Etsako Names and Meanings

Etsako Names and Meanings – October 20, 2020
There is something in a name that is why God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Jacob to Israel. The meaning of one’s name depicts how the person’s life goes, so it is important to know the meaning of one’s name. The vernacular name of a person easily identifies the origin of the bearer or where he/she was born. The three big tribes in Nigeria proudly name their children in their local language as a symbol of their identity and their origin.
When a child is born, he/she is normally given a name. This is sometimes done immediately or after a certain number of days depending on the culture, belief system, and traditions of the people. The baby’s name and the meaning of the name reflect the belief system of the people. This is the same for Etsako names.
The good people of Etsako, like many other Nigerian tribes, commonly bear Islamic and Christian names. However, it is a very common practice among the Etsako people to bear names that are native to Etsako either as their main names or in combination with their religious or Western names.
Minority tribes like Afemai and some others shy away from naming children in their mother tongue. Because these names are no longer popular, many do not know the meaning of names in our mother tongue. To motivate Afemai people to name their children/wards meaningfully in our mother tongue, these names are published. From this publication, many who wish to name their children/wards in our mother tongue now have a source.
Male Names Meaning
1. Aanemhe None is greater than me
2. Abiabekha None reject success
3. Achakhobo Acha is a whiteman
4. Adenomo A child cannot be changed
5. Adoghie Chieftaincy is not purchased
6. Adonoghie A ruler should not be changed
7. Afegbua Family will not kill one
8. Agbaunosi No one goes against the wish of God
9. Azemoobo Let us leave each other
10. Aziku Leave me alone
11. Azimeye Let me live
12. Dokpesi (Idokpesi) Secretly close to my angel
13. Ebiade As I did not fall
14. Idaewo I do not listen to gossip
15. Ide I won’t fall
16. Idodo Flower
17. Idonije I will not err before rulers
18. Ife I am famous
19. Igbiti I am stoic
20. Oboareye Hand is used for living
21. Obofe Hand produces fame
22. Obozokha Hand creates success
23. Oduwa Carrier of wealth
24. Osiano From God we ask
25. Osikhuemhe God sanctified me
26. Osirenua God is the giver
27. Umodumhe Foreigners cannot move me
28. Unuevho Decision of the town
29. Uwaoghena Wealth of God
30. Vhazemeye You people should let me live

