A Welcome Address By The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode To Ogbona Federated Union, Annual General Conference


Date: Saturday 15th April 2017, Place: Ogbona Town Hall

 The meeting started at 10.15am with prayer said by Chief Obadele Ogboalo. The President, Mr. Gregory Enegwea welcomed the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode and his Palace chiefs, all members and delegates to the conference. He thanked God for journey mercies granted to all. He further informed the house that Mr. Gilbert Odior is going to give a presentation about the Origin, Structure and Activities of Ogbona Elites Forum, while Abaye Igbadumhe will talk to the students about the importance of learning a trade along with their studies.

The president called on the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode to address the conference. He welcomed all members and delegates to the conference. He appreciated the contributions of the Ogbona Youth Forum and Ogbona Elites Forum and the contributions to the community. He urged the OFU as the parent body to carry along/embrace the OYF as they have some development projects they want to embark on. He believes that a combined efforts will yield better results for the community. He thanked the Ogbona Elites Forum for helping with the shortage of teachers at the Ogbona secondary school and currently the schools has more teaches than any school in the LGA.

Other Areas Covered by the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona

  1. He informed the house that the Ogbona Youth Forum promised to renovate their existing Corpers lodge and build additional rooms to accommodate more Corpers.
  2. He advised parents to always monitor their children or wards when they are home on vacation from schools to avoid mixing with bad gangs/cultists.
  3. He reported on the relative peace in the community and the police rarely have to arrest anyone.
  4. Because he does not always want to disturb the Ogbona indigenes in diaspora for the development of the community, they have asked those at home to be paying some levies towards the community development. Men will pay N1.000 each while the women will pay N500 each. The money is being collected by members of the various age groups for the development of the community.
  5. Relationship between Ogbona and Imiava, our neighbouring community is very cordial and they now exchange regular visits to help overcome the past issues and forestall future ones, however, there are some occasional frictions that are mainly attributable to our people.
  6. He informed the house the avhianwu clan rulers decided to create some more villages and each sub-clan was advised not to create more than 8-9 villages. At Ogbona, 8 villages were created with Akpagi as head with the Ikhaemhos in each village reporting to the Akpagi. Ivhiochie and Okotor have 3 villages/Akpagi each, while Ivhido and Ivhiorevho have one village/Akpagi each. An Akpagi now handle all issues in any quarters that the Ikhaemhos cannot handle and is only issues that the Akpagi cannot handle in their quarter that now come up to the Okphe Ukpi’s palace
  7. He thanked the OYF for their efforts at resolving the OFU Lagos branch issue and enjoin the Lagos branch to forget about issues and come together for the sake of our Community.
  8. He told the conference that, they have made some revisions to the marriage list that was earlier published. It now includes a certificate for N1, 000 and the eldest man now gets n2, 000. However, the Avhianwu clan has made a new list which now supersede that of the various sub-clans list. He will publish it as soon as it is finalized. He also said the payments during any marriage is dictated by the family and there shouldn’t be so much complains about the list as it is among the lowest in our state
  9. He reported the progress on the Esso sponsored building at Ogbona Secondary School. He reported that when completed, it will be the best school building the whole of Edo State
  10. He also reported on the federal government school and how he has being following up on it. He told the conference that NDDC has it in their budget to do the civil works within the school and the roads leading to the school.
  11. The Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona wished the house a fruitful deliberation and requested the house to excuse him to go and attend to other issues or engagements.
  12. There was a huge applause for the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona by the whole house as he did not speak from a prepared speech rather he talked to the house from his heart. The OFU president thanked him for his presence and his eloquent speech.


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