AVIANWU Clan has been split into Fugar and Anwu Clans with Ogbona and Iraokhor now in Anwu Clan

AVIANWU Clan has been split into Fugar and Anwu Clans with Ogbona and Iraokhor now in Anwu Clan still headed by the Ogieavianwu of Anwu while Emmanuel Ogah the Okphe Ukpi of Ivhiunone is now the Okugbe of Fugar Clan. Fugar has been split into 4 Villages


The above subject matter refers.

EXCO wishes to congratulate all Fugarians on the successful actualization of the Fugar City restructuring plan, for the creation of the Fugar Clan and an additional Sub Clan in Fugar City (Ebadi Sub Clan).

For your information, the official journey of FPU towards the restructuring commenced during the Chief Sylvanus Inaughe-led EXCO, when the FPU BOT at a meeting in 2018, which included the FPU Patrons (traditional rulers), and representatives of Ebadi communities, constituted the Sir Peter Aliu and Mr. Martins Agabi led Fugar Restructuring and Resolution of Ebadi Issues Committee, to put an end to the over one decade old demand for restructuring.

The Fugar Restructuring and Resolution of Ebadi Issues Committee submitted its report to the FPU BOT in 2019, and the FPU BOT at a meeting in 2019 approved the proposal of the committee for the creation of the Fugar Clan with six sub-clans. The FPU BOT at the same meeting also set up another committee led by Sir. Peter Aliu to sensitize Fugarians on the proposed creation of the Fugar Clan with six sub-clans.

After the work of the FPU BOT committees, the FPU EXCO at a meeting in 2019, adopted the proposal received from the FPU BOT for the creation of the Fugar Clan with six sub-clans, and set up the Mr. James Akhigbe Esq led FPU Implementation Committee on Restructuring, to solicit the support of the traditional institutions and all relevant stakeholders in Avhianwu for the restructuring, ensure the implementation of the restructuring, and suggest and device means of getting the government approval.

The FPU Implementation Committee on Restructuring after consultations across Fugar City, Ogbona, and Iraokhor, with all the elders, and traditional rulers including the Oghie Avhianwu of Avhianwu, elders and relevant stakeholders, submitted its interim and final reports to the EXCO in 2020, and the EXCO in 2020 approved the reports on the implementation.

Before the presentation of the official request for the restructuring to the Edo state government, further meetings/consultations were held by the leadership of the

FPU BOT, Fugar Restructuring Implementation Committee, and other stakeholders, and the request were fine-tuned to the creation of the Fugar Clan and an additional Sub Clan in Fugar City (Ebadi Sub Clan), in addition to the existing Ivhinone and Ivhiarua Sub Clans, to enhance the success rate of the restructuring request with the Edo State Government. It was also resolved that Chief Mike Oghiadomhe led the Fugar Charter of Demands Actualization Committee to present the request for restructuring to the Governor of Edo state, alongside the Fugar Charter of Demands, to enable a detailed and effective presentation.

Thereafter, a letter was written to the Executive Governor of Edo State on 6/11/20, for the creation of the Fugar Clan from the Avhianwu Clan and the creation of the Ebadi Sub Clan, in addition to the already existing Ivhinone Sub Clan and Ivhiarua Sub Clan, and a letter of reminder was also written on 7/11/22.

On 20/12/22, the FPU BOT, EXCO and other stakeholders paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Governor of Edo State, mainly as it concerns the request for the restructuring. After the courtesy visit, a meeting of the FPU BOT with the traditional rulers was held on 25/1/23, and reviewed the courtesy visit, and resolved to again write another letter dated 25/1/23 to the Executive Governor of Edo State, with further details on the restructuring.

Thankfully, on 21/2/24, the Edo state government approved the Fugar City Restructuring plan, for the creation of the Fugar Clan and an additional Sub Clan in Fugar City (Ebadi Sub Clan), and the appointment of HRH, Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah as the Clan Head (Okugbe) of Fugar Clan, with effect from 21/2/24.

EXCO wish to thank the Edo state government for the approval.

A special appreciation to Chief Mike Oghiadomhe led

FPU BOT, the FPU Patrons (Okphe Ukpi of Ivhinone, Okphe Ukpi of Ivhiarua and Executive Chairman of Etsako Central LGA), Sir Peter Aliu and Mr. Martins Agabi led Fugar Restructuring and Resolution of Ebadi Issues Committee, the Sir. Peter Aliu led the Fugar Restructuring Sensitisation Committee, Mr. James Akhigbe Esq led the FPU Implementation Committee on Restructuring, Chief Mike Oghiadomhe led the Fugar Charter of Demands Actualization Committee, Chief Sylvanus Inaughe led EXCO, the immediate past and present EXCO, our elders, chiefs, community leaders, religious leaders, and other stakeholders.

Finally, the EXCO wishes to congratulate His Royal Highness Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah, the Okugbe of the Fugar Clan, who will be receiving his letter of appointment from the government today Friday 1/3/24.

Thank you.

Emma Okhimamhe






1st March 2024

Today, HRM (Engr) Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah, formerly known as the Okphe Ukpi of Ivhinone, received a significant letter at the Local Government Area office from the Executive Chairman of Etsako Central LGA, Hon. Solomon Obomighie. The letter, issued under the authority of the Commissioner of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, officially pronounces HRM (Engr) Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah as the Okugbe of the Fugar Clan.

This prestigious pronouncement was witnessed by esteemed traditional rulers, including HRH (Alhaji) D Y E Kanoba, the Eghiegba of Ekperi, and HRM (Alhaji) Jackson Etokhana, the Oghie Avhianwu of Avhianwu.

HRH (Alhaji) D Y E kanoba, the Eghiegba of Ekperi kingdom admonish all and sundry at the presentation of the official letter at the LGA, saying that, it is with gladness we the elders in council at the LGA welcome a friend and a jolly good fellow to the traditional circle, adding that, if you don’t welcome good news you’re a specimen of bad thought, as such the creation of another clan in Etsako Central LGA is a plus and a welcome idea to the betterment of the royal folks and the community at large.

HRH (Engr) Emmanuel Ayekhele Ogah expressed gratitude for the honour bestowed upon him and looks forward to serving the Fugar Clan with dedication and integrity. He acknowledges the support of the local government and the commissioner in this important recognition.



Igbanor Anthony A

Chief Press Secretary

Etsako Central LGA.


ANWU is the founder and the father of four children that make up the spirit AVIANWU CLAN

—-Arua: The ancestral father of the village of Ivhiarua.

—-Unone: The ancestral father of the village of Ivhiunone

—Imhakhena: The ancestral father of the village of Ogbona

—-Uralo: The ancestral father of the village of Iraokhor.

Ivhiarua and Ivhiunone have been jointly referred to as FUGAR, whose origin is very derogatory.

As it is now, only Imhakhena and Uralo are associated with their progenitor – ANWU.

What has happened now will affect the way the traditional age group will be celebrated as the ANWU clan may decide to retain the heritage of their Father. Whatever the intention of those behind this local restructuring and what they intend to achieve, will unfold with time.

