The 2024 New Yam Festival (Esi) in Ogbona/Avhianwu

The New Yam Festival (Esi) in Ogbona/Avhianwu
The Significance of the annual Esi festival
This annual celebration is a time for the people of Ogbona/Avhianwu to show appreciation to God for His goodness and bountiful harvest at the end of every farming season.
August marks the joyous celebration of Esi, the new yam festival, in the Ogbona Community. This grand event is akin to Christmas in its elaborate nature, filled with festivities and merriment!
A Culinary Delight
Savor the flavors of our traditional melon soup (egusi) and draw soup (ogbono or ogbolo), served with pounded yam. Yam is the star of the show, and its significance in Esi celebrations cannot be overstated – it’s considered taboo to celebrate without it!
The Preparations
The day before Esi, Evhia, is a busy time, ensuring everything is ready, especially the yams. The first day, Eomhi, features Ekeke soghosoghor as the main soup with pounded yam. The second day, Ewor, is a ceremonial day, with Omhi Akphe as the traditional soup, and a time to welcome visitors.
2024 Festival Dates
The 2024 Ogbona Esi (New Yam) festival celebration will take place on August 25th and 26th, 2024, as directed by the community elders.
Note: Part of this write-up was adapted from “Ogbona that Flows in My Veins” by Dr. John Anaweokhai.

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