
Age Grades and Age Sets Nomenclature and their importance in Ogbona in Particular and in Avhianwu Clan in General

AGE GRADES AND AGE SETS NOMENCLATURE AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN OGBONA IN PARTICULAR AND IN AVHIANWU CLAN IN GENERAL AGE GRADES AND AGE SETS NOMENCLATURE AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN OGBONA IN PARTICULAR AND IN AVHIANWU CLAN IN GENERAL Age stratification of males and females is an important feature of social organization in Avhianwu clan as well as in all Edo speaking groups. The degree of complexity and the importance attached to them vary considerably from one ethnic group to another: The age groups and age sets are determinant factors as to who is the most elderly man in a village or as to who is qualified to be crowned a village head other conditions are satisfied. The male population is divided into three categories. (a) The first is the un-initiated adolescents (Ekpe and Iwogo) (b) Adults (Ogore) (c) Elders. (Ikpisa) There is some variation, however, with regard to the degree of formality with which age sets are inaugurated. Whereas among the Ibos, informal inauguration is the rule rather than the exception, formal ceremonies, such as will be discussed in succeeding chapters are a characteristic feature of the age group organization among most of the Edo speaking people. Children pass through the stages of ‘Ekpe’ and ‘Iwogo’ before being initiated into named age groups which in most communities, are formed every other year. In Avhianwu clan, the males are initiated into age groups every other year while the girls are initiated into womanhood every year. These males and females are ascribed names which in most cases bear the pre-fix ‘ Uma’ and a sentence with some historical back ground e.g. UMA OTSEMOBO (meaning I am in control of the empire) this name was given in 1945 at the end of world war II which the British won and as part of the British Empire, the age group of that year was ascribed the name. It readily recalls to mind the end of the war and its result. Females initiated between two different male age groups have no names as such they are referred to as Otu Igbo-efo meaning (in between age groups). Those initiated with males are referred to as Otu-Emo meaning (age group of men). CRITERIA FOR SELECTION INTO AN AGE GROUP SET: A man’s precedence in the affairs of his village depends on the date of his admission to the association of age group to that of other members. This means that the ‘age group’ age rather than chronological age in years is a principal determinant of social status. Although males born during a period of two consecutive calendar years are supposed to be in the same age group bracket, other factors Viz: custom, parents’ wishes and the size of the adolescent male are sometimes determinant factors. In Avhianwu clan, custom has it that unless there is a male adolescent in Iviocha to be initiated into manhood, no initiation can be effected. Hence now a days such an Iviocha Initiate though chronologically may be the least in years of birth, he becomes the most senior member of the age group. In the past, girls who had no finance or proposed husband were never initiated into womanhood. This meant that girls could remain uninitiated even at the ripe age of between 20 and 25 years generally, initiates were to be between the age of 18 and 20 year for boys and 15 and 16 years for girls. In the past, boys neither paid taxes nor get married in Avhianwu clan, until they have been initiated into age-group. In the past, any age group member would neither watch his Comrade die nor see his corpse. This also made it difficult for persons of the same age limit to be initiated the same year in a patriarchal family where there were many male adolescents. It is on record that a non-initiate, be he the first born surviving son or not, cannot inherit the father’s property at death. The most important of the rule is that no son or daughter of a proposed Era-Otu shall be initiated into the age group set to which he shall be an age-group father (Era-Otu). This is to perpetrate the fact no one can give birth to one and the same person twice. From the above, one assumes that initiation into age-group is mainly at the discretion of the patriarchal head of the family, the customary yard stick having been challenged by the happenings of the present age. APPOINTMENT OF ERA-OTU (AGE-GROUP FATHER) It is rotational. It is either the turn of Ivhiunone or Ivhiarua. For the purpose of and others not connected with this narration, Ivhiunone is divided into three (I) Ivhigieghe, comprising Ugieogwa (Iviagbanaku inclusive), Ivioromhia and Iviavia; (ii) Ivbikhinya comprising Iviochia and Ulumhogie; (iii) Ebadi comprising Iviadatsi, Ebadi and Iviegwienabo (Iviegwi). Ivhiarua is divided into two namely Uloma and Ulagwa. Uloma consists of Iviokpo, Iviukasa, including Iruru, Iviapa and Ivhiadoko. Those that belong to Ulagwa are Ivhiokhile and Ivhiavhe. If it is the turn of Ivhiarua, the two sections meet to know who had it in the last round. If it were discovered that Uloma had it, then it would fall to the turn of Ulagwa. Quarters in Ulagwa meet to discuss bearing in mind the quarter/kindred whose turn it is to produce an Era-Otu. Then the kindred is asked to produce a candidate. When a candidate is selected the Odior, the most elderly person in the kindred, delegates and two others to present the nominated candidate to the senior Era-Otu. The Era-Otu pronounces the word ‘Amiele’ meaning you are accepted. The nominee sends presents ranging from palm-wine, meat, fish and yams. Demands depends upon the demanding propensities of the senior Era-Otus. When the senior Era-Otu is satisfied with the nominee’s presents, he sends for all other existing Era-Otus better known as (Inuotu) and introduces the nominee in absentia. All the members of Inuotu accept his candidature and ask for their presents (prescribed fees which varies but not yet above (200 Naira). When

