Ogbona The Melody,, Our Land and Our home

Ogbona is one of the agro-based communities in Edo State. The community is known for farming yams, groundnuts, maize, cassava, and cashew nuts. Though mainly farmers, we love making music and melody in Ogbona.
Ogbona is most famous for consistently producing top-tier musicians in and around Edo. These musicians are renowned for their rich melodies, philosophical compositions, rhythms, and emotional music, making them unparalleled in the region.
Some of the notable musicians are Gen Bolivia Osigbemhe, King Benji Igbadumhe, Mayor Constance Bolivia Osigbemhe, Evang Ochuwa Ikpemhi Amedu, Mrs. Titi Enegwea (Izi Dance Band of Ogbona), Iyodo Odogbo, Evang Florence Israel Oyarenua, Calinez Bolivia Osigbemhe, Mrs. Ashetu Aluoghor, Oyarekhua Mustapha AKA Mr. Soft and Victor Odogbo among others
1. Gen Bolivia Osigbemhe
2. King Benji Igbadumhe
3. Iyodo Odogbo
4. Mr. Omoh Omiawa (Uncle One-Blow)
5. Ochuwa Ikpemhi Amedu
6. Evang Florence Israel Oyarenua
7. Mayor Constance Bolivia Osigbemhe
8. Calinez Bolivia Osigbemhe
9. Evang Valentine Bolivia Osigbemhe
10. Lucky Odogbo
11. Christian Odogbo Young Ichoye
12. Mr. Oghie Omiawa (Ongee Ogbona One)
13. Mrs. Judith Amhanesi Ifidon
14. Charity Okhotor
15. Mrs. Ashetu Aluoghor
16. Mrs Omholua Elizabeth.
17. Gabriel Igbadumhe
18. Anomhe Mary
19. Izibiri Ozenua Okpapi from Ivhiochie
20. Joseph Esibor.
21. Idanwekhai Stanley
22. Valentine Erasor
23. Oyarekhua Mustapha AKA Mr Soft
24. Anneline Ikponwosa nee Bolivia Osigbemhe
25. Sis. Vivian Oregbemhe
26. Praise Odogbo Junior Ichoye
27.Valenrino Bolivia Osigbemhe.
28. Mrs. Alukhe Oshiotse (Osikpamohbor Dance Group)
29. Mrs. Shaibu Enate
30. Mr. Attorney Ikhana Dance
31. Mrs. Titi Enegwea (Izi Dance Band of Ogbona)
32. Agbagbona
33. Ekpe Mochi
34. Alasa Obiaza
35. Panayo Bolivia Osigbemhe
Discover Ogbona: The Heartbeat of Music
Our community is a vibrant melting pot of exceptional musicians, celebrated for their soulful melodies, thought-provoking compositions, and infectious rhythms, making them unparalleled in the regionMeet the maestros who make Ogbona’s music scene so unforgettable: Gen. Bolivia Osigbemhe, King Benji Igbadumhe, Iyodo Odogbo, Mr. Omoh Omiawa (Uncle One-Blow), Ochuwa Ikpemhi Amedu, Evang. Florence Israel Oyarenua, Mayor Constance Bolivia Osigbemhe, Calinez Bolivia Osigbemhe,
Evang. Valentine Bolivia Osigbemhe, Lucky Ichoye Odogbo, Christian Odogbo Young Ichoye, Oghie Omiawa (Ongee Ogbona One), Mrs. Judith Amhanesi Ifidon, Charity Okhotor, Mrs. Ashetu Aluoghor, Mrs. Omholua Elizabeth, Gabriel Igbadumhe, Anomhe Mary, Izibiri Ozenua Okpapi, Joseph Esibor, Idanwekhai Stanley, Valentine Erasor, Oyarekhua Mustapha AKA Mr Soft, Uncle One Blow (Akabanode), Victor Odogbo, Gabriel Igbadumhe, Anneline Ikponwosa nee Bolivia Osigbemhe, Sis. Vivian Oregbemhe, Praise Odogbo Junior Ichoye, Valenrino Bolivia Osigbemhe, Mrs. Alukhe Oshiotse (Osikpamohbor Dance Group), Mrs. Shaibu Enate, Mr. Attorney Ikhana Dance and Mrs. Titi Enegwea (Izi Dance Band of Ogbona) among others

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