But for the current Ogieavianwu of Avianwu to allow this to happen under his watch has exposed him as a weakling, lacking historical knowledge of his kingdom and authority. Under his watch, the claim of Fugarians for superiority in the schemes of the Avhianwu kingdom has come to pass. Their silent quest for “to your tenth O Israel” has been realized. Henceforth, Ivhiunone and Ivhiarua have no inheritance in the house of ANWU.

The question is:

1.⁠ ⁠Were the chiefs of Iraokhor and Ogbona consulted?

2.⁠ ⁠Why was there no involvement of Ogbona federated so that they could ask for Ogbona to be split into two so that we can also have an extra village out of Ogbona and Iraokhor as Fugar now has.

3.⁠ ⁠Did the Igieavianwu just concurred without consulting with the elders of Iraokhor?

4.⁠  what development do they intend to achieve by this?

Let me rest my case here I begoo

Copied as received!


This development did not take me by surprise. Looking at the plans from 2020, the personalities involved, and the spirit of unity at which it was orchestrated.

I am very close to a lot of Fugar indigents and at times attend their programs both in Lagos and at home. They have never pretended over their hatred for Ogbona owing to the reasons that we are more intelligent, brave, go-getter, and united when we want to be. This is why they attack our unity at all times. The split is done and dusted by the State Powers and no one can change it at least for now. It is politically motivated, embedded in greed to victimize Ogbona which will not be nice if Iraokhor is not included. If not how can you explain that the smallest Clan in Edo North is divided in this manner without the input of all stakeholders. However, I see this split as a blessing in disguise if we can get more united, breed the youth among us, and do a better synergy with Iraokhor politically and otherwise. The time is now, a great opportunity not to complain but to foster the needed unity to enable us to move forward. Do we have the human and capital resources? Yes, do we have the intellectual capacity? Yes, can we do it? Yes, then let this complaint stop and look inward for progress. If not, Fugar next move will shock us more.


Itsuokor Christopher

National Scribe



[4:24 pm, 01/03/2024] Phillip Orbih: He said he is meeting with all the Okphe Ukpis of both villages on Sunday. We just have to work with the Palace on the way forward if we don’t organize ourselves and work together, we will have more of these kinds of things happening.

[4:29 pm, 01/03/2024] Phillip Orbih: I am still pondering on the implications and lessons from this Act.

It means that a group of people can organize themselves with influence, unity of purpose, and tenacity, and recreate their history in a manner they desire. That is what FPU has done and we should not blame them that much.

[4:45 pm, 01/03/2024] Phillip Orbih: This is something they have been working on for a long time. I recall in 2020 when the late Price Denis Abuda was kidnapped and killed by herdsmen, a very good friend of mine from Fugar insinuated something about the creation of new Villages and how late Abuda was a big contender in the emerging Villages or clan ..then it did not really make sense to me. but it is clearer now.


You are very correct. In their quest to change the Avianwu history, they put up a different narrative that Anwu had 6 children and not 4. They added Adachi and Egwienabor as other children to Anwu hence they should be among the kingdoms to benefit from the Anwu Clan headship by rotation. This matter went as far as to the law court and was powered by the late Price Denis Abuda and co. It took Late Chief Alemoh Akhigbe and very few elders in Fugar to stand up against this move, that it cannot happen in their generation. But they’ve all gone. When they couldn’t get it in this manner, they politically orchestrated it through Chief Oghiadomhe and Peter Aliu.

I still say we need to look inward to organize our Clan to do well.

I know them, they fear our unity, and we can beat them to anything. Let’s get organized. Long live the Anwu Clan! Long live the Ogieavianwu!


I believe there is one vital angle to this discussion we have overlooked. Perhaps, I am too spiritually sensitive, nonetheless, the spiritual controls the physical. Is there any force that has been working against our interests in the last 3 years or in Obaseki’s govt? It is a well-known fact that Obaseki leveraged Chief Dan Orbih and his friend, Wike’s structures to become Edo state governor. No one can feign ignorance of the parts the duo played to reposition the PDP when it was cast as the plague in the eyes of every Nigerian, soon after the 2015 election? How come Oghiadomhe who could not deliver his Polling unit suddenly sidelined everyone to get the ears of the governor? Is there anything our political leaders are not doing well that needs some adjustments? Do our leaders need some political realignment for us to become relevant in the scheme of things again?

Regardless of the efforts of FPU, they had someone close to power who brought their plan to fruition. Thank God Chief Dan Orbih is here. What do we need to do to come to political reckoning again? Or we get some people to seek an audience with Chief Orbih and other politicians? Are there forces that need to be brought under control spiritually ? Certainly, we can’t continue like this


Good morning, the bona-fide Children of Avhianwu! This is a challenge before us and a wake-up call to defend and protect our history and heritage and the time to act is yesterday. We need to put all we have to protect our boundaries. In boundary adjustment, there must be give and take. Hence, we need a formidable team or Committee rich in history and verse knowledge of Ogbona boundaries, not just with Okugbe Clan or Fugar, but with all Ogbona neighbouring villages ( Ekperi, Imiava, Ibie na Ape, etc., and of course Iraokhor, in case they also decide to cede in the future ). The boundaries should be well-demarcated and documented in conjunction with the boundary commission or the Government Agency in charge. We need political, historical, social, and economic approaches to the challenges before us as a community. Historically, Okugbe is carved out of Avhianwu Clan, not the revised! # We Move!

This looks strange. How can a clan consists of just 2 villages. It is as if Fugar people don’t want other villages to be their clan head for too long. So, they go and create their own clan!

Fugar people have seen that with Chief Jackson still so young, they will have to wait for decades before it is their turn again to be clan head, and they don’t like that. So, they go ahead for years now to orchestrate this new clan business. Even Uzairue which is much much bigger than Avhianwu is still one clan!I agree with everything written above. It is obvious the current clan head has been compromised. This is Nigeria where money talks. I doubt if consultations were made locally. This whole thing must have been driven by a group of determined individuals in Fugar. Shame on the rest of the Avhianwu people who supported this, most probably for monetary gains. The whole basis of a clan is a common heritage, culture and set of traditions. Fugar people cannot suddenly claim a different heritage from Ogbona and Iraokhor. This is a serious disrespect to our culture.





Since the creation of Fugar Clan from the existing Avhianwu Clan by the Edo state Executive Council on 21st February, 2024, not a few Fugarians, have expressed some misgivings or apprehensions about the desirability or otherwise of the new Clan on the one hand and the appropriateness of the Name, among other sundry concerns on the other hand.


After a careful consideration of these incipient emanations from the action of the state government, I discerned the existence of two categories of individuals who have raised the aforementioned concerns: one, those genuinely interested in being availed the raison d’etre of the entire exercise and two, those who, ab-nitio were opposed to the exercise but could not, for whatever reason, voice their opposition in the open. However, it’s the first category, I feel morally obligated, as one of the principal participants in the process culminating in the February 21st historic event to address the issues already in the public space and what one might refer to as the inevitable concomitants of the government’s action.


Desirability of Fugar Clan.


