July 2018


THE TEENAGE GIRL AND HER GLORIOUS FUTURE BY DR. (MRS.) OMOLADE F. O. AKPA THE CONCEPT OF TEENAGE AND TEENAGE GIRL A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range from 13-18. They are called teenagers because their age number ends with “teen”. When a teenager turns 19 they are still a teenager, in addition to being a full legal adult. Usage by ordinary people varies, and also varies in different societies. Most societies traditionally had a formal ceremony to mark the change from childhood to adulthood. During puberty, rapid mental and physical development occurs. Adolescence is the name for this transition period from childhood to adulthood. A teenage girl therefore is a girl between the ages of 13 – 18.  CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES OF THE TEENAGE GIRL Appearance This probably features as the number one problem on every teenage girl’s problem list. This is the time when your body is constantly changing and you have to cope with it. To top it, you keep seeing and hearing about these figure-perfect bodies. Education This creates immense pressure on your you and leads to stress and undue pressure. Dating Teenage already comes with a lot of problems and challenges. The sudden increased flow of sex hormones inside the body makes it even worse. Also, this is an extremely confusing time for you, in terms of precautions, safe sex and how much involvement is okay and by choice. Bullying Bullying is one of the issues which bothers teenagers alot. This starts affecting their personality and behavior. You might also feel depressed and react strangely by keeping to herself. Friendship Teenage makes every relation seem complex. Even the beautiful bond of friendship often meets shaky grounds. This is because as a teenager, you develop social skills. Self-Esteem Teenage girls have this habit of comparing themselves, their body and their appearance to other girls of their age. This unconsciously creates a pressure on them. The changes in your teenage girl’s body might make her doubt herself. She might get extremely conscious about everything she does, wears or even talks about. This might adversely affect her self-esteem. Peer Pressure Peer pressure forces teenage girls to behave a certain way that gives them a sense of belongingness. By giving into peer pressure they feel one with their peers. This even leads them to take up habits that they otherwise aren’t supposed to or are interested in. Substance Use This is a major problem that most teenagers, girls and boys, face across the world today. In most cases, peer pressure introduces teenage girls to this dangerous habit. Teenage girls retort to substance use to ease their stress, feel secure and assured from within. Menstruation This is the time you will enter your menstruation phase for the first time. You might develop a lot of misconceptions and queries too in regard to your menstruation cycle. Depression Teenage girls can get affected by any random thing. When things don’t go their way, or when they don’t meet the standards that their peers have maintained, they feel pressurized and go into depression. Low grades, break ups, high parental expectations, weight gain, substance use, these are some of the many factors that trigger depression and are the major teen girl issues. Depression is the most common mental health problem faced by teenagers which may sometimes lead to suicide. Teenagers can’t differentiate sadness and depression. Many factors can lead to depression and the reaction of each teen is different to such things. Symptoms of major depression in teenagers Teenage sleep problems Behavioral changes Careless about physical safety Disturbed mental health Frequent health issues like headache Preoccupation with death and suicide Giving warning hints such as “I won’t be a problem for you much longer” Prolonged sad or angry mood Suddenly clearing out belongings and getting them in order Becoming suddenly cheerful without reason after being depressed Teenage pregnancy problems Pressure for Sex Teens and preteens are under tremendous pressure to experiment with sex. Researchers draw a direct link between teenage sexual activity, depression, and an increased risk of attempted suicide. Sexually active girls are more than three times more likely to be depressed than are girls who are not sexually active.   