Age Grades and Age Sets Nomenclature and their importance in Ogbona in Particular and in Avhianwu Clan in General Read More »

Footprints of Ogbona Sons and Daughters

FOOTPRINTS OF OGBONA SONS AND DAUGHTERS 1.First secondary school graduate: Mr. ABC Anaweokhai who finished from Africa College, Onitsha in 1949. Anthony Bartholomew Chiata Anaweokhai, popularly known as Mr. ABC was born on the 4th of April 1929 to the Catholic family of Cletus Anaweokhai. ABC attended African College Onitsha for his secondary education. He finish in 1949, and got a job with Leventis stores in Port Harcourt as an accountant. ABC Anaweokhai was an honest man who prided integrity above anything else. He was an active member of Ogbona meeting in all the places he worked. He helped to unite then divided Ogbona meeting in Kaduna in the late 1970s. 2.First Catholic Reverend Father: Rev Father Dominic Azagbo: Fr. Dominic Azagbor holds a bachelor’s degree in theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy, and a bachelor of arts from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. Rev. Fr. Dominic Azagbor professed his vows to the Order in 1988 and served in a variety of capacities at parishes in Nigeria and Ghana before being ordained to the priesthood in April of 2000. From 2002 to 2005, he served as assistant chaplain at the University of Ife, located in the Diocese of Oshogbo, Nigeria. From 2005 to 2009, he served as associate pastor at St. Jude Catholic Church in Mafoluku, part of the Archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria. In 2010, Fr. Azagbor arrived in the United States and was assigned as chaplain to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania and he is currently located in Maine 3.First Pentecostal Bishop: Bishop Anthony Anyiador (Pentecostal). He pastored many churches in Benin City, Lagos, and other parts of Nigeria. He was consecrated a Bishop of the Church of God Mission on 10th November 2001 by Archbishop Benson Idahosa. Anthony Anyiador is now the presiding bishop of Kingdom Connection Ministries, a network of churches in Nigeria with headquarter in Abuja. He is the first ordained bishop from Ogbona community 4.First College/ University graduate: Chief T.A. Osigbemhe entered University of Ibadan September 1957 to JUNE 1960 5.First Geologist: Gilbert Erelumhe Odior. Holds a B. S. and M. S. Degree in Geology from the University of Ibadan in Ibadan, Nigeria. An accomplished Geologist of over 34 years of proven successes in finding, developing and producing hydrocarbons in offshore Nigeria basin as well as in the Gulf of Mexico. Past President and Fellow of Nigeria Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE), Member of American association petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and Past President AAPG-Africa Region (2012-2014), Nigerian Mining and Geoscience Society (NMGS), Certified professional Geologist by COMEG and AAPG and active in local organizations and Social Clubs 6.First Major Politician from Ogbona: M.C.K Orbih. First elected in 1954 as one of the pioneer councilors of the Etsako District Council in the first democratically elected Local Government as a fore runner of Nigeria Political independence granted in 1960. He was appointed a member of the Western Region Advisory Board on Education during the period of self-government that culminated in the end of the colonial administration from 1956 — 1959. Chief M.C.K. Orbih became one of the pioneer legislators in the newly independent Nigeria when he was elected as the member representing Afenmai East in the Federal House of Representatives from 12 December 1959 to 12 December 1964. 