Differently put: WHY FUGAR CLAN? In answering this seemingly harmless but fundamental question, it might be necessary, in this discourse, to take a literal excursion into the realm of our history. Before the movement, perhaps, more appropriately, the re-location or dispersal of the descendants of Imhakhena and Evhona (Uralo) from what is now known as Fugar in the 18th century, there were only two Ukpi drummers, namely the okphe-Ukpi’s of Ivhinone and Ivhiarua. Therefore, those descendants were under the administrative jurisdiction of Ivhinone and Ivhiarua respectively. Much later, in the course of the evolutionary process, the name Fugar was given birth to by the colonial explorers. The circumstances giving rise to the name remains shrouded in secrecy. A scrutiny of these circumstances is outside the scope of this treatise. However, it is important to note that the name FUGAR has become distinct, distinguishable and sui generis, binding the people of Ivhinone and Ivhiarua together to the envy of our detractors. It has withstood the assaults of external adversaries and their internal collaborators.


The existence of two village heads in Fugar has, in recent times, posed a big challenge in terms of recognition and identification outside the shores of Avhianwu. The reality is that only a few people outside Etsako are aware of the existence of Ivhinone and Ivhiarua villages; what they know and are familiar with is Fugar. Outside Etsako, the two village heads usually introduce themselves, in some instances to the same audience as the kings of Fugar. This normally creates confusion as to the structure of Fugar.The emergence of Fugar Clan with a Clan head will definitely obviate this embarrassing situation.


Secondly, Fugar as a community, will have a permanent seat in Edo State Traditional Rulers Council headed by the Oba of Benin with this development. Thus, the Okugbe of Fugar as a member of the Council shall be well-placed to articulate the needs of our community and solicit the support and assistance of his colleagues towards actualizing those needs. Our voice would be heard and our place in the comity of clans assured.


Thirdly, it is necessary to note that the 5% of the local government monthly allocation payable to the Traditional Rulers is shared on the bases of clan. The share of Etsako central which hitherto is divided into three (3) will now be divided into four with the additional clan. The economic implication of this development is enormous: It means greater share of the revenue accruable to the Local government will go to the Okugbe and the three okphe-Ukpi. A large percentage of these accruals would be spent in Fugar, thereby improving the Local economy.


Fourthly, the creation of Fugar Clan will reduce to the barest minimum, areas of conflict between our community and the other villages that make up Avhianwu. The argument as to whether it was proper to have allowed the Clan headship to rotate to Ogbona and Iraokhor has been put to rest permanently. This argument, no doubt, generated considerable dose of bad blood among brothers and sisters. Thus, what some people described as the “error” of 1952 and 1979 has been laid to rest. The dignity of Fugar as the Headquarters of Avhianwu and Etsako Local government Area has been restored. Keen observers of Avhianwu affairs must have noticed a disturbing trend in the handling of important dignitaries’ visits to Etsako central, most especially during campaign periods. When gubernatorial candidates of the various political parties visit Etsako central in the course of their campaigns, instead of coming to Fugar as the Headquarters, they gather at the palace of Ogieavhianwu of Avhianwu at Iraokhor. This, ordinarily would not have posed any serious concern or disquiet in Fugar circles but for the condescending and disturbing practice of directing those august visitors to the palace of Egiegbai of Ekperi whenever our hitherto paramount Ruler considered it inconvenient to receive such visitors.


Etsako,    as    a    political    entity    has    undergone    a    great    deal    of    restructuring    or reconfiguration in recent past. In the early 70’S, North Ibie as a Clan was split into two:   Okpekpe   Clan   and   the   three   (3)   Ibies,comprising   Imiegbai,   Imiakebu   and Utsogu.   Just   a   few   years   ago,   Uweppa/Wanno   Clan   was   balkanized   into   three, Wanno, Weppa and Uzanu Clans. This has given rise to healthy competition, thereby facilitating   the   development   of   the   emerging   political   units.   Therefore,   there   is nothing strange or unusual about the decision of the state government to create a Clan, in this case, FUGAR CLAN from the existing Avhianwu Clan. If Uzanu which is not as big as Ivhiarua, both in terms of size and population could be constituted into a Clan, it’s preposterous to argue as some critics have done that Fugar is too small to be made a Clan. The endemic conflicts which had existed in Weppa/Wanno Clan prior to the balkanization have reduced considerably, if not eliminated. As already stated, the mutual mistrust which exists amongst the constituent parts of Avhianwu will hopefully be consigned to the dust bill of history by this singular action of the state government.


Avhianwu Clan, as a federated Clan (as it then was) is regulated by the provisions of section 23 of the Bendel State Traditional Rulers and Chiefs law, 1979 (applicable in Edo State). Under that section, a federated Clan is a Clan where a traditional Chieftaincy title under customary law is not regulated by the prescribed authority or subject to the jurisdiction of the prescribed authority. That is why appointments to the village Headship of the sub-clans in Avhianwu are only subject to the approval of the state Executive Council unlike many Clans such as Auchi and Uzairue where the Otaru and Ogieneni are the approving authority in the appointment of village heads in their respective Clans. The implication of this arrangement is that it is easier to create additional Clans from a federated Clan than it is to do so in non-federated clans. The largely autonomous nature of our villages was responsible for Avhianwu not having a central traditional authority until 1952 when Enakpene Aduku became the first gazetted Clan head of Avhianwu. The creation of Fugar Clan will further enhance the autonomy of Fugar and its component units.


Many people have also expressed fears about the sustainability and indestructibility of the customary and traditional practices that bind Avhianwu together which reflect our common ancestry. Reference is made to the Age group initiation ceremony, the Okhe title rites and the Aidiukukua (New Year Celebration). I shall address these issues seriatim and in the order in which they are herein listed.


Age Group Initiation Ceremony.


Concerns of critics in this regard are borne out of abject ignorance of the fact that this ceremony is not limited by geography. As it’s well known, The Age Group initiation event transcends the boundaries of Avhianwu as it involves the participation of Ayogwiri and Apana from Uzairue Clan. I am not unmindful of the fact that those communities recently excluded themselves from participation in the traditional ceremony and elected to identify with their kit and kin in Uzairue. This, however, does not derogate from the fact that it is a ceremony that is not circumscribed by Avhianwu boundaries.


Within Avhianwu, the participation of Ogbona and Iraokhor in the Age Group ceremony is totally limited. For instance, they are not involved in the elders` deliberations and choice of the village whose turn it is to produce the Age Group father; neither do they produce the Age Group foster father.

This privilege is limited to Ivhinone and Ivhiarua. Furthermore, their Chiefs do not partake in the traditional naming ceremony; a major aspect of the entire exercise; their participation is virtually nil. Therefore, the creation of Fugar Clan will have practically no effect on this important traditional biannual event.


Okhe Title Rites


This is a cultural baptism expected to be performed by every male child in Avhianwu. It is an imported customary ceremony from the present Delta North which confers rights and privileges on initiates. Contrary to the belief of many, this traditional ceremony has since undergone a series of mutations, separateness and in some cases repudiation.

Following the assassination of Akhenavhianwu, a grandson of Omiawa by an Ogbona non-initiate (Ogbhari) in 1891, Ogbona was banned from participating in Okhe rites. The situation remained so until 1908 when Okoghor, Igbadumeh’s father and Arekameh from Iviukasa established or instituted a separate Ogiamotsu at Utu-looko for the Ogbona people. Since then, Ogbona people have been performing their distinct and separate Okhe title rites. In fact, one of the reasons, Fugar refused to recognize HRH P.A Oboarekpe for a very long time was that his Okhe title was not legitimate having not been done or performed at the designated places in Fugar. For many years, Iraokhor performed part of Okhe rites in Fugar but has since withdrawn completely and restricted itself to its village. Thus, as of today there is no uniform performance of Okhe title rites in Avhianwu. The creation of Fugar clan will make no difference in this regard.


