbonaelites.Org


In less than 2 years of our existence, we have helped in our little way to contribute to the development of our community. At the moment, we have 13 teachers on our payroll at the secondary school and we also conduct periodic training for students and teachers of both the primary and secondary schools. On a monthly basis, especially during the dry seasons, we purchase diesel to power the water pumping machines in the community. We also carry out maintenance works on the boreholes from time to time. We also provide text books, novels charts and other teaching aids to the primary and secondary schools.

I make bold to say here that we have all the structures that can be leveraged to change the social-economic narrative of our people and we are ready to partner with any like-minded individual or organization to bring development to our people. Our health committee, the body saddled with the responsibility to put this program together is just one of such committees. We have others like Agricultural, Community Engagement, Educational committees just to mention but a few.

I also wish announce that at the moment, we are handling the administration of IKHATSEKEWOR scholarship scheme for 2 Ogbona students at Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma. There is also Law school scholarship for any prospective Ogbona student at the Nigerian Law School although, yet to be utilized.

Membership of Ogbona Elites forum is opened to every son and daughter of Ogbona including our in-laws. We encourage everyone who sincerely has that burning desire to see the Ogbona of our dream to join us to move Ogbona forward.

Our major challenge is finance. If we have the means, we shall not hesitate a hoot to make this medical outreach an annual event.

I want to use this medium to thank all our donors both natives and nonnatives. Your contributions to the success of this project are invaluable. We appreciate you all.

To all the people at home who helped to keep this place tidy and fumigated, I say thank you very much.

I want to also welcome our foreign visitors to this great land of Ogbona. I implore you to savor the hospitality of this great community, I promise you, there will never be a dull moment.

I must not forget to thank the Healthcare Committee chairman, Philip Ogedegbe and his team for the excellent work. You people worked day and night to ensure we got to where we are today. Words are not enough to convey my depth of gratitude to you all.

Welcome everybody and God bless.

Gilbert Erelumhe Odior

President, Ogbona Elites Forum





FRIDAY, 31 AUGUST, 2018 

  1. Arrival of our Nigeria partners at Ogbona, allocation to hotels and personal


  1. Setting up of canopies, chairs and tables.
  2. Arrangement/designation of consulting and training rooms as well as operating theatre.



8:00 – 9:30 Arrangement/Grouping of Medical Team

9:30 – 13:00 AM Clinic & Surgery Session @ Chief MCK Orbih Health Centre

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:00 Welcome Address by the Okphe-Ukpi HRH

  • Short speech by the President of Ogbona Elites Forum, Gilbert Odior
  • Short speech by the LGA Chairman, Hon Chris Akhigbe
  • Speech by Dr. Benedict Itsuokor and donation of Medical Equipment
  • Traditional dances.

15:15 – 17:30 PM Clinic & Surgery Session

17:30 – 17:35 Announcement

09:00 – 16:00 BLS/ACLS TRAINING




9:00 – 13:00 AM Clinic & Surgery Session @ Chief MCK Health centre

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 – 17:30 PM Clinic & Surgery Session @ Chief MCK Orbih Health Centre

17:30 – 17:35 Announcement

09:00 – 16:00 BLS/ACLS TRAINING




9:00 – 13:00 AM Clinic & Surgery Session @ Chief MCK Health centre

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 – 17:30 PM Clinic & Surgery Session @ Chief MCK Orbih Health Centre

17:30 – 17:35 Announcement and End Programme

17:30 – 18:30 Outreach Appraisal by Exco and medical team

09:00 – 16:00 BLS/ACLS TRAINING





We wish to express my profound gratitude first and foremost to God Almighty who stirred up the idea of the Ogbona Elite Forum/The medical Outreach. We also sincerely want to thank God also for the huge success of the outreach and for not allowing the devil have his way during the Programme despite his various attempts. We bless God for the good weather, good attendance and journey mercies to and from the Programme. We commend the Health care committee, the President of the Elite forum, the functional excos of the forum and all members of the forum who apart from raising the fund for the Programme, solicited funds from their friends also and were present for the Health care Programme. Special thanks go to His Royal Highness Chief Willy Idode the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona whose exemplary fathers’ role played out throughout the Programme. But for the godly wisdom he exhibited during the little issue of mistrust that came in only God in heaven knows the damage that would have occurred. Thank you, sir. I also specially want to appreciate the Elites Vice President, Mr. Ben Ikhane, my son in law Mr. Peter Aigba, the chairman of the Health Committee Mr. Phillip Ogedegbe, Mr. and Mrs. Mode.  Our sister Catherine Asapokhai though far away but was so close with phone calls every moment for updates and yet contributed both materials personals etc. Thank you, Catherine God bless, you and yours. Mr. Chris Asapokhai was another wonderful personnel who trained so many persons at the outreach. Dr & Mrs. Paulinus Abu, words are just inadequate to describe what you did. Even when every other person had gone Dr Abu was still in the theatre on Monday the last day of the outreach still operating with his team from Benue even though his personal donations as per drugs and medical materials was over two million naira (2 million naira). We will forever remember Dr Dako and his foundation team and Dr Oyakhilome and his team. Our gratitude goes to the Edo-SACA team and the various media groups, the vigilante, the youths, the Ogbona youth forum (OYF), your roles are well appreciated. Dr Felix Orbih we say thank you. The Civil Defense, all the drivers, the UBTH team led by Dr. Efosa Iyamu and Mrs. Catherine Izuagie, we say well done. God bless you.  We can’t end this appreciation without thanking our son Dr. Ben Itsuokor who came with his team from the Europe. Thank you for the idea, the follow up and the donations so far. All others that we haven’t mentioned it’s not deliberate God knows you and all you have done, we say thank you and welcome for coming. This is the beginning of a new medical dawn in my Ogbona. I pray that next year it will be better, I am using this medium to appeal to all and sundry especially in the medical field to think out something along this line soonest for Ogbona Kingdom. God bless you all and may each and every one of us who took good part in this amazing Programme experience a special blessing from God Almighty to commemorate this great event in Jesus name.

I thanked almost everyone except my own blood and kid brother who is the secretary of this great forum Ogbona Elite. He is Pst John Anaweokhai. John, God has already recorded all your good intentions and inputs to the success of the forum and this landmark event of the Health Care. You, the President Erelumhe Gilbert Odior, Phillip Ogedegbe, Peter Aigba and Ben Ikhane and others worked like Jackals and most times without remembering you hadn’t eaten. Thank you.  You are truly a great son of the soil who desires the best for her. God bless you and family in Jesus name.


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