7.First state Commissioner from Ogbona: George Enetomeh Uwaya In 1994-1996, was appointed Commissioner for Education Edo State, 1996-1997 Commissioner Special Duties Edo State. George obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geography from the University of Ibadan. He thereafter proceeded to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Education. He also holds a Master of Science Degree in Geography from the University of Benin. During his carrier he was appointed Education Officer in the Ministry of Education North Western State from 1971 to 1975, Head Geography Department, College of Education Minna, Niger State from 1976 to 1991, and Examiner for West African Examination Council in 1986, Dean School of Art and Social Science 1991, Chairman Committee of Deans College of Education 1991. Late George Enetomeh Uwaya died on the 30th of January 1999. He Survived by wife and Six Children 8.Commissioned Regular combatant Officer (military): Major Francis Atsegwasi followed by Lt Comdr. Emalumhe in the Navy. Major Francis Aigbona Atsegwasi (Rtd) was the first military officer from Ogbona to obtain a commission from the Nigerian Defense Academy, then the highest military institution in Nigeria. He was the Chairman of the then Care-taker committee of Etsako Central Local Government Area (2002-2003) 9. First Permanent Secretary, Director or Head of Government Parastatal: Chief T. A. Osigbemhe, Principal, Edo College, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education in Bendel State. Chief T.A Osigbemhe (nicknamed FLAMES), Principal Edo College from March 1973 to September 1977. At Edo Co1lege he revived discipline staff and students and maintenance of high academic standard in the face of dwindling resources of the period. Chief Inspector of education of all schools in the Unified Teaching Service Board. Sole Administrator/Chief Executive officer of Bendel State Health Services Management Board 1978 -1980. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education on 21st November, 1980, even though he was one of the most junior officers among the Chief Inspectors of Education in the Ministry. Retired voluntarily on 17th January 1984, after 38 years in the Education Industry of Bendel State. Chief Osigbemhe was called upon by the Ogbona community to take up position of the Head of the Village – OKPHE·UKPI OF OGBONA in August 1994 10.Dr. Besiru Idode, Director General in the Public Service of Bendel state now Edo and Delta states. He was a Director General Ministry of Budget and Planning, Director General (DG) at the Directorate for Food Roads and Rural Infrastructure. (DFFRI and Sole Administrator Ika Local Government Authority, Agbor. 11. First Lawyer: Barr Ekhasemomhe: He gained admission to the Present day Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife in 1970 and studied law and graduated in 1973.He went to the Nigerian Law School and was called to bar in June,

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Origin, Structure and Activities of Ogbona Elites Forum

ORIGIN, STRUCTURE AND ACTIVITIES OF OGBONA ELITES FORUM (A presentation to Ogbona Apakhaide Union, April 2017 – By Gilbert Odior, President Ogbona Elites Forum)  Mr. Chairman Sir, members of “The Apakhaide Union”, other protocols well observed. It is with deep sense of honor and privilege for me to stand here today to intimate this house of the origin, goals and objectives, achievements and challenges of Ogbona Elites forum. The idea of having a social network forum where every INDIGENE of Ogbona can network for the unity and the development of Ogbona was the brain child of Stephen Adomhere and he added Mr. Gilbert E. Odior. Gilbert became the 1st Facebook account Admin for “I’M AN INDIGENE OF OGBONA” in March of 2016. Its primary objective is to unite all INDIGENES of Ogbona at home and in diaspora for the development of Ogbona. It was the first cautious attempt to provide a forum where all indigenes of our community could interact with one another, have insight into our culture and tradition, discuss burning issues and proffer possible solutions. Sometimes early last year, a lot of accounts were added to the said Facebook account including that of Mr. John Odior Anaweokhai. With the knowledge he gained from I’M AN INDIGENE OF OGBONA he decided to set up “The Ogbona Elites Forum” on WhatsApp in October, 2016 to complement I’m an Indigene Of Ogbona. Along the line, it was discovered that The Ogbona Elites Forum could not meet the yearnings and aspirations of every member owing to differences in religion and politics. Consequently, two additional fora, “Ogbona Political Elites” and “Ogbona Christian Forum” were further created to meet political and religion interests of members respectively. Though, the Christian Forum has been handed over to “The Ogbona Christian Association”. Today without mincing words, I’M AN INDIGENE OF OGBONA  Facebook account has over 1,000 membership while the WhatsApp account has over 130 members. It is imperative to state here that at the moment we are at the verge of coalescing all the fora under the umbrella body of Ogbona Elites Forum to be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission. OBJECTIVES OF THIS FORUM To unite all the elites of Ogbona extraction in any part of the world regardless of one’s ideological stand on issues that bother on politics, religion, profession, taste etc. To cross fertilize ideas on how to move Ogbona forward. To support and defend one another. To: showcase Ogbona cultural heritage. To serve as resource centre on Ogbona culture and traditions. To relive history and celebrate those that have helped to shape the history of Ogbona community. To restrain from partisan politics but without prejudice to supporting any Ogbona person who is contesting any elective position against an outsider. To remain neutral on any issue that involves two or more Ogbona persons. To accord respect, honour and reward to those that so deserve. To guide against gutter language that will attract sanctions as determined by elders of the forum. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE Gilbert E. Odior            President Bernard K. Ikhane       Vice President John Odior Anaweokhai Secretary General Peter Aigba Financial Secretary Philip Ogedegbe Treasurer Philip Orbih Legal Adviser Taye Odior Anavhe Public Relation Officer APPROVED BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gilbert E. Odior Bernard K. Ikhane John Odior Anaweokhai Felix Jones Osimerha Stella Mode Ferdinard Orbih Julie O Inu Umoru.  ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR In the course of our discussion last year we discovered that our secondary school had only three teachers which had necessitated the mass exodus of our students to the neighboring Iraokhor secondary school. It was also discovered that though there are six functional boreholes in our community there was the problem of diesel to power the pumping machines. We analyzed the problems and decided to proffer long and short term solutions. We sent out to generate fund from our people to meet the above needs. So far, through donations and dues we have been able to generate over N2.2M (two million, two hundred thousand naira). We have been able to employ thirteen teachers to teach various subject in the secondary school whose monthly wage bill is about N150,000 We also purchase N100, 000.00 worth of diesel every month to pump water. One of our long term solutions for the problem of pumping water at the six functional boreholes is the installation of solar power panels at the boreholes to reduce the cost of diesel. In the course of our forum discussions, Chief Dan Orbih promised to foot the bills of two of the solar panel systems for the sum of N10.5M, and the work has been completed and the solar power is working. We also discovered that the primary school pupils have acute problem with reading and in February this year, we organized a Three day workshop on the use of phonics, the latest technology in reading for the three primary schools teachers in Ogbona to get the pupils well-grounded in reading. This program was sponsored by Adolphus Asekomhe On the 1st of February, this year through our empowerment program, we presented a generator set and a clipper to Steamer the barber to aid his barbing business. Through our empowerment program also, Chief Ferdinard Orbih has instituted a scholarship program for an indigent Ogbona student at the Nigeria Law School. CHALLENGES Our forum is relatively new and most people have no idea of what we are about and objectives We are not here to compete with any organization but to complement. We need money to execute projects especially, the solar power system. The forum is open to every member irrespective of age, sex and political affiliation. We need active members to join us and contribute to the development of Ogbona. Encourage your children and siblings to join our forum. One of our other objective is to clinch the Chairmanship position of our local government Area in the next political dispensation and we need the support of everybody to achieve this goal. OTHER CHALLENGES Inability to

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