New Year Celebration (Aidiukukua)

The proclamation, fixing of date and all other traditional rites appertaining to the Aidiukukua ceremony are the exclusive preserve of the Ebadi (Ivhiogwuelumhi) in the present Ebadi sub-clan. Not even the Anwu of Avhianwu interferes with these traditional duties. Therefore, there is no way the splitting of Avhianwu into two can affect the performance of these sacred duties by Ebadi.


Another area which has posed considerable concern to many people pertains to the name given to the new clan. I have read posts suggesting Avhianwu East for the new Clan and Avhianwu west for Ogbona and Iraokhor. For me, this is akin to chasing shadows rather than the substance of an event or action. The fear as expressed by some is that we are likely to lose our ancestry or identity as descendants of Anwu. I am not persuaded. It is generally agreed that we all migrated from Benin during the reign of OBA OZOLUA (1481-1504) at the time of civil war in the ancient kingdom. When we left Benin we settled at Afashio before further migrating eastward until we settled in the present day Fugar. The question is: did we lose our identity and ancestry by refusing to attach the name Benin or Afashio, Uzairue to our name? The answer is capital NO. Just as we, the present generation know our history; future generations will know that we are descendants of Anwu.


Besides, if we adopt Avhianwu East, what happens to the word Fugar. This name, I dare say has spiritual implications. It is what binds us together; without it, there is nothing like Fugar Progressive Union (FPU). We shall be playing into the hands of our enemies if we, wittingly or unwittingly discard, neglect or otherwise abandon the name Fugar. Many of our brethren have fought relentlessly to obliterate the name Fugar from existence and from the map but they have always failed. We should not aid them in the realization of their diabolical scheme. Fugar is the umbilical cord that holds Ivhinone and Ivhiarua together. With the creation of Ebadi Sub-Clan, the name Fugar binds the three Sub-Clans together and we have a duty to guard religiously the sacredness of that name.

If the creation of Okpekpe Clan from the former North Ibie does not derogate from their history as descendants of Ibie; if the creation of Uzanu, from Weppa/Wanno has not erased their history, the adoption and christening of the new Clan as Fugar Clan cannot erase our common history. Those who ask the question: What shall we tell our children and grand- children: if we fail to adopt Avhianwu, may wish to answer the question: What shall we tell our children if we decide to obliterate the name Fugar?


The creation of Fugar clan and Ebadi Sub-Clan is worthy of celebration by all well-meaning Avhianwu people. It will provide the needed fillip for the development of our community. I am particularly elated by the creation of Ebadi from the present Ivhinone. This, hopefully has restored peace and unity in Fugar, indeed in Avhianwu. It has corrected the structural imbalance in Fugar and restored the dignity of Ebadi as a people. The creation of Ebadi Clan is in line with my suggestion in my September 2014 memo to the Chairman of the BOT of FPU.


In conclusion, it would be a disservice to history and civilized conscience if I failed

to place on record the invaluable contribution of the leadership of Fugar Progressive Union (FPU) to the rebirth of Fugar as exemplified by the creation of Fugar Clan and Ebadi Sub-Clan. The single-minded determination of the Chief Oghiadomhe-5 led BOT and the National Executive Council headed by Richard Anetekhai, Esq with which they pursued the reconfiguration of Avhianwu is remarkable and beyond word. Their perseverance in the face of mounting challenges and their uncommon or uncanny capacity to accommodate diverse ideas helped to reshape and refocus the agitation, thereby ensuring a successful anchor. History and posterity will judge them kindly.


Dated the 6th day of March, 2024


James Adomokhai kadiri Akhigbe, Esq

Former National President, FPU

Email Address: jakhigbek@gmail.com jakhigbe79@gmail.com

Tel: +2348035034304



  1. Chief Mike Oghiadomhe, Chairman, BOT, FPU
  2. Richard Anetekhai, Esq President-General
  3. HRM Emmanuel Ogah, The OKUGBE of Fugar Clan
  4. Members, BOT, FPU



As we are planning the way forward and how to plan our strategy: I believe that we can obtain some hidden information from this piece of what we are to expect in the future.


I sought the permission to share this information, and I was given, and moreover: The information is already in the public space.


The planning was long-term and they never forget how Ogbona made the clan Headship rotational.


Ogbona should beware: OGBONA IS ALONE IN THIS ! Those we are thinking are with us are being accused of signing the documents that divided Avhianwu Clan. We are seriously waiting to get hold of those documents to ascertain who and who signed up.


Exactly my thought since this issue came up.

Let’s match on and secure our place where we now belong. Let’s stop crying over spilled milk and forge ahead with plans to solidify our place within the context of the new arrangement.

It’s does appear that we are actually crying more than the bereaved, the present Anwu clan head, who ought to be raising the roof, but he is not and even went ahead to attend the ceremony. Who knows if he has not been assured that the clan headship will remain in Iraokhor, permanently, for his cooperation.


Please, let’s be wise and pursue our agenda within this new arrangement so that the carpet is not pulled under our feet.


Fugarians are very politically tactical when it comes to deploying the principle of divide and rule. Let’s not be too combative so we not create a wedge between us and Fugar and at the same time, dissipate our energy fighting a lost war and letting Iraokhor pick the pieces.

For now, they hold both the knife and the yam. Let’s not play into their hands by being too and openly confrontational or else they will work behind our backs, while we are ranting and work with Iraokhor to undermine us.


Based on the a available documents we have seen so far, and what we know of the present situation we found ourselves, their planning was long-term (even though the detrimental consequences outweigh the beneficial dividend, because Ivhiunone will still manipulate Ivhiarua and Ebadi and there will be division between them: There was already a division between them as at 3rd of March, 2024 when series of meetings were going on at Fugar about this issue. The problem of Ivhiunone is Ogbona).


They are planning to make us become a migrant in our own land, and they have embarked on a systematic destruction and strangulation of Ogbona. Enough is enough. Therefore:



I suggest the administrators of this platform become the moderators of the platform for now, and document every sensitive information ventilated here for us to keep track of what is going on and what we are doing.



I suggest the administrators set up a powerful and high level committee with unflinching commitment to Ogbona that will submit to this house the following:



A BLUEPRINT on what Ogbona is to do in the present situation. Time is of essence.



The house should see the photocopies of the signed documents of the division of Avhianwu Clan, and the creation of additional Clan Headship (We need to pinpoint how far they have gone and what is really documented in the ministry. Without we having and knowing a true picture of what is on ground; we beat about the bush)



What do we do politically to checkmate the present situation. Like I said before, our response to the issues on ground should not be 100 meters dash: It has to be a marathon race that will last even at time endures.



How can Ogbona produce a governor or a deputy governor or ministers or permanent secretaries or occupy political positions?


Fugar is using government power to fight Ogbona, and the government also comprises of some individuals that were in government before. We need to come up with a deliberate plan on how to place sons and daughters in the corridors of power as simple as ABC.