Fragmented Families  Whether children are living with one or two parents, many feel alienated from their parents at the very times they need them most. HOW TO PREPARE FOR A GLORIOUS FUTURE Always be yourself Being yourself makes you more comfortable and builds confidence in your heart and soul. Don’t forget to always be yourself. Do your best in school School sets you up on the right track! No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society. Strive for excellence in school; try your best, listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades. Doing so will help you get into a better college/university, which will enable you to get a great job in the future. Be aware before doing anything new Many people regret for the terrible mistakes they have done but at once it was what they exactly wanted. So, always be aware before doing anything new to yourself. Do what you love Do experiment and discover new things. Adopt a hobby; reading, writing, sewing, singing, dancing, playing a sport, making pottery, etc. It will pass time and help you develop your personality. Never take drugs Keep in mind; No drugs ever, they lead towards death. People who have tried them are now dead such as Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston and many other. If you can avoid these things during your teen years, they’re a lot easier to avoid once you’re out of high school and away from peer pressure. Draw your future Life is full of amazing things to do and learn about. Start from one single step to reach your goal. Start thinking about careers you would like to be in, but make a good choice based on your



SOME BUSINESS IDEAS FOR YOUNG SCHOOL LEAVERS PREMEABLE BY BAR. DICKSON IKHANE Each of us carries the candlestick of success within us, but we only get it lit by some habits which must be cultivated over time and among which hard work is salient. In order not to have a hard life, one must work hard. Laziness tends to poverty. To amount to failure in life, just sit and do nothing. Besides being industrious, one needs planning. Planning is crucial to success and it refers to putting in place measures that help you reach where you are going. To succeed, espouse the virtue of diligence and careful planning. Any great enterprise is the result of right planning, it isn’t accident. Also in the success story is the topic of discipline. Anyone whose dreams and desires success must be disciplined. This calls for you to deny yourself some present pleasure in order to lay hold on future gain. Some key areas you need discipline in order to succeed are your thought, speech, time, money, appetite and relationships both with peers and opposite sex. Show strong determination to succeed – more than ever before be determined in life to succeed. Determination is a strong desire to achieve something, to realize some set goals. It means having your mind firmly made up on the pursuit of your dream and in reaching your goal. Life’s success stories are a cumulative of small steps taken over time. Plan is like a seed planted which passes through three main stages. First is the blade stage, at which point there is nothing to celebrate in terms of dividend since the tender blade is at the mercy of lots of dangers that can stifle its growth. The ear phase is second, at which point there is great hope and encouragement since it is just a little while before the joy of harvest comes. Coming finally is the corn stage which is the fruition, the season of harvest. Every plan of man undergoes this process, and time is what separates sowing from reaping. To make this work, cultivate patience. Patience is a key ingredient in the success meal. Endure hard times; he that will eat the kernel must crack the nut. Success in life isn’t casual or by accident; it is purposeful.  HOW TO START A UNIQUE BARBING SALON BUSINESS Starting a barbing salon business is definitely one business idea that you have to consider. It is not only lucrative but fun and entertaining. When a banker resigns from the banking industry to set up a barbershop, he is either crazy or knows something that most people don’t. That was the case for Bruno Oaikhinan, the founder, and CEO of Bruno’s place (one of the top 5 hair salons in Lagos Nigeria). After taking a look at other lucrative business ideas including commercial cleaning business, Laundry and dry cleaning business, bread bakery business, cooking gas distribution business, computer business center, and farming business ideas, starting your own barbing salon business is totally worth the while. Luckily, a good barber shop will always attract new customers, even in a recession. Human hair will not stop growing just because the economy isn’t. The average man cares about his look and visits the barbershop every week, parting with between N200 and N5000 as service cost, thereby spending between N800 and N20,000 in a month. Therefore, we can safely assume that a barbershop with an average of 100 customers per month, can earn between N80,000 and N500,000 every month. There are other highly recommended small business ideas for men, but we will be considering this aspect in this article. Therefore, if you’re thinking of starting your own salon business, then read along. Things You Need To Do Before Starting Your Barbing Salon ·        Get the Necessary Skills & Training You must offer your customers the best of services and there is no better way than to get the appropriate training. A six months training in hair cutting, styling, treatment, and care will go a long way to set you apart from the crowd. Much more than everyday style, you need to keep up with styles that are in vogue. Read celebrity magazines, follow renowned hair stylists on Instagram and Facebook