Free Medical Outreach Report: A Beacon of Hope for Ogbona Community

Dear Esteemed Ogbona Community Members,

We are pleased to share with you a summary report of the 3rd Ogbona Elites Forum Free Medical Outreach (attached). This report highlights:

– Generous donations received from our supporters
– Program expenditures
– Medical ailments treated and patients assisted

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support, which has made a significant impact on our community members’ lives by providing access to essential medical care.

Please note that due to security challenges, our medical team from Makurdi was unable to join us, and we were unable to perform eye surgeries, distribute glasses, or handle dental cases. This unforeseen circumstance resulted in a surplus in our budget.

Thank you again for your kindness and commitment to our community’s well-being. We look forward to future collaborations and continuing to make a positive difference together.

Best regards,

Gilbert Odior
President, Ogbona Elites Forum

Free Medical Outreach Report: A Beacon of Hope for Ogbona Community
The Ogbona Elites Forum recently hosted a 3-day medical outreach program at the MCK Orbih Comprehensive Health Centre, Ogbona, from September 3rd to 5th, 2024. This initiative drew over 450 people daily from Ogbona and surrounding villages, seeking essential medical care.

Here’s a snapshot of the program’s impact:
1.1,147 individuals received treatment
2.42 surgeries performed:
17 appendix cases
20 hernia cases
5 other surgeries

Laboratory Test Results:
Malaria: 126 cases
Typhoid: 12 cases
Hepatitis B: 82 cases
 Hepatitis C: 82 cases
Sugar level tests: 186
Pregnancy tests: 5
H.Pylori tests: 18
PSA tests: 4
PCV tests: 75
RVS (HIV) tests: 85
Urinalysis tests: 35

This outreach program demonstrated the Ogbona Elites Forum’s commitment to providing essential healthcare services to the community.


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