The committee should come up with private economy options on what to make Ogbona a hub in respect of business that will also drive our local economy. Let’s create an economy in Ogbona: The reality of our circumstances is the need for us to strengthen our interdependence on one another and improve our internal cohesion, including our local economy. Nnewi in Anambra state did it purposely years ago ( they deliberately created a local economy in their locality. They have the highest number of billionaires in Igbo land as I type. There is no family in Nnewi that there is no rich man: They created a market for some peculiar spare parts business located in Nnewi. Other neighboring communities must go there to buy, and the place became a business hub in Anambra state). It was done intentionally.



There is a small place in this world that has a dedicated persons who informs them immediately what is going on around that will harm them; from political to anything. Some people here should be assigned to put their ears on the ground and bring to this house any threat to Ogbona! That will be their work. When Fugar were on this journey, some people knew about it and some did not. Let’s have a standby committee that will tell the house any threat to Ogbona that we must respond to in an unspecified manner. For now….




Good day my lovely people of Ogbona and happy Sunday. I just want to touch on some few issues especially the recent happenings in terms of the creation of Fugar clan, this has been a long term arrangement and plan by the people of Fugar, some people knew this why many didn’t, we’re only surprise it happened so soon, with this recent development, whether we like it or not Fugar is now bigger and greater than us because they now have three villages/sub clans and three political wards namely ward 1, 2 and 3 respectively while Ogbona and Iraokhor has only ward 4 and 5 and just two villages. Because of this political advantage, Fugar has produced a Deputy Governor, multiple local govt chairmen, house of rep member, two house of assembly members (Chris Umogbai and Johnny Oghuma), Commissioners, a military vice president, a chief of staff, a senator and the list continues, they are miles ahead of us in every aspect and that’s how they were able to achieve all this. Currently there is a boundary dispute between Ogbona and Fugar which many of us aren’t even aware of, they’ve seriously encroached into our lands up to Onoke filling station and if we don’t do anything about this, we shall soon become strangers in our own lands.  In view of the above we need to put our heads together to look into so many things, politically/traditionally we need to be on the same page for us  to achieve our aims and objectives. My good people we need to come together as one, we need to unite now more than ever. I have personally read so many articles about the recently created Fugar Clan, what I understand from everything I have read so far is that Ogbona is their common enemy simply because we fought for the rotation of the Oghie Avhianwu title. It’s time for us to wake up and do more without much talk. May God bless everyone of Us as we work together for the common good of Ogbona.                Ernest Imhokhai Orbih.                 wanted to post this on the Ogbona Worldwide platform but decided not, I feel this are some of the issues we need to also tackle Sir.


Mary Lawrence-Dokpesi: It’s time for a sober reflection. It’s a wake up call to action.

I am not pained with the creation of the FUGAR Clan. But it should be done in line with the culture and traditions of our people – Avhianwu.


Further to that, I must confess that I am worried about the future of our people.

In any unwholesome situation, there are benefits.Let us go for the benefits embedded in the creation of the FUGAR Clan.


Regarding the boundaries, I think that if we are sure of our boundaries, then let us fortify them right away. What are we waiting for. Those living along the border areas should begin to mark and demarcate our boundaries right away, starting  with their lands. I don’t think we need any formality for that.


I don’t see the community leaders acting soon on that.


If we are not fast with it, the Local Government will come soonest to do a hatchet man’s job. Then, it might be late to regain possession.


My advice is that, first, those in the border areas should protect their lands with clear demarcations whilst  we wait for the  community leaders to set the boundaries line later.


Phillip Orbih: I agree with with you ma.While we wait for @Barr. Felix Osimerha to give us an update later in the day , I just want to inform us that I spoke with a Palace Chief from Ogbona a few minutes ago and these are the highlights he gave me from the meeting of yesterday

1.That the Oghieavianwu said he will not contest the Creation of Fugar clan in court.We should consolidate and foster unity between Ogbona and Iraokhor.

2.We should all remain calm.

3.He was never consulted on the Creation of the Clan.

4.A Joint 8 man committee of Ogbona and Iraokhor has been set up to come up with recommendations on the Cultural ties between Avianwu and Fugar clan and advise on the way forward.The Committee has 2 weeks to submit its report to the palace.


Barr Felix Osimerha: Good morning my dear brothers and sisters.  I am sorry I have not been able to contribute to the discussions concerning the events that have happened in our community these past days.                Like Our sister Mary Dokpesi narrated her discussion with our Okphe Ukpi, it was the same discussion I had with him.    The highlights of the meeting the Iraokhor and Ogbona Okphe Ukpis had with the current OghieAvianwu are as follows:-

  1. Neither OghieAvianwu nor any of the 2 Okphe Ukpis was aware of the creation of Fugar Clan before it was made public.
  2. That none of them attended the coronation of the Fugar Clan except that the Etsako Central Council chairman called them to attend the traditional rulers Council meeting in which they were told of the split of the Avianwu clan.
  3. That the OghieAvianwu praised the effort of Ogbona in setting up committee to brainstorm on the issue
  4. The Ogbona and Iraokhor will not accept a return to the former status that includes Fugar as part of Avianwu clan.
  5. To retain Avianwu as our clan name.
  6. That it will be determined between Ogbona and Iraokhor as to the Eldest man that will be the Anwu.
  7. That all traditional rites, Age group and Okhei title will be performed jointly by Ogbona and Iraokhor.
  8. A committee of 2 members each from Ogbona and Iraokhor was set up to harmonise the areas of cooperation between the 2 communities.  Daniel Oshiotse and Engr Esue were chosen to represent Ogbona.
  9. There report will for the basis of a broader meeting with other committees of both communities that are available



The Creation Of Fugar Okugbe clan,

I want to formerly congratulate the Fugar people especially the Ebadi sub-clan.


I want state categorically, I don’t have problems with the creation of Fugar clan but,

The synopsis upon which it was created is obdurate and rational hence the of components of declaration by HRH Emmanuel Ogah as the Okugbe of Fugar clan.


The involvement of president of Fugar progressive Union (FPU) and it’s paraphernalia prior the declaration of Fugar clan does not represent the slogan of togetherness of the union that joined Ivhiarua and Ivhiunone,


The creation of Fugar clan by governor Godwin Obaseki through executive Fiat is political and rascally to undermine Avianwu traditional institutions.


Our expectations was to expound Avianwu by creating more sub-clans,

We kept quiet, some of us from Ivhiarua sub-clan does not mean that we are uninformed about creation and declaration of a new clan,


The declaration of Fugar clan does not follow the tenet of Avianwu customs and traditions

Hence it is dictatorial and show of political might.


However I made bold to say, verse majority of Ivhiarua people are disappointed and in total disagreement with the declaration Fugar in this manner.


Base On legal Inquiry !!!


The creation of a clan is not done by fiat or concurring to the wishes of a few elites by the State government.


The lawlessness of Government is evident in this mischief.


There ought to be an inquiry, where interested parties would submit memorandums, the various memorandums interrogated to determine the if the clan ought to be created and the villages constituting the clan, the various chieftaincy levels to ascend before becoming clan head, the uniformity of the traditions and culture of the peoples constituting the clan and order of seniority between the constituent villages to determine who ascends the title of clan head first, amongst other factors.