Female Names Meaning
1. Abakhue How else could one be clean
2. Aghumeilei I only know my mind
3. Akhagboke If we ask the world to distribute
4. Ofe Grace5. Ojo Firstborn of twins
6. Omo Second born of twins
7. Omone Child is greater
1. Iguelaezo I do not Judge them
2. Ezolomhe They are not biased toward me
3. Obomeigie Is my hand I send – implies, I work and achieve with my hand
4. Anavherokha You can take refuge in the hand of a hero
5. Ayegbeni People do not wish each other to survive
6. Izelakhu I am beyond my enemies
7. Arugbele Foundation, what you achieve upon
8. Oshione God is the greatest
9. Ogiato Literally means thief but it’s given to children that are believed to have reincarnated
10. Anakhuagbo They do not run after life
11. Oshiomole God is the owner
12. Oshiorenua It is God who gives
13. Oshioke It is God who shares
14. Oyaoze it is because of somebody
15. Oyarebu Its somebody who makes people grow in number
16. Afebu For Family to grow
17. Okhuliaghue It is up (God) they look upon
18. Oyaighua It is sorrow I forbid
19. Oshiobugie It is God that creates way
20. Izuagbe They cannot kill me
21. Izuagie They cannot laugh at me
22. Ibinoze I checked very well before choosing
23. Ochuwa Somebody who brings wealth
24. Omuwa A child of wealth
25. Enaikele These are what I want26. Ekelebe I do not want enemies
27. Eleta They do not know how to talk
28. Emike What I want
29. Emake What people want
30. Otse Beauty
31. Orotseko Somebody that plants beauty
32. Onotse The good one
33. Osikhena It is God I am worried about
34. Osilama It is God I am begging
35. Etosteme They do not say good about me
36. Imoinegame I have those that worship me
37. Igezunia I have stopped complaining
38. Igenegbai Men are complete
39. Agbomeire It is my life I came to
40.Omokhomo A child is a child
41. Amanosi Nobody dictates to God
42. Amhanesi Nobody dictates to God
42. Amiosino You do not see God to ask
43. ALIMIKHENA It is heaven I am worried about
44. Amiemikhena I am not worried about anything
45. Efua Light
46. Imonikhe I have somebody I am waiting for
47. Imoagene I have a man
48. Anogbikpe They do not ask about insult
49. Iyokpa Oso Brother/Sister is good
50. Emeso Something good
51. Odufua Somebody who brings wealth
52. Imo-ochi I have a confidant
53. Onariame The one that is given to me54. Erhikhumi Father of medicine
55. Ethokhana I bear witness to your being a hero
56. Omokhefue It is a child that is wealth
57. Uki Moon
58. Oduaki Somebody that brings sales
59. Agbodebama Life does not always go according to plan
60.Aigbonoga You cannot kill somebody who worships
61. Udo Stone
62. Igiekhume Kings do not reject me
63. Igienekhume I am laughing at those who are after me.
64. Imoietseme I have those who wish me well
65. Urhekhia You are welcome
66.Emagede The next thing to be bought
67. Emikharu What I will have done
68. Emunorarura What mouth will do to them
69. Emyitsera They do not see theirs
70. Imho urogome I have my crowd
71. Ariakhue Nobody knows tomorrow.
72. Okhai Hero
73. Okhaiemo Hero, Heroic achievers
74. Ikharo I won’t get tired
75. Okhumeode It is my pursuer that will fall
76. Oshiogieme It is God that sent me
77. Egbomeade They are boasting about me
78. Itebalume I do not talk about what they do to me
79. Igbafe I do not fight my home
80.Oyaregba It is somebody that makes a gathering/people complete
81. Ainoghena Nothing is greater than God
82. Osigbheme God, Join me
83. Oshiole It is God that knows
84.Osigwe It is God that I am looking
85. Oyakhamho It is somebody we should have
86.Onotue The expensive one
87. Abirhekhokho What they taught
88. Arhomhe-ika It is my own i am looking at
89. Erhesominoghorho The day should be good throughout
90.Oshiotarhe It is God that says
91. Avbuenegbe They should keep each other secrets
92. Irhekpita I will use this to make proverbs
93. Onoshovhagbe The one that God spares his/her life
94.Obano It is king that they ask
95. Oshiokalo It is God that leads
96.Agbodesi You cannot block one’s destiny
97. Ughiesomi The road is good
98. Aizegbeobo People do not leave each other to their destiny
99. Aloaye Progress
100.Osighwemhe God look at me

