A Chat with Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode on April 14, 2017
A Chat with Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode on April 14, 2017 Amateur reporting by Gilbert Odior, President Ogbona Elites Forum How long have you been the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona Installed as the Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona in 2010 What do you consider your major achievements so far? There has been relative peace and security in the community. Good relationship among Ogbona Children Better relationship with our neighbouring Communities Good relationship with our sons and daughters across the world There has been a few developments but looking forward to attracting some more development projects to our community Modernize our governing process with appointment of Akpagis, Isese and others What are your major challenges and how did you overcome Getting the people to understand my agenda and vision for Ogbona Issues between the palace and the village youths. Will continue to organize enlightenment meetings with them Turn out at any meeting by the youth is very low but hoping it will improve with time What is your vision for Ogbona? See Ogbona as one big family and trust among our sons and daughters Promote Development as one family Discuss issues and progress as one family Development in several areas including cottage industries, farms etc. Attract development projects to our community What do you want from your subjects to improve the lot of the Community? Embrace all associations that are for the development of our community Participation in the activities of the community and contribution of ideas and support to move the community forward Scholarships and foundations for our children to go to Higher institutions Visit home occasionally to fellowship with us and let your children know where you are from If someone wants land at Ogbona, who does he/she approach? The Palace has a laid down policy on land allocation and resolving land disputes or issues. You approach your village chief or the Okhaemho for land The village chief will take you to the chairman of the land allocation committee (Currently Chief Lawrence Iyevhobu) Depending on your need, personal or commercial, the committee will work with you to get your required land We heard that you have introduced some new form of governance at Ogbona. The avhianwu clan rulers decided to create some more villages in each sub-clan and advised not to create more than 8-9 villages. At Ogbona, 8 villages were created with Akpagi as head with the Ikhaemhos in each village reporting to the Akpagi. Ivhiochie and Okotor have 3 villages/Akpagi each, while Ivhido and Ivhiorevho have one village/Akpagi each. Only 2 Akpagis have been installed but most of them have been appointed An Akpagi now handle all issues in any quarters that the Ikhaemhos cannot handle and is only issues that the Akpagi cannot handle in their quarter that now come up to the Okphe Ukpi’s palace Under the Ikhaemhos who take care of all kindred issues, we have the Iduevhos that handle mostly family issues, domestic violence etc. Also reporting to the Okphe Ukpi directly are the “Isese” – currently the chairman is Kuku Anabor The Isese compliment the Akpagis by settling matters /disputes between family members and neighbours. Also reporting to the Okphe Ukpi is the security committee
A Chat with Okphe Ukpi of Ogbona, Chief Willy Uloko Idode on April 14, 2017 Read More »