In respect of Fugar clan, was there a public demand for memorandum by interested parties ? How was the hierarchical levels of ascension of the clan headship of Okugbe arrived at ?


Can’t understand how you moot and implement a project to democratize a people’s traditional institutions on a foundation that is undemocratic and dictatorial.


Comr chief F A. Musa.


I am not abreast with the true situation. However, my guess is that the suggestion of the use of diplomacy here is indicative that a side is wronged and, as such,  we must thread softly…But my own position stems from this question: were our lores, tradition, custom and crowning stipulations adhered to in the choice of our current king? If yes, and we all agree that the laws of the land were not only followed, but clearly seen to have been followed, the community owes nobody any diplomatic patronage. White can never be black nor gray, nor in between, it will forever remain white. So, the community should be unapologetic, undiplomatic,vociferous, and use no tongue in the cheek approach to condemn Falsehood. Except, if it is clearly seen  that the order to ascension to the throne was abused, that a corner was cut, irrespective of how tiny, then that calls for a different conversation with even a much more harsher tone. We ought not do the right thing the wrong way! Taye Anavhe


The Avhianwu Situation


Well, I am sure that you will agree with me that culture and its adherent norms are not absolute in nature. They are fluid, open to evolution, and refinement. In that sense, irrespective of the underlying principles of Fugar’s motive, they are at liberty to seek their own destiny, provided their quest does not impinge on our own sovereignty. They are wrong in the way they went about it, because sensibilities are clearly bruised, and because their approach to it all was rude. If their move was for the purpose of refinement, as they might claim, time will tell, though the current situation portends that it is a retrogression. But we shouldn’t dissipate our energies mourning the loss of Fugar, because it seems as if the newly formed Ogbona Worldwide movement is a direct reaction to Fugar’s antics.


Since Fugar has decided to go, all well and good, let’s let them go. What we need to do now is to evaluate the bits and pieces of whatever is left of us, look inward, and strengthen it, and, in the process, make ourselves whole again as a clan that is devoid of Fugar. Even in some households, there exists sibling(s) that wouldn’t want to be bothered with the rest of the family. A Yoruba proverb says that we will not say because our kinship ties us together at the thighs, we should then rip our thighs to pieces…I am not sure if I am making sense?

Taye Anavhe


New Fugar Clan: Setting Records Straight

With the coronation of the Okugbe of Fugar Clan, the neophyte created out of the old Avhianwu Clan has finally been consolidated, not minding the diverse reactions that it traded from both sides of the divide. This was not unexpected considering the ancestry and size of the once brotherly configuration.


Viewed critically, there is no denying the fact that the creation would propel economic transformations in both the new and remainder two villages hereafter known as Anwu Clan.


But in justifying the noble action, Ex-President of Fugar Progressive Union (FPU), Mr James Kadiri Akhigbe had stirred the honest nest by ascribing some demeaning implantation into the matter.


He sounded economical with reality when  he overstretched harmless Anwu family matters that ab-nitio, bonded brothers in peace and harmony, into an ancestral war in which Ivhiarua and Ivhinone conquered.


Akhigbe minced no words when he averred that the politics of making Fugar to be more relevant in the scheme of things dictated the pace.


Particularly, he cited the relegation of Fugar when governors, politicians on campaigns and other dignitaries pay courtesy visits to Etsako Central Local Government Area. During such occasions, he said, the visitors pay the routine courtesy visit to the palace of Oghieavhianwu of Avhianwu in Iraokhor, thus leaving Fugar in the cold to play a second fiddle.


However, instead of stopping at that, he did an overkill in his attempt to derogate Ogbona and Iraokhor, especially in three key areas of Okhe Title, Age Group Initiation and Adwikwukua (traditional new year festival)


It is on account of these jaundiced areas that I intend to dwell the following clarifications.


Okhe title:

According to Akhigbe, Fugar banned Ogbona from performing the Okhe title because in 1851, an uninitiated man (Ogbhari) from Ogbona killed a title holder, a certain Akenavhianwu, the grandson of Omiawa

According to him, the ban led Ogbona to set up its own Ogwa shrine to perform the title which he described as inferior.

He further delved into mudslinging when he opined that one of the reasons that Fugar opposed the installation of HRH the late Chief Patrick Ajayi Oboarekpe as the then Oghieavhianwu of Avhianwu was that the Okhe title that he took was illegitimate, having not performed it at the designated spots in Fugar.

But, a cursory peep revealed that the actual reason behind it was far from an Ogbona Ogbhari killing a Fugar Orbo. It was however gratifying that some elders in Avhianwu, among them Okogho, Igbadumhes son, and Arekamhe from Ivhiukasa had rightly corrected what they saw as extreme animosity.

As constituted authorities, these noblemen planted an independent Ogiamotsu for Ogbona to perform the title that no one contested. Therefore, the bruised reference of Oboarekpe’s Okhe title being illegitimate is nauseating, to say the least.


An Ogiamotsu that was legitimately instituted by paramount patriots could not in any way be inferior. These elders understood clearly that Imhakhena, the founder of Ogbona, was an enterprising man whose only offense was his disdain for what he saw as indolence on the side of his brothers; Ivhiarua and Ivhinone.

The accompanying mutual mistrust that the strife brewed forced Imhakhena to migrate further from Utagbabor to Ore Okhiye in Ogbona where his mother, Alokoko later joined him. The resultant bad blood was to linger for decades. It was an offense over which Ivhiarua and Ivhinone never forgave Imhakhena.

They sought an opportunity for revenge. Thus, it was on a platter that it came for them when the alleged Ogbhari killed the aforementioned Akenavhianwu.

Obviously, it was payback time! How else could you define the said banning of the entire Ogbona from partaking in the Okhe title over an offense allegedly committed by an individual, instead of just the family of the offender? Discerning authorities had gallantly

adjudged the ban as unjustified, biased, punitive, and outrageous.

Age Group Initiation

Justifying further, Akhigbe made derogatory references to Ogbona and Iraokhor, dismissing them as inconsequential when matters of age group initiations are discussed.

He said Ogbona and Iraokhor never contribute to issues about which village in the old Avhianwu does the proverbial naming of the age group, neither do they make imputes into who becomes the foster father to the initiates.

I see nothing sacred about that. To allude to it as a special privilege, however, made it appear as if it was a war among the siblings over which Ivhiarua and Ivhinone conquered. the others.

Many decades ago, the few altercations that occurred in this regard, existed only among the villages in Fugar.

No one sought the position of the Ogbona and Iraokhor communities while making the moves to create the Fugar Clan. They should therefore have been spared instead of making a mountain out of a molehill.

Governor Godwin Obaseki created the clan without due consultation. Former Deputy Governor of Edo State, Mike Oghiadomhe had allegedly given it as a condition to support the candidature of Asue Ighodalo in the forthcoming governorship election in Edo State.

Adwikwukua Festival

On the issue of Adwikwuku, Akhigbe further downplayed Ogbona and Iraokhor, drumming their utter irrelevance in the proclamations and stage setting for the annual Adwikwukua festival. He rightly posited that it is the Ebadi (Ivhioghuelumhi) lineage that performs that sacred duty, stressing that not even the Anwu of Avhianwu has a role to play in that regard. Why he derided other villages to validate the creation of the clan is however intriguing.