and see what their latest offerings look like. And peradventure you employ a staff, get the best. Don’t employ rookies because you want to save cost. Protect your brand. ·        Get an Accessible Location for Your shop If you intend to attract the choicest customers, your location must speak for your business. Site your business in a clean, spacious and accessible location. Shopping malls are good locations but you can also find other wonderful locations to plant your shop. It is always good to have a parking spot for car owners. Let them know you have enough room for them. This will go a long way to affect the way people patronize your services. ·        Setup Your Shop What’s an idea without a corresponding action? Now is the time for you to purchase your equipment and other important tools to get your shop running. For starters, you will need the following: List of barbing salon equipment Rotating/ Barber Chairs Original Clippers Sterilizers Standby Generator Electronic Sterilizers/ sterilizer kits Beautiful Furniture Standing fans/ Air Conditioners Interior decorations Cover Clothes Long and wide wall mirrors Hair Products & Cosmetics (Hair creams, Hair Sprays, dyes, relaxers, conditioners, Alcohol, etc.) Head washing basin Entertainment system Waiting chairs Lightning and wiring ·        Get A License This is to avoid any form of embarrassment from anyone including government agencies and labor associations. Make sure you are registered with the appropriate authorities and bodies. ·        Offer Different Kind of Services Who said you can’t offer more than a haircut? You could spice things up with the following: Manicures & pedicures Spa & makeup services Sale of clippers, shaving sticks, shaving powders, hair creams, shampoos, hairbrushes, etc. Making game consoles available for interested players Selling magazines, perfumes, male ties, cufflinks and other male products. Haircut training services ·        Have A Unique Selling Point Barbing salon business is



EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS BY (MRS.) OMOLADE F. O. AKPA Who is a teacher? A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.  A teacher’s role may vary among cultures. Teachers may provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the arts, religion, civics, community roles, or life skills. Formal teaching tasks include preparing lessons according to agreed curricula, giving lessons, and assessing pupil progress. A teacher’s professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. Outside of the classroom teachers may accompany students on field trips, supervise study halls, help with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline. Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world. To make a difference in a child’s life is a huge privilege. There are many key attributes to being an effective teacher but for me some of the key attributes are effective communication and establishing good relationships, guide children’s behaviour, setting up a good environment for learning and being well organized. Who is an effective teacher? Everyone knows that when it comes to making a difference in a child’s academics and life achievements, their teachers play a large role. A teacher’s ability to relate to their students, and teach them to achieve both socially and academically contributes to how effective they are, therefore, an effective teacher is one who strives to motivate and engage all their students in learning rather than simply accepting that some students cannot be engaged and are destined to do poorly. They believe every student is capable of achieving success at school and they do all they can to find ways of making each student successful.  Tips for Effective Teaching Be specific about what you are teaching Understand who you are teaching Make clear links to the broader course/program context Identify the best ways to teach this particular content Plan the teaching sessions in detail including the resources and support you will need Communicate clearly to students Determine how effective the teaching has been and make improvements Qualities of effective teachers The ability to develop relationships with their students Patient, caring, and kind personality Knowledge of learners Dedication to teaching Engaging students in learning What is Classroom Management? Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. When classroom-management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning. Generally speaking, effective teachers tend to display strong classroom-management skills, while the hallmark of the inexperienced or less effective teacher is a disorderly classroom filled with students who are not working or paying attention. Classroom management is crucial in classrooms because it supports the proper execution of curriculum development, developing best teaching practices, and putting them into action. Classroom management can be explained as the actions and directions that teachers use to create a successful learning environment; indeed, having a positive impact on students achieving given learning requirements and goals. In an effort to ensure all students receive the best education it would seem beneficial for educator programs to spend more time and effort in ensuring educators and instructors are well versed in classroom management. Effective classroom management: Establishes and sustains an orderly environment in the classroom. Increases meaningful academic learning and facilitates social and emotional growth. Decreases negative behaviors and increases time spent academically engaged. Factors to consider when choosing a classroom management system Effective classroom management can often be the difference between a classroom that’s focused and attentive and a classroom in which students struggle to achieve their educational objectives. Teachers face a variety of choices when it comes to classroom management. While some teachers take a direct approach to managing and directing their classrooms, others focus on building a friendly, collaborative relationship with their students. What are the advantages of classroom management? Effective classroom management is extremely important for ensuring students can learn in an environment that’s free of disruption. Good classroom management is a vital component of ensuring students reach their full academic potential. When teachers can effectively control the direction and behaviour of a classroom, students are likely to achieve improved academic results. This makes an effective classroom management system essential for teachers and students alike. High quality classroom management lets teachers control the direction that their classroom takes while preventing students from causing disruptions to their peers and setting back their potential to learn. What are the challenges of classroom management? Teachers face a variety of classroom management challenges. These can include disruptive students that slow or interrupt the pace of learning and ineffective or poorly thought out management techniques that worsen student behaviour. The most effective teachers typically understand a variety of effective classroom management techniques and use the most appropriate solution to keep their class free of disruption and focused on achieving its educational goals. What should you know about classroom management? Classroom management can often be the difference between a focused classroom that achieves its educational goals and a classroom that falls behind the average in its category. As a teacher, having an understanding of classroom management and the ability to apply classroom management techniques gives you the power to keep your entire classroom focused on achieving its objectives and academically productive. Classroom management in primary schools Classroom Management: Show No Fear Children can literally smell fear from a mile away. If they enter your classroom and know that you are scared, then they will take full advantage of that fear. If you are new to the job and are feeling anxious, then go by the motto of “Fake it until you make it.” Put on a fearless face and pretend that you are not scared of anything and that you are in complete


2018 Ogbona Elites Forum (OEF) Annual Career Day & Seminar for Students and Teachers at Ogbona

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 2018 Ogbona Elites Forum (OEF) Annual Career Day & Seminar for Students and Teachers at Ogbona Date:  12th & 13th July, 2018. Venues: Ogbona Secondary School & Imhakhena Primary School  Title: ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS, A SURE WAY TO GREATER FUTURE KEYNOTE ADDRESS: POVERTY, A COWARD IN THE FACE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS – Prof Egwakhe, A. Johnson OTHER SPEAKERS. Halifo Yacop: Financial Literacy for a Secured Future Mrs. Lade Akpa: Training the Trainer Bernard Ikhane: Vocational Interest & Inventory Blackman Aigbiremolen: Learning Skills for the 21st Century Student Clarita Panuel-Egwakhe: The Teenage Girl & Her Glorious Future. John Odior Anaweokhai: Boy, Know Thyself Co-coordinators Bernard Kasim Ikhane & John Odior Anaweokhai Agenda for the 2018 Career Day one – Thursday 12 July, 2018 Presenters Time Event Time Event Presenters Prof Egwakhe, A. Johnson 9.00–10.30 Entrepreneurship-Schooling & Out of School & Securing a financially independent Future 9.00–10.30 Entrepreneurship-Schooling & Out of School & Securing a financially independent Future Prof Egwakhe, A. Johnson Mr. Bernard Ikhane 10.30-1100 Vocational Interest & Inventory (VII) 10.30-1100 Vocational Interest & Inventory (VII) Mr. Bernard Ikhane Prof. Halifo Yacop 11.00-12:00 Financial Literacy for a Secured Future 11.00-12:00 Financial Literacy for a Secured Future Prof. Halifo Yacop 12:00 – 1.00 Lunch Break 11:00-12:00 Lunch Break Prof Egwakhe, A. Johnson 1:00 – 2:00 Escaping Poverty: The Conventional Tips 1:00–2:00 Train teachers on evaluation of the Vocational Interest Inventory (VII) Mr. Bernard Ikhane 2:00 – 2:15 Break 2:0 –2:15 Break Prof Egwakhe, A. Johnson 2:15 – 3:00 Escaping Poverty: The Conventional Tips Agenda for the 2018 Career Day Two – Friday 13 July, 2018 Presenters Time Event Time Event Presenters Blackman Aigbiremolen Consultant 9.00–10.30 Learning Skills for the 21st Century Students 9.00–10.30 Learning Skills for the 21st Century Students Blackman Aigbiremolen Consultant 10.30-10.45 Break 10.30-10.45 Break Blackman Aigbiremolen Consultant 10.45-12:00 Learning Skills for the 21st Century Student 10.45-12:00 Learning Skills for the 21st Century Student Blackman Aigbiremolen Consultant 12:00-1.00 Lunch Break 12:00-1:00 Lunch Break Ben Ikhane and John Anaweokhai 1:00-1:15 Donation of Novels, charts & Markers to Primary Schools 1:00-1:15 Donation of Novels, Charts & Markers to Primary Schools Ben Ikhane and John Anaweokhai Mrs. Clarita Panuel-Egwakhe, Dr. Mrs. Lade Akpa 1:15-3:00 The Teenage Girl & Her Glorious Future 1:15-4:00 Effective Teaching/Classroom Management for Primary and Secondary School Teachers Ben Ikhane and Dr. Mrs. Lade Akpa 1:15-3:00 Boy, Know Thyself John Anaweokhai, Prof Johnson Egwakhe and others All 3:00-3:30 Photo Session and closing with the students OEF VOLUNTERING DONATIONS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHING AIDS S/N BOOKS QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS 1 MACMILLAN NEW ENGLISH 1 TO 6.600EACH… 34 NGN 600 NGN 20,400 2 MACMILLAN CHAMPION MATHS 1 TO 6.800EACH… 20 NGN 800 NGN 16,000 3 UNDERSTANDING MATHS 1 TO 6.700EACH… 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 4 LIVING AS GOD’S CHILDREN 1 TO 6 600EACH… 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 original 5 MACMILLAN PRY SCIENCE 1 TO 6.700EACH… 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 6 MACMILLIAN PRY SOCIAL STUDIES 1 TO 6 700EACH… 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 7 WABP CIVIL EDUCATION 1 TO 6.600EACH… 18 NGN 600 NGN 10,800 8 WABP P.H.E 1 TO 6.700EACH… 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 9 MACMILLAN PRY AGRIC SCIENCE 1 TO 6 700EACH… 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 10 LANTERN COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 TO 6 700EACH… 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 11 QUANTITATIVE AND VERBAL REASONING 1 TO 6.700EACH 18 NGN 700 NGN 12,600 12 MACMILLAN ENG WORKBOOK 400EACH… 18 NGN 400 NGN 7,200 13 MACMILLAN MATHS WORKBOOK 400EACH… 18 NGN 400 NGN 7,200 14 WALLPAPER 400EACH… 18 NGN 400 NGN 7,200 15 SMALL ONE OF IT 200EACH… 18 NGN 200 NGN 3,600 16 COPY BOOK 1 TO 6 250EACH 18 NGN 250 NGN 4,500 17 LEARNING ADIDS FOR NUSERY SCHOOLS 0 NGN 0 NGN 0 ITEMIZED BELOW 18 SMALL BUILDING BLOCKS 3 NGN 2,700 NGN 8,100 19 BUILDING BLOCKS (38 PIECES) 3 NGN 2,800 NGN 8,400 20 BUILDING BLOCKS (39 PIECES) 3 NGN 2,500 NGN 7,500 21 PUZZLE MATHS BLOCKS 3 NGN 2,500 NGN 7,500 22 ABC (ORIGINAL) BLOCKS 3 NGN 1,300 NGN 3,900 23 1,2,3,4 BLOCKS 3 NGN 1,300 NGN 3,900 TOTAL NGN 217,000 DONATION FROM GILBERT ODIOR CHILDREN S/N BOOKS QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS 1 AMINA THE PAMPERED CHILD 250, 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 2 PRECIOUS LITTLE DARLING 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 3 THE BABY SISTER 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 4 KUNLE THE VILLAGE BOY 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 5  SINGING SHOE 400 6 NGN 400 NGN 2,400 6 THE HONEY BEE AND THE BEE EATER 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 7 THE MAGIC BOX 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 8 TORTOISE AND THE MAGIC STICK 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 9 SADA AT THE BEACH 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 10 MOJI AND MALARIA 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 11 THE FALL OF ANIMAL KINGDOM 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 12 HOW THE LION BECAME THE KING OF ANIMALS 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 13 THE GODS ARE NOT TO BLAME 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 14 THE REJECTED STONE 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 15 THE CUNNING TORTOISE 350 6 NGN 350 NGN 2,100 16 EZE GOES TO SCHOOL 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 17 THE TRIPLETS PT1,2,3,250EACH 18 NGN 250 NGN 4,500 18 THE MONKEY AND THE BABY LION 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 19 VILLAGE BOY 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 20 FAMITA 250 6 NGN 250 NGN 1,500 TOTAL FOR BOOKS NGN 38,700 NGN 255,700 ORIGINAL DONATION FROM OEF TO OGBONA PRIMARY SCHOOLS 1 BOOKS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL (NOVELS) 1 NGN 72,000 NGN 72,000 2 ASSORTED CHARTS (PLASTIC AND PAPER) 20 FOR EACH SCHOOL MAKING 60 NGN 700 NGN 42,000 3 CARD BOARD PAPERS FOR TEACHER’S PRACTICE: 24 DOZEN AT 500 EACH 24 NGN 500 NGN 12,000 4 ERASABLE MARKERS FOR OGBONA SECONDARY SCHOOL – 1 CARTON 1 NGN 25,000 NGN 25,000 TOTAL NGN 151,000 ALL ITEMS DONATION TO OGBONA PRIMARY SCHOOLS NGN

2018 Ogbona Elites Forum (OEF) Annual Career Day & Seminar for Students and Teachers at Ogbona Read More »