1. The Lord has blessed me with this gift”-OSHIOKE
2. I am God’s treasure”- EMETOGHENAEGBE
3. Evidence of God’s love”-UYEMHITSOGHENA
4. God deserves all the glory-OSHIAKPEMI
5. God’s loving arms are always around me – OZIMEDE
6. Nothing is too much for God – AIMIEMENOGHENA
7. The wealth of God- EPUEOGHENA
8. Ainoghena= no one is greater than God
9. Omokhepe= child is respect
10. Amanosi= no one can decide for God
11. Amhanesi = No one plans or decides for God
12. Ashiobugie=God makes way
13. Onoshiokhue=whom God has blessed
14. Ochuwa=one who brings blessing/wealth15. Omuwa=child of wealth/riches/blessing
16. Aivuodoya= u can’t take someone’s blessing (literarily=u can’t fetch someone’s river/water)
17. Osime= My God
18. Osikhotse – God is witness
19. Olere – the one who arrives at the right time
20. Ikhianosimhe – moving according to the dictates of God.
21. Itsoya – someone’s own
22. Itsoghena – God’s own
23. Aimiemenoghena means nothing is above God.
24. Uwaiyo- living in abundance.
25. Eshiekpabo(m)- our help is in God.
26. Elogie(f) -Day of the Lord
27. Igbevhomhe (m )-i will not debase my compatriots
28. Omoarefe(us) – A good child brings fame.
29. Oshomogie (m)-God gives leadership
30. Esiro(f)-I look unto God
31. Oshiomah – God makes the plans or God’s plan
32. Oshioke = It is God that shares
33. Emike = What I desire or want
34. Some Etsako names & Meanings.
1. Anavheokha – You can take refuge in the hand of a hero.
2. Ayegbeni – People do not wish each other to survive.
3. Izelakhu – I am beyond my enemies.
4. Arugbele – Foundation, what you achieve upon.
5. Oshione – God is the greatest.
6. Ogiator- Literally means thief but its actually given to children that are
believed to have re – incarnated.
7. Anakhuagbo – They do not run after life.
8. Oshiomhole – God is the owner.
9. Oshiorenua – It is God that gives.
10. Oshioke – It is God that shares.11. Oyaoze – Its because of somebody.
12. Oyarebu – Its somebody that makes a people grow in number.
13. Apebu – For Family to grow.
14. Okhuilaghue – It is up (God) they look upon.
15. Oyaighua – It is sorrow I forbid.
16. Oshiobughie – It is God who creates a way.
17. Izuagbe – They cannot kill me.
18. Izuagie – They cannot laugh at me.
19. Ibinoze – I checked very well before choosing.
20. Ochuwa – Somebody that brings wealth.
21. Omuwa – A child of wealth.
22. Enaikele – These are what I want.
23. Ikiebe – I do not want enemies.
24. Eleta – They do not know how to talk.
25. Emike – What i want.
26. Emake – What people want.
27. Otse – Beauty.
28. Orotseko – Somebody that plants beauty.
29. Onotse – The good one.
30. Osikhena – It is God I am worried about.
31. Osilama – It is God I am begging.
32. Etotsemhe – They do not say good about me.
33. Imhonegamhe – I have those that worship me.
34. Igezunia – I have stopped complaining.
35. Igenegbai – Men are complete.
36. Agbomhere – It is my life I came to.
37. Omokhomo – A child is a child.
38. Amhanosi – Nobody dictates to God.
39. Amiosinor – You do not see God to ask.
40. Alimhikhena – It is d dead i am worried about.
41. Amiemikhena – I am not worried about anything.
42. Efua – Light.43. Imhonikhe – I have somebody i am waiting for.
44. Imhoagene – I have a man.
45. Anogbikphe – They do not ask about insults.
46. Iyokpa Oso – Brother/Sister is good.
47. Emeso – Something that is good.
48.Odufua – Somebody who brings wealth.
49. Imo-ochi – I have a confidant.
50. Onariamhe – The one that is given to me.
51. Erhikhumhi- Father of medicine.
52. Etokhana – I bear witness to your being a hero.
53. Omokhepue – It is child who is wealth.
54. Uki – Moon
55. Oduaki – Somebody that brings sales.
56. Agboyebamha – Life do not always go according to plan.
57. Aigbonoga – You cannot kill somebody that worships.
58. Udo- Stone.
59. Igiekhumhe – Kings do not reject me.
60. Igienekhumhe – I am laughing at those who are after me.
61. Imhoitsemhe – I have my own.
62. Ulekhia – You are welcome.
63. Emagede – The next thing to be bought.
64. Emikhalu – What i will have done.
65. Emunolalula – What mouth will do to them.
66.Emietsela – They do not see theirs.
67. Imhouloghomhe – I have my crowd.
68.Aleakhue – Nobody knows tomorrow.
69.Okhai – Hero.
70. Okhaemho – Hero, Heroic achievers.
101. Ukimholua- It is my moon this is shining or it is my time.
102.Oshiolene- God knows best.
103.Osizemhete- God allow me to live long.
104.Oghieaga ‘ It is king we are serving.
105.Aliemhe – You can not frighten me.
106.Eghuekhor – It’s only goats that fight.
107.Osiozoya – It is God that chooses a man.
108.Igwuezor – I am not complaining.
109.Osiazarue – It is from God we get our blessings.
110.Izuagbe – They can not kill me.
111. Udukhomoh – It is patience that makes a man
112.Imhoenegamhe – I have those who are serving me.
113.Uyemhe…… Love
115.Oshiobughie……….God maketh a way
116.Uduimho…………..Am all in patience
117.Ojoh and Omoh…….. Senior $ junior
118.Oshiomha……..God plans
119.Osiror………Looking unto God
121.Aboshiogwe…………As God said
122.Okhakwuobomhe……….It will not fail in my hand
123.Imhoikpeh………I have respect
124.Abosebemhe………….. my enemies surprise
125.Omoayena…………You live for your child (the essence of amassing
wealth is because of your offspring)
126.Etsekhume……… not under any curse.
127.Osikhuemhe…………God wash /bathe me .
128.Oshiokha………….God has done well129.
Osizimhete………..God let me live long
131.Oghenakhoghie………..God is the king
132.Oshioreamhe……..GOD has given me
133.Oshiomhokha…….Its GOD that maketh d king
134.Imhodibie…………..I have a bold traditional tatoo.
135.Asekhamhe………..My goodwill or generosity has been heard
136.Eragah……………..Father is to be worshipped
137.Oshiomhogho…….God is the owner of the day
26.Odufua ….. Lucky child.
27.Oshiokomo….. God gives the child
28.Ailenoghena..You can’t know more than God.
29.Unoakhaiasor.We only hear the voice of the leader
30.Egbalenamhe…. They teaching me sense.
31.Udukhomo… Patience makes a man.
32.Osiregbhemhe. God be with me.
33.Amhanesi ….. You can’t dictate for God.
34.Osikpemhi….. I thank God.
35.Onoshiokhue… The one God has made clean.
36.Esimheinor…… I ask from my God.
37.Oshioneh…….. God is most supreme.
38.Eghiemheiyor…… I am in my Kingship
39.Odufa……..The child that brings luck40.Aleakhue….No one knows tomorrow
41.Itsemhe…..My own
42.Imhodu…..I have endured/patience
43.Ochuwa……The child that brings wealth
44.Oshiokhua…God is great
45.Oshioze…..GOD chooses
46.Esimheror…Am looking unto my GOD
47.Onotseake…We want Goodness
48.Imhoagene….I have a man
49.Omosike…..I need a girl
50.Egbhareye..we live by sense.
51.Imhoitsemhe .. I have my own
52.Eghogho … happiness.
53.Osiovueyamhe- God hascover up for me.
54. Iragboghie- I’m born as a king .
55.Eghiemheyor ——– I’m on my throne.
56. Oshioghimeyor…GOD is with me
57.Osiremuza….I stand by GOD
58.Onoshioagbe..The one GOD has not killed
59.Onoshiorena,..The one GOD gives
60.Aboghenaoke..How GOD wants.
Iroboudu….. patience
Imhomho…. I have a man.
Aigbodesi ….. no one can block God.
Oyanumhe…. some who is sweet as salt.
Otseakhade…. a beautiful thing worth buying.
Okhumeode….. my enemies will fall.
Ileghieuma….. I have been made a king in a foreign land.
Idode…..I can never miss my way
Elogie =The day of king
2) Esiekpabor= Our help comes from God
3) Irobesi=I look into God
4) Abinotsenwu=lets behold beauty
5)Igbeovhome= I will not debase my compatriot
6)Olere= pleasant arrival
7)Omoarefe=child brings fame
8)Erelumhe=you cannot undermine me
9)Etsemheyo=i am on my beat
10)Emobolu=i boast in my prowess
1.Osikhortsai God Is the witness
2.Emuezofu Anger is provoked
3.Erasor. Father is known or heard
4.Osilama. Am pleading with God.
5.Aghumhele. I can only vouch for myself
6.Oyase. Man is the ladder to greater heights
7.Oshiomeado. Only God sees the secret place
35. 101. Ukimholua- It is my moon this is shining or it is my time.
102. Oshiolene- God knows best.
103. Osizemhete- God allow me to live long.
104. Oghieaga ‘ It is king we are serving.
105. Aliemhe – You can not frighten me.
106. Eghuekhor – It’s only goats that fight.
107. Osiozoya – It is God that chooses a man.
108. Igwuezor – I am not complaining.
109.Osiazarue – It is from God we get our blessings.
110. Izuagbe – They can not kill me.
111. Udukhomoh – It is patience that makes a man
112. Imhoenegamhe – I have those who are serving me.

1 Iguelaezo I do not Judge them
2. Ezolomhe They are not biased toward me
3. Obomeigie Is my hand I send – implies, I work and achieve with my hand
4. Anavherokha You can take refuge in the hand of a hero
5. Ayegbeni People do not wish each other to survive
6. Izelakhu I am beyond my enemies7. Arugbea Foundation, what you achieve upon
8. Oshione God is the greatest
9. Ogiato means thief but it is given to children who are believed to have re-incarnated
10. Anakhuagbo They do not run after life
11. Oshiomole God is the owner
12. Oshiorenua It is God who gives
13. Oshioke It is God who shares
14. Oyaoze It’s because of somebody
15. Oyarebu Its somebody who makes a people grow in number
16. Afebu For Family to grow
17. Okhuliaghue It is up (God) they look upon
18. Oyaighua It is sorrow I forbid
19. Oshiobugie It is God that creates way
20. Izuagbe They cannot kill me
21. Izuagie They cannot laugh at me
22. Ibinoze I checked very well before choosing
23. Ochuwa Somebody that brings wealth
24. Omuwa A child of wealth
25. Enaikele These are what I want
26. Ekelebe I do not want enemies
27. Eleta They do not know how to talk
28. Emike What I want
29. Emake What people want
30. Otse Beauty
31. Orotseko Somebody that plants beauty
32. Onotse The good one
33. Osikhena It is God I am worried about
34. Osilama It is God I am begging
35. Etosteme They do not say good about me
36. Imoinegame I have those that worship me
37. Igezunia I have stopped complaining38. Igenegbai Men are complete
39. Agbomeire It is my life i came to
40. Omokhomo A child is a child
41. Amanosi Nobody dictates to God
42. Amiosino You do not see God to ask
43. ALIMIKHENA It is heaven i am worried about
44. Amiemikhena I am not worried about anything
45. Efua Light
46. Imonikhe I have somebody i am waiting for
47. Imoagene I have a man
48. Anogbikpe They do not ask about insult
49. Iyokpa Oso Brother/Sister is good
50. Emeso Something good
51. Odufua Somebody who brings wealth
52. Imo-ochi I have a confidant
53. Onariame The one that is given to me
54. Erhikhumi Father of medicine
55. Ethokhana I bear witness to your being a hero
56. Omokhefue It is child that is wealth
57. Uki Moon
58. Oduaki Somebody that brings sales
59. Agbodebama Life do not always go according to plan
60. Aigbonoga You cannot kill somebody that worships
61. Udo Stone
62. Igiekhume Kings do not reject me
63. Igienekhume I am laughing at those that are after me.
64. Imoietseme I have those that wishes me well
65. Urhekhia You are welcome
66. Emagede The next thing to be bought
67. Emikharu What i will have done
68. Emunorarura What mouth will do to them
69. Emyitsera They do not see theirs70. Imho urogome I have my crowd
71. Ariakhue Nobody knows tomorrow.
72. Okhai Hero
73. Okhaiemo Hero, Heroic achievers
74. Ikharo I wont get tired
75. Okhumeode It is my pursuer that will fall
76. Oshiogieme It is God that sent me
77. Egbomeade They are boasting about me
78. Itebalume I do not talk about what they do to me
79. Igbafe I do not fight my home
80. Oyaregba It is somebody that makes a gathering/people complete
81. Ainoghena Nothing is greater than God
82. Osigbheme God, Join me
83. Oshiole It is God that knows
84. Osigwe It is God that i am looking
85. Oyakhamho It is somebody we should have
86. Onotue The expensive one
87. Abirhekhokho What they taught
88. Arhomhe-ika It is my own i am looking at
89. Erhesominoghorho The day should be good throughout
90. Oshiotarhe It is God that says
91. Avbuenegbe They should keep each other secrets
92. Irhekpita I will use this to make proverbs
93. Onoshovhagbe The one that God spares his/her life
94. Obano It is king that they ask
95. Oshiokalo It is God that leads
96. Agbodesi You cannot block ones destiny
97. Ughiesomi The road is good
98. Aizegbeobo People do not leave each others to their destiny
99. Aloaye Progress
100. Osighwemhe God look at me
101. Iluobe. I don’t do evil102. Eshemogie its God that creates kings
103. Ethasor its father we listen to
104. Akhayagboke if the world was to share
105. Osilama its God that am begging
1. Uyemhe…… Love
2. Otse…………….beauty
3. Oshiobughie……….God maketh a way
4. Uduimho…………..Am all in patience
5. Ojoh and Omoh…….. Senior $ junior
6. Oshiomha……..God plans
7. Osiror………Looking unto God
8. Ofua………..lucky
9. Aboshiogwe…………As God said
10.Okhakwuobomhe…… It will not fail in my hand
11. Imhoikpeh………I have respect
12.Abosebemhe………….. my enemies surprise
13.Omoayena…………You live for your child (the essence of amassing wealth is because of your offspring)
14. Etsekhume……… not under any curse.
15.Osikhuemhe………… God wash /bathe me .
16. Oshiokha………….God has done well
17.Osizimhete………..God let me live long
18.Ewea………Lucky 19. Oghenakhoghie……….. God is the king
20.Oshioreamhe…….. GOD has given me
21. Oshiomhokha…….Its GOD that maketh d king
22. Imhodibie…………..I have bold traditional tatoo.
23. Asekhamhe………..My goodwill or generosity have be heard
24.Eragah……………..Fatherh is to be worshipped
25.Oshiomhogho…….God is the owner of d day
26.Odufua ….. Lucky child. 27.Oshiokomo….. God gives child
28.Ailenoghena..You can’t know more than God.
29.Unoakhaiasor.We only hear d voice of leader
30.Egbalenamhe…. They teaching me sense
31.Udukhomo… Patience makes a man
32.Osiregbhemhe. God be with me
33.Amhanesi ….. You can’t dictate for God
34.Osikpemhi….. I am thanking God
35.Onoshiokhue… The one God has made clean
36.Esimheinor…… I ask from my God
37.Oshioneh…….. God is most supreme
38.Eghiemheiyor…… I am in my Kingship
39.Odufa……..Child that brings luck
40.Aleakhue….No one knows tomorrow
41.Itsemhe…..My own
42.Imhodu…..I have endure/patience
43.Ochuwa……Child that brings wealth
44.Oshiokhua…God is great
45.Oshioze…..GOD chooses
46.Esimheror…Am looking unto my GOD
47.Onotseake…We want Goodness
48.Imhoagene….I have a man
49.Omosike…..I need a girl
50.Egbhareye..we live by sense.
51.Imhoitsemhe .. I have my own
52.Eghogho … happiness
53.Osiovueyamhe- God hascover up for me.
54. Iragboghie- I’m born as a king
55.Eghiemheyor ——– I’m on my throne.
56. Oshioghimeyor…GOD is with me
57.Osiremuza….I stand by GOD
58.Onoshioagbe..The one GOD has not killed59.Onoshiorena,..The one GOD gives
60.Aboghenaoke..How GOD wants.
1. Ikpemosimhe… I thank my God
2. Enakhe….the one we are waiting for
3. Aimanosi….. God’s will is my command
5. Oshioke- God share
6. Oshioakpemhe — God has not cursed me
7. Oshioayemheya…..god has not forgotten me
9. Oshiorenoya nah god dey give person
10. Oshioleudumhe…. God knows my heart
The above list includes boy names, names for girls, as well as unisex names. This is not an exhaustive list so feel free to add to this list.

1) Osikhuemhe – God purifies me, not ‘purified’ otherwise it will be ‘ Oshiokhuemhe or Osiokhuemhe’ as in the past tense.

2)Onoshiokhueya – One who is washed by God/one whom God purifies

3) Aboghosomhi – How fair the day dawns or The dawn of a fair or good or favourable day.

4) Osikhotsa- God is witness

5) Oshiogweh or Oshiogwezo or Osiogwemho – It’s God that judges.

6)Osikpamhobo – God, help me! (an invocation or prayer for help).

7. Oshioriamhe or Osioriamhe- It’s God that gives or provides for me

8. Osiozhoya or Oshiozhoya – God does not discriminate against anyone

9. Oshiodemhoya- God makes no mistakes or slips up about issues

10. Emilegbhai- What they are thinking or what they purpose

11. Egbhareyeh- we thrive on wisdom or live with wisdom

12. Oghosomhi- The day is bright or it’s a bright day or dawn

13. Abokhasomhi- How well or good it should or ought to be
14. Amiurimhe or Amiulimhe- You will not know my beginning ‍♀️
15. Omone – Child is the greatest
16. Agboakhiosimhe People are not my God

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