Areas Omitted:

Strangely, the arrowheads of FPU deliberately truncated the traditional bearings over which Ogbona and Iraokhor have exclusive rights. Among these are Esi (New Yam Festival) and custodianship and appeasement of the totemic Alokoko (Python) motherhood in matters of sacred breaches..

In the history of Avhianwu, the New Yam Festival is celebrated annually in grand style.  In line with similar exclusivity, Iraokhor must make a proclamation and celebrate the event before other villages in the old Avhianwu.

No matter the disposition of Fugar, it is on record that no village had ever contested the vantage position of Iraokhor in celebrating the festival first before it comes to Ogbona and lastly, Fugar.

The totemic Alokoko:

Without any iota of scheming, the Alokoko’s permanent abode in Ogbona is indisputably sacrosanct. Any bonafide indigene of Avhianwu who accidentally kills the python, or eats its meat must be spiritually cleansed only at the ancestral home of Alokoko where it is based at Ogbona and Ogbona only.  Fugar never hosts the Alokoko deity or never has any say when matters relating to it are on the agenda.

This is where it becomes obvious that the power button to actualize the dream of the Fugar Clan was to deliberately ostracize Ogbona and Iraokhor.

History has it that Imhakhena in his desire to mend all gray areas with his siblings made a heroic peace pact with his brothers. The allusions that Fugar is superior to other villages are not only abusive but immature.

For instance, the fact that Anwu upon his migration from Benin during the reign of Oba Ozolua in the years 1481 – 1504. Initially settled at Afashio-Uzairue does not confer any special status on Uzairue. In the same vein, Anwu’s second migration from Afashio-Uzairue to Utagbabor in Fugar does not obliterate the position of equality among the siblings. It was only natural that the two Okphe-Ukpis in Ivhiarua and Ivhinone had to increase to four following their further migration from Utagbabor to Ogbona and Iraokhor.

We urge our ancestral brothers to respect the peace accord that Imhakhena had with his siblings. Imhakhena was said to have entered into that historic covenant of stones (Azido) at a location in the then Asekomhe Ekhagbai ancestral home where he built his settlement after departing the mysterious Uti Ore Okhiye.

The stones were buried in a verifiable and discernible open spot between today’s Asekomhe Ekhagbai and Ilegah Orvini’s family compounds in the Ivhiebi quarters of Ogbona.

It is therefore instructive that Fugar focuses on how to move its new clan forward and leave Ogbona and Iraokhor alone to paddle their boat in an atmosphere of peace and harmony.


May I suggest that the Ogbona and Iraokhor communities come together to form the Anwu Development Council? The body with representatives from both sides should formulate the economic policies to move the clan forward. If economic transformations are fortified in Anwu, it would attract state and federal government attention and etch a glorious path for them in the entire state. May God bless us all.


My parting words are: “Make Fugar dei in dey and allow Ogbona and Iraokhor to dei their dey”


Long live the Ogbona community!

Long live Iraokhor community!

Long live Anwu Clan!


Wilson Asekomhe


This Fugar or Fugarians as they call themselves to me have done nothing wrong. They have widened the space for development economically and politically. We now have four economic and political zones in Etsako Central. Our sister community Iraokhor should now realise that teaming with Fugar politically all these while has profited them nothing.
We should form a formidable alliance now to confront Fugar politically.
On the Okhe issue, we should do the needful and do our Okhe together.
So for me, them going their way is a welcome development.
Fugar people cannot choose a name for us. We are proudly Avianwu. We have no issue with the name Avianwu. Fugarians (whatever that means) had an issue with the name and jettisoned it. They can’t choose “Anwu” for us. I think this is where we should draw the line. We should retain and maintain the Avianwu clan without prejudice to other issues we may raise with this new contraption.
Again I repeat that you cannot change my name without my permission.
Albert Aigba: I support you 100%! As much as you can’t change my name without my consent, you can’t also force a name on me and expect me to just accept it. You packing out of the house or finding identity elsewhere doesn’t change my family name

They said they’re Fugar. We remain proud of Avianwu.
The Avianwu Clan: Matters arising

I have heard different opinions on the Avianwu clan issues and have concluded that we the Ogbona people must as a matter of urgency let our stand known in the scheme of things.

People have the right to self-determination. Yes, Fugar people as far as am concerned have rights to their self-determination. They can choose whatever they wish to be known and called. But they surely cannot choose what we should be known or called without our consent and approval.

My grandfather once said; ” the name you don’t bear; you disown and reject it the very day someone calls you by that name”

As far as we all know, four children of Anwu made up Avianwu Clan. If two choose no longer to be addressed as Avianwu, we can’t question their decisions and we not stop them. But one thing we can do is reject the name they chose for us without our consent.

We are still to be known and addressed as Avianwu; (children of Anwu); Ogbona and Iraokhor, even though two of our brothers chose a different name. The Clan head of Avianwu remains; OGHIEAVIANWU of AVIANWU.

This is our right to self-determination and should be our stand.

Vha mo apemha.

Sunny Ekhaegbah Orbih
In as much as the average Fugar respected and recognized the Ogbona as a legitimate entity in Avianwu, that does not mean that an Average Fugar cannot find his betterment when others are not interested.

I want all and sundry to know that the creation of the Fugar Clan is a welcome development and long overdue. I do not want to talk about the importance and benefits of the creation by now but to respond to the Ogbona Youth Forum petition.

In their write, I agreed that we as Avianwu before share some historical, religious, and cultural sites. But let me remind you that according to Achebe the Great Author of Things Fall Apart wrote and I quote: “The things that hold us together, the Whiteman put the knife and tear us apart”
What was he referring to? Their tradition and culture.
Do you know that some of this thing that holds us together in your community has torn them apart?
Let me enumerate some for your perusal:
1. The sacrilege committed against the Avianwu traditional chieftaincy.
In the late 50s, when your community was in the ruling Action Group against the Fugar community in NCNC. The rotation of the clan headship of Avianwu was introduced politically as against the tradition of Avianwu, which the saying buttressed ” Anwu o’ rha ifi ”
2 The Abomination committed against the OGIAMOTSU ( Okhe)
YOU will agree with me that, if you are an Avianwu man, the only authorized and compulsory site where Okhe is valid, is the site and shrine of the OGIAMOTSU. If you do not know OGIAMOTSU is the custodian of the Okhe title, any Okhe done outside its site and shrine is an abomination and aberration in Avianwu.
But you choose to perform your Okhe in an unauthorized and unholy site chosen by you against the tradition and culture of Avianwu.
3 Uruamhi (Age group)
Uruamhi used to be held bi-annually in Avianwu among the four villages in the then Avianwu clan and Ayogwiri and Apana with one Traditional Father in Fugar.
Do you know that you started having another father for the age group in Ogbona?
Again, for two consecutive sections, you have refused to initiate your sons and daughters into the age group.
You talk about what has joined us together. Has anything that has joined us together remained?
4 most importantly I must remind you that the Ivhiarua community is a peaceful community that welcomed the creation of Fugar Clan and His Highness Ogah as the Akugbe of Fugar Clan.
No one is planning a demonstration or protest in Ivhiarua, I, therefore, advise you to mind your business rather than trying to instigate the Ivhiarua community.

My good brothers from Ogbona, yesterday we were in the same clan but today we are in two different clans.
Let us part on a good note rather than this that you are insinuating.
Uzanu clan was created. Weppa clan was again created recently. Ours is not different. Let us embrace it for good.

Hon Imhakhu Peter (JP)
This is an excellent response to Ogbona Youths.
Noble Esiemokhai Sonny De Enyienareluobo of Avhianwu.
Ebadi Sub-Clan Abuja Branch.
Creation of Fugar Clan & Matters Arising.
Since the opening of this platform, a lot of people have cause to call, purposely, to find out what is being done about the new FUGAR CLAN. Some people have also said a lot has been said already and that what we need right now is ACTION. I quite agree but permit me to bring to the notice of this honorable house that before this forum was created, a committee made up of Ogbona Youth Forum, Ogbona Elites Forum, and Diaspora Ogbona was set up to take a holistic view of the issue, come out with findings and point the way forward.

To say the least, this is being done. For instance, the letter sent to the state Governor and copied to other relevant government agencies last week was a fallout of that endeavor.
Let me restate here that nobody has anything against the creation of the new clan, and neither is the State government’s right to create any clan of its choice is being questioned.

What is however not clear to us is the position of Avianwu in the new dispensation. We want the state government to make some clarifications on the position of the Oghieavianwu of Avianwu and our common heritage, Avianwu Nomenclature.

This is to assure everyone here that a lot is being done and that in next to no distant time something positive will come out. Please, be patient with the committee. Thanks

I read the reaction of Fugar to the petition written by Ogbona Youth Forum (OYF) to the Edo State Governor on this over-flogged issue. Unfortunately, our brothers see nothing wrong in the flagrant display of power as demonstrated by Governor Godwin Obaseki in the exercise.

That the dust raised by the creation of the Fugar Clan has refused to settle is not new. But the defense anchored in a recent write-up by my friend, Peter Imhakhu on the Ogiamotsu (Okhe) initiation and other areas posits that the mantle crafted to pull Ogbona down has become infectious.

Let Imhakhu and his fellow travelers be educated that Okhe is first and foremost, not native to Avhianwu. Our ancestors imported it from Ibo land. It was modeled after the OZO title which successful Ibos acquired in conferring traditional class to themselves in the society.

When our ancestors freely imported the Okhe title from the East, it was not done with any exclusivity, including the symbol of Ogiamotsu that was crafted and instituted in Fugar. This explains why there was no territorial barrier when neighbouring communities like Weppa/Wanno also copied it from Avhianwu.

Weppa/Wanno reportedly instituted their sacred shrines to perform the title rites and even added some modifications to suit their culture. As peaceful neighbours, they equally imported AGHIE vulgar outings from Avhianwu.

It was done to edify ADAOBI, a deity that thrived in the use of abusive, foul, and derogatory language with inglorious references to women’s private bearings. The belief was that such corrupt sanctification would cleanse the land ahead of the accompanying season of Adwikwuku.

Based on the aforementioned, Weppa Wanno truly did not need to come to Fugar to perform the Okhe title because there was nothing irrevocably exclusive to the grooves in Avhianwu generally.

No sane Avhianwu indigene can today label Okhe title holders in Weppa/Wanno as illegitimate or interior on account of the fact that their Initiations were not performed in Fugar. My honourable friend should read the clarifications that I attempted in my previous writing.

The stand of OYF was robustly well-articulated and intelligently delivered. Ogbona and Iraokhor have inalienable rights to challenge the action to achieve proper definitions for the Avhianwu Clan.
It is even conflicting how proponents of the creation arrived at the title of Oghieavhianwu of Anwu. That title never existed. What has been in place from time immemorial is the position of Anwu of Avhianwu, a title reserved for the eldest man in Avhianwu. When juxtaposed with the current reality, it’s confusing. If ancestral Anwu was the father of Ivhinone, Ivhiarua, Ogbona, and Iraokhor, how fitting is the title of Oghieavhianwu of Anwu?

Notwithstanding the stranger clan, the implication is that the Oghieavhianwu of Anwu is the overall Oghie of the four villages that made the old Avhianwu.

On age group initiation in which Fugar claimed that Ogbona had failed to participate in the past two seasons, Peter should beseech the feuding elders in Fugar, who over time, find reasons to drag leadership among themselves. If Fugar is the unchallengeable driver of Uruamhi in Avhianwu, as Fugar Progressive Union had declared, any injury to the body parts of age group initiation should rightly be blamed on the so-called demi-gods in Fugar because they’re issues in which Ogbona and Iraokhor have no say.

On the rotation of the clan head among the previous four villages, there is no need to join issues over the political calculations surrounding the historical rotation of the Oghieavhianwu.

In this regard, we salute the courage, wisdom, and political sagacity of the late Chief M.C.K. Orbih, who stood firmly against the several aberrations that Fugar had attempted against its peace-loving brothers.

It was the iconic Orbih who vehemently thwarted the high-headed opposition of Fugar to the installation of former Oghieavhianwu, the late Chief Patrick Oboarekpe, and other silent matters.

Once again, in the light of the foregoing, let Fugar allow the sleeping dogs to lie, while we give thanks to God for the journey so far.
Thank you.

Wilson Asekomhe
We need not continue to dissipate energy on the loss of Fugar. They have gone. Let them go…Thank God that we have the space and resources to perpetuate our continuity. Ivhiochie, on its own, can conveniently produce two villages, so is Okotor, etc. Let’s make villages out of our constituent, and thereafter enshrine ourselves as a clan. This we do in consultation with Iraokhor. And this will give us the same footing Fugar had thought she only would enjoy. Like they say out here, when we have formed that clan, we can call it Imhakhena Clan, or whatever we choose, we can then go before their face, and say, like they say out here, “How do you like me now?”
We’ve got to move on, move on with grace, and swag.

2 thoughts on “AVIANWU Clan has been split into Fugar and Anwu Clans with Ogbona and Iraokhor now in Anwu Clan”

  1. Dr Glory Chris Ilogho

    Let’s think of how to forge greater unity between Ogbona and Iraokhor. The two Communities are already intertwined and interwoven not only physically but by marriages. The bond existing between Iraokhor and Ogbona is unbreakable and this is an advantage towards harmonization of our already existing filial relationship. Let’s embrace Anwu as the new name of our Town (Ogbona and Iraokhor). Our Clan remains Avianwu Clan while the new name of our two Communities is now ANWU TOWN. Let Fugar Clan be left in peace according to their lifelong ambition to break away from Avianwu. They remain our Brothers and Sisters as Children of one Father Anwu. Let us continue to love them because we are one, nothing can change that.
    To me, it is a welcome development. Let’s embrace them to further advance the interest of Anwu Dynasty in Etsako Central LGA and in Edo State as a whole. Anwu Town (Ogbona and Iraokhor) remains a Frontline Town in Etsako Central LGA. Fugarians are our Kinsmen and will always be part of us.
    Anwu Town, Ogbona and Iraokhor in due course, will merge physically with Fugar in one contiguous City which we will all be very proud of in future, just like Lagos.
    This is my personal opinion

    1. Thank you for visiting our website and your comments for collaboration. We will forward your comments to the Ogbona/Iraokhor joint